지켜줄게 (Take Care of You)


8 years of a marriage is not something you could take on lightly. And as for Jaejoong, in this past 8 years of his life with his dearest alpha husband, he learnt a thing; when you decided to love someone, you got to be ready if someday you have to let the love away. In exchange of a happiness.

Kim Jaejoong wants a happiness for his husband, Jung Yunho.



(Take Care of You)






He guessed it was around the middle of the night when he got his eyes opened. He felt like he was just hit by a truck and it was refusing to be stretched. The bedside lamp on the right of him was dimmed it made shadows on the walls. It was so silent and still—what is this soggy feeling on my body? , all he could hear was the machine(s?) beeping ever so steadily and the whooshing sound made from above his head every time he exhaled.

Oh—something crossed his mind. He closed his eyes for a couple of second then took a deep-shaky breath upon bringing his hand to confirm his thought.

An oxygen mask, placed—strapped, over his nose and mouth.

No, not again, please.

His brain was desperately trying to delete the nasty thought, only to get his need for an inhale quicken and the beeping machine(s?) was beeping even more frantically.

He clenched his hands in tight fists and got the prickly feeling on his—oh, his hooked up left hand.

God, no, please no.

He felt his head started to spin and the beeps sound now sounded more like screeching tires on a sunny road—all hot and deafening, to his ears. A couple of tears were started to trickle down on his masked face. He held the sobs as he brought his now shaky and unhooked hand to meet the thin material that covering his middle.

That was all he could remember before he saw pitch black.



B: I can only say hullo!

(And thanks for reading! :D)


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Looking forward to this^^
maggiechan #2
Another story of pathetic poor weak Jaejoong ? Lol
Uh oh..
What's happening...
Who is it..

Waiting for the 1st chapter..
Looks very promising