first day chaos


[hey,are you even listening?] I heard Appa’s voice on the other line. I was in the middle of my trance that I forgot we were talking on the phone.

“yeah..okay..bye” finally he already ended the call.Remind me to change my number later haha just kidding.Oh yeah back to reality,I’m now walking inside Seoul University,I got transferred again and hell! It was a boarding school ugh this . Yeah, I got kicked out from my university in Los Angeles,California for the nth time that Appa decided to threw me back here in Korea saying that I already ran out of university to study in freaking California so he said that I should be thankful that this legitimate university took me in.Tss,what’s so good about this like seriously, the moment I stepped in I automatically felt  goosebumps geez.

I proceeded to the principal’s office and he gladly welcomed me then he called for a female student that he asked to guide me to my dorm.

“annyeong~ Lee Suhyun imnida” she smiled at me making her eyes disappear.I just stared at her with my poker face.I swear I saw her pout from my peripheral view,geez how I wish she’s not my roommate.

“we’re here” Suhyun chirped and we stopped at a certain room door.She opened the door and stepped inside before me.Oh crap,don’t tell me..

“Annyeong Suhyun-ah, oh? She’s the transferee?” a girl with small face beamed at us.

“neh~” Suhyun answered and put my luggage on the side.They stood in front of me.

“hmm..She’s from California right?” the girl said while caressing her chin.

“neh~ but she’s Korean” Sunhyun smiled again.I wanna rolled my eyes at her cheerful ness.I hate loud people.

“annyeong~ oh! Hello, my name’s Hayi” the small faced girl introduces herself in English.

“Kim Winter.” I said flatly and crossed my arms.

“ahh..y-yeah~” Sunhyun started,feeling the awkward atmosphere.

I looked around and saw four beds, four freaking beds, oh no! no! NO! I'll have another roomate beside this two?

“welcome to Seoul uni and welcome to our room” Hayi chirped.I mentally drop my jaw.they are..

“roommates! Group hug!” Sunhyun encircled her arms around me and Hayi. Ugh! I was being suffocated.I pushed them away and went to fix my things.I guess I’ll just have to endure it,like I have a choice anyways and I wonder where could that another roomate is.

Lunch came,I walked onto the cafeteria which Sunhyun gave me the direction earlier well it doesn't really looks like I'm listening to her blabbering most of it were just nonsense things so I didn’t really focused.

I lazily dragged my feet to look for a table while holding my tray.I found an empty one on the middle part.When I sat down I felt like all of them are staring at me until I hear some gossiping girls near my table.

“is she the transferee?”

“why did she sat there?”

“does she even know she mustn’t sat there, it’s Bangtan’s table”

Bangtan? What the hell was that?

I was too immersed in my thoughts when I realized a group of guys are already sitting with me on my table.I blinked at them while they stare back.

“I see,we have a visitor eh?” a guy with a square mouth was grinning creepily at me.I instantly inched away but I bumped into someone,I turned my head and saw a guy with a very tiny eyes was smirking at me.

He suddenly s his arms around my waist and I flinched.I abruptly stood up and the next thing happened,he was now on the ground with a bleeding lips.

“WHAT THE HELL?” he hissed while a guy with a button nose and a guy with the square mouth was helping him to stood up.I just glare back at them.

“byuntae” I hissed back.Now we got all the students’ attention, I hear murmurings again but I just turned my heels and started walking away.I was busy cursing the out of that byuntae that I haven’t seen someone coming from my direction.


The beverage and the tray on the food flew to the face of the guy in front of me.I glanced up and our eyes met,he was staring unto my soul what the hell?

“YAH!” he growled.I flinched a little but that doesn’t mean I’ll just let it slip,nobody yells like that to my face!

“AISH!” I hissed and was about to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

“YAH!” I yelled at him.He was freaking grabbing my arm hardly that it could break any time.I tried to pulled it back but he just tightened his grip while he glares at me.Chills ran down my spine when I stare back on his dark orbs.I was literally looking up at him because he was tall.

“WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!” he growled glaring down on me.I did not gave him an answer instead I started glaring back.

“DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM HUH?!” he growled again,his face is now dripping wet just like his hair because of the soda that got splashed on him hell he was damn hot on that wet look.Oh crap did I just thought of that?I mentally shook my head.

“should I know?” I answer back with a flat tone.His grip on my arm tighten even more.I admit that I’m starting to feel the freaking pain but there’s no way I’m gonna back down from him yelling at me.

“yah Goo Junhoe,why don’t you get yourself up” a guy with a very pale skin held that Junhoe guy’s arm that was holding onto me.The latter let go of my damn arm harshly.Ugh! his grip left a mark,no it was a bruise a ing purple bruise I am certain of that.I felt my blood circulation going back to normal.

I glared at them one last time before turning my heels to leave the cafeteria.

Geez really Winter? It’s just your first day here and now you’re starting to make trouble. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustrations then I went back to my dorm.

a/n: there you go with the first chapter. I love to read your thoughts so please leave a comment :)

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