You what?!

Ticket to anywhere

Still Seolhyun's Pov

"You what?!" I asked looking at her and she seemed to be uneasy. 

"Well you know, things happened and it got out of control... One day I met her..."

"Amber did something happened between the two of you?! How come I never knew you know her? I mean we met her in the hotel right?" Now I'm confused as hell. How come they met and getting married is this kind of joke cause if it is. It ain't funny.

"Listen first Hyunnie. I don't know her personally. The day in the hotel when I was about to head out for air. I accidentally met her she kissed me and her father said we should get married." 

"She kissed you?! Amber what the hell?! I thought you like me and willing to try? How come..."

"And that's why I'm saying this to you. I'm being honest. Krystal said we really don't need to get married. We can fake it and I can still be with you."

"Why you of all people? I mean she's pretty and nice. Heck she's even one of the richest bachelorettes I know. Why?"

"I... Actually don't know. Our supposed to be date was cut off because I had dinner with her family..."

"And why did you agree at the first place? I mean you have a choice." I said sulking. Is this even serious?

"I was scared. Have you seen Mr. Jung? He's..."

"Scared? Am... You can say no. Or do you want to be married to her? Do you like her Am? That fast?"

"Of course I dont! It's just that I was already dragged into this. Besides it will not be a real marriage... It's just" she stopped talking and got her phone ringing. I was curious who is she talking to right now. 

"Yes... I'm already talking to no you dont have to go here... Hello!? Hello?? Krys! Aishh jinjja!" She sighed in frustration. 

"Hyunnie I... Aishh this. Krystal is on her way here. She wants to talk to you." She said and obviously worried. Worried? About what?

"Am, if you're marrying her why do you still need to marry me? She's everything you could ask for don't you think?" Yes my stupid brain started to work now. Good. Just good.

"I want to marry you Seolhyun." 

"Why? Why pick me?"

"My parents like you. They want me to marry you and I..."

"So you're marrying me just because of that?"

"Aniyo. I'm marrying you cause I feel you'll be a good partner in life. My parents were always right. I was just so stubborn for leaving them like that. I want them to be happy for me choosing the right girl and for choosing what will makes me happy."

"Just that?" I felt disappointed because she only picked me because it's her parents' wish. Is she going to love me too just because of that?

"I just can't explain what I feel towards you. I like you Seolhyun that's for sure. I wanted us to work. Will you let me?" She looked in my eyes and held my hand. I really feel the sincerity everytime this girl is talking. 

"Amber, I like you too... I'm just afraid of-" 

"Afraid of what Kim?" A sophisticated girl walked her way towards us. Now I suddenly felt little. If I can compete with my sisters, what more if it's her? She's the very definition of the word perfect. Heck even if I'm girl I think she swoons every single guy in the world.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim." I greeted politely and Amber still being uneasy as she is kept on shifting.

"No need for such formality Kim. So I assumed Amber has told you?" She asked as we all sat down.

"Yes. I just can't understand why? I mean sun-"

"Call me Soojung. I'm younger and it's really weird if you keep calling me sunbae when we're outside the school. Besides we're gonna be close from now on. Knowing that you and a thing now." She said hesitantly. I don't know but I can see a hint of pain in those eyes looking at our intertwined fingers.

"Soojung, why fake a marriage with Amber? She's engaged to me. You knew that. I told you that. You can also have any man of your choice. So why Am?" I asked and she became silent.


*ring ring*

"Excuse me. But can I take this call first?" She asked and we both nodded.

"So... What do you think?" Amber said worriedly.

"This is just plain crazy. I'll be sharing you? Though it'll be fake but still I'm sharing you." 

"That's why I'm talking things out. If you don't want's fine. We don't have to get married." She said and I was saddened by the thought of not marrying her. But am I willing to take this stupid setup?

"Can I think about it first?"

"Sure. Just tell me if you already have your decision. Okay?"

"Am, if ever I will agree, don't hurt me?"

"Of course I won't, that was the last thing I have in mind."

"Thank you Am."

"Ahm guys, I got to go. Let's talk about everything next time." Soojung said and was again preparing to leave.

"Oh. Do you want me to give you a ride?" Amber offered and I hate it. Why does she need to be concern with her when they just have to pretend?

"Ani. I can do it myself. I'm sorry if I interrupted your date. I hope you won't take it the wrong way Kim. Again have a nice day you two." She said and left. 

"I guess Imma have a date with you again. Let's enjoy the day shall we?" Amber said and smiled hoping that the situation will loosen up. I already got an answer but still hesitating. I nodded as answer hoping that this won't be a bad idea.


Mianhae mianhae ~~ things are really slow huh? Hope you wont unsubscribe. Comments juseyooooo

For those who comment every update. Thanks guys. I will reply to those comments once I'm done with my prelim exams. Promise. I love you. 



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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 12: Author nim please update
randrew1215 #2
Chapter 12: Author are you still going to update this?
mende1 #3
Chapter 12: how about an update?
user-E #4
Chapter 12: whats next?
GEoRuth #5
Chapter 12: Dead!!! When is the next one? Ahahahaha!
Zerozz #6
Chapter 12: That soo funny.. :)
Update more author-nim XD
GEoRuth #7
Chapter 12: hahahaha. Yeah you are so dead.
Chapter 12: ohhh....she be dead alright :) interesting story, hope you can continue :)

Chapter 12: Lol awesome update author XD