When He Is Being Reckless

It's Okay To Be Reckless
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Yesung throws his backpack onto the bed harshly before taking off his shoes and puts them carelessly on the floor. Siwon walks behind Yesung with a  clear frown decorating his tired face. Siwon grabs Yesung’s arm, forcing Yesung to stop his step and looks at him.

“Are you mad?” asked Siwon softly. He tries his best not to blow off.

“I don’t like being treated like a kid!” replied Yesung as he tried to pull his arm off Siwon’s hand.

“I didn’t-“

“You followed me!” cut Yesung. “I have asked your permission to go here and you agreed. I told you where I would go and I even called you whenever I could since you kept on telling me to call you whenever it is possible to make a call. I did what you want me to! And even after all those things, you still follow me? You didn’t trust me or what?”

“I’m just worrying about you.”

Yesung chuckles loudly as he looks away from Siwon. “But that doesn’t mean you can just show up here. I mean, I’m not a teenager and this is not even my first trip. I’ve been to many places… even the dangerous ones.”

Siwon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Siwon has been worrying sick about his own husband for weeks and had to get through many problems to reach this place, yet Yesung acts as if he has done a very big mistake. Yesung threw tantrum since the very first minute he saw Siwon.

“Just take a shower first. I know you’ve been in places with no warm water or even clean water….” Siwon takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. “… and we need to calm our heads before we have another talk.” Siwon knows he needs to take a rest. He has been feeling dizzy since hours ago. He certainly has no power to have an argument with Yesung right now.

“Whatever,” answered Yesung coldly before he walked to the bathroom and then closed the door harshly, resulting a loud ‘bam’.

Siwon sighs for the umpteenth time. He brings his step to the bed and lies. Siwon covers himself with the thick blanket and tries to get some sleep. Siwon thinks he probably catches flu since this city is indeed such a cold place.


Yesung and Siwon are currently staying in a hotel in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. Two months ago Yesung told Siwon that he was about to have a 3-week-journey exploring Tibet. Before giving his ‘okay’, Siwon read some information about Tibet. The country is still regarded as a developing country but many travelers say Tibet is a safe place. It’s a home of infamous Dalai Lama after all. People lives for worshipping their Gods.

What harm can this place bring? Siwon thought.

Siwon eventually agreed under one condition, Yesung should call him whenever it was possible to make a call.

This journey was not Yesung’s first trip. Siwon knows very well that his husband loves traveling. Yesung has been going to many different countries even before they knew each other. As a freelance translator, Yesung definitely has enough time – and money – to do his hobby. Siwon, does, sometime complain about Yesung’s hobby but there is nothing he can do to stop Yesung. The said man always has his way to convince Siwon to give him permission.

However, two weeks ago, Siwon somehow learned the route Yesung was taking to reach Tibet. Instead of taking a flight to the capital city, Yesung chose a dangerous route. Entering Tibet is not easy in the first place. As a conflicting area, the Chinese government obliges every visitor to obtain a special permit before entering the so-called-sacred place, and the permit doesn’t come cheap.

Yesung, however, entered Tibet via the borderland of China without any official permission from the authorized government. Yesung traveled from the very last city belongs to China named Kargilik to the capital of Tibet. It was not an easy trip for sure. No decent land transportation available. Yesung needed to take some old buses or already-wrecked cars, and even walked to pass through mountains and other deadly tracks. Sometimes he would stay in an unknown village for a day or two to wait for passing cars or busses.
“I don’t wanna spend my money for that stupid permits!” Here came Yesung’s argument when Siwon confronted him about his permit to enter Tibet. It was a week after Yesung’s departure and he was in a village with name Siwon couldn’t remember.

Siwon knew that this was not the first time Yesung taking a dangerous route. That petite guy had once gone to Papua New Guinea for two weeks. But at that time he was accompanied by two other travelers, two anthropologic or something, who worked on some research related to tribe.  But right now, it’s different. Yesung went by himself. Well, Siwon has also known that there are times when Yesung met other solo traveler and they would travel together but most of the time he would surely be by himself.

The fact that Yesung traveled alone and, the most important, without official permit really made Siwon worry. Making use of his family’s connection, Siwon finally could obtain Chinese visa and special permit to Tibet for himself and of course for Yesung. A lot faster than common people.

Right after he had the documents in his hand, Siwon took a flight to Beijing and then took another flight using a lot smaller airplane to Lhasa. But even after he had arrived in Lhasa, still he could not just find Yesung. Siwon only had little information about his husband whereabouts. From the last conversation they had on the phone, Yesung was on his way to Lhasa before he take another route to Everest basecamp. Siwon was really frustrated because he couldn’t reach Yesung through his phone. He was afr

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413 streak #1
Chapter 1: Aaaaw, that's super sweeeeeet 😍😍😍
SiWonYesung #2
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Rereading. This one's really beautiful. Realistic and fluffy! <3
I love it! Keep weiting authour-nim :)
siwonie #5
Chapter 1: I feel so warm reading this fic :3
Thankyou for writing and sharing your yewon fic with us ❤
Cloudest #6
Chapter 1: It's been a while since someone wrote an yewon fic... Thank you for sharing this it's really sweet ^^
Melodyewonkyu #7
Chapter 1: Oh dear.
So sweet and cute
YeWon always make my smile coz them to cute together.

Thanks for sharing. ^^