Chances are...

Taemin’s day began like any other. The soft hum of his alarm clock vibrated through the room, gently pulling him from a restful sleep. He stretched lazily, glancing at the clock on his bedside table. It was 7:00 AM. He rolled out of bed, his feet hitting the cool wooden floor as he made his way to the bathroom.

After a quick shower, he dressed in his usual attire—comfortable jeans and a simple T-shirt. He glanced at his guitar resting against the wall, a symbol of his passion and his job at the local music store. Today promised to be another busy day, filled with customers, guitar tuning, and the occasional impromptu jam session.

Downstairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted him. His mother, always the early riser, was already in the kitchen, humming softly as she prepared breakfast. She looked up as Taemin entered, a warm smile spreading across her face.

“Good morning, Minnie,” she said, placing a plate of toast and eggs on the table.

“Morning, Mom,” he replied, returning her smile, 'she never stops using that nickname, he thought as he took a seat and began to eat, the familiar routine bringing a sense of comfort and stability to his day.

As they ate, they chatted about the usual topics—the weather, the latest neighborhood gossip, and Taemin’s plans for the day. His mother’s laughter filled the room, a sound that always brought him a sense of peace. She had been his rock ever since his father left, providing unwavering support and love.

“Speaking of plans, have you asked that girl, Naeun, out yet?” his mother teased, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

Taemin nearly choked on his toast, his cheeks flushing bright red. “Mom!” he protested, embarrassed by her teasing.

His mother laughed, the twinkle in her eyes betraying her amusement. “I’m just teasing, sweetheart. But I do think she’s lovely. You should ask her to join us for dinner sometime.”

Taemin rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. His mother’s matchmaking antics were nothing new, but he couldn’t deny that Naeun had been on his mind a lot lately.

After breakfast, Taemin grabbed his guitar and headed out the door, waving goodbye to his mother. The drive to the music store was short, even rolling his windows down to enjoy the crisp morning air and the sound of birds chirping in the trees. He arrived at the store just as his coworker, Jisoo, was unlocking the door.

“Morning, Jisoo,” Taemin greeted, holding the door open for her.

“Morning, Taem! Ready for another day of musical madness?” she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“You know it,” he replied with a grin, stepping inside.

The day at the music store was a whirlwind of activity. Customers flowed in and out, each with their own unique requests and stories. Taemin spent hours tuning guitars, giving lessons, and helping customers find the perfect instrument. His love for music and the joy it brought to others made the hours fly by.

Around noon, Taemin’s stomach reminded him it was time for lunch. He locked up the store and headed to a nearby café that he frequented. It was a cozy little place, with wooden tables and a menu filled with delicious comfort food. He ordered a sandwich and a bowl of soup, then found a quiet corner to sit.

As he waited for his food, Taemin pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Naeun.

Taemin: Hey, how’s your day going? Just grabbed lunch at my favorite spot.

He snapped a picture of his surroundings and sent it to her. A few moments later, his phone buzzed with a reply.

Naeun: Looks cozy! My day’s been alright, just finished a boring lecture. Missing your guitar already?

Taemin chuckled and replied.

Taemin: Always. Can’t wait for our next jam session!

Their conversation continued as he ate, the banter light and easy. Taemin found himself smiling more often these days, and he knew a lot of it had to do with Naeun. She had a way of brightening his day, even with just a simple text.

Finishing his meal, Taemin paid the bill and stepped back into the bustling street. He had a bit of time before he needed to return to the store, so he decided to run some errands. His first stop was a small grocery store where he picked up some fresh vegetables and fruits for his mother. She loved cooking, and he knew she appreciated having fresh ingredients to work with.

With the groceries bagged and paid for, Taemin decided to swing by the nearby mall. He wandered through the shops, enjoying the relaxed pace and the chance to window-shop. At a small gift store, a beautifully crafted notebook caught his eye. It had a leather cover embossed with intricate designs, perfect for jotting down song ideas or sketching out guitar riffs, it may be a cute matching notebook with Naeun. He purchased a couple, thinking it might come in handy for his music and as a gift for his girl.

As he left the mall, his phone buzzed again.

Naeun: Just had the weirdest lunch. Tell you about it later?

Taemin: Can’t wait to hear it. Just finished some errands, heading back to the store now.

He arrived back at the music store a little after 1:00 PM. Jisoo was busy helping a customer choose a guitar. She glanced up and gave him a quick nod of acknowledgment. Taemin waved and stored the groceries in the back room, making a mental note to take them home later.

The afternoon brought a special challenge. A teenager, about fifteen years old, came in with his parents, looking anxious but excited. They explained that he had recently picked up an interest in the guitar but was struggling with the basics.

"Hi, I’m Taemin. What’s your name?" Taemin asked, offering the boy a warm smile.

"Jinwoo," the boy replied, a bit shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Jinwoo. Let’s start with some basics and see where we can go from there," Taemin said, guiding him to a quieter corner of the store.

He spent the next hour teaching Jinwoo simple chords and strumming techniques. The boy was a quick learner, and Taemin was patient, providing encouragement and gentle corrections. By the end of the lesson, Jinwoo was playing a basic melody, his face beaming with pride.

"You did great today, Jinwoo. Keep practicing, and you’ll get even better," Taemin said, giving the boy a thumbs-up.

"Thanks, Taemin. I will," Jinwoo replied, his excitement palpable.

As the day wound down and the store began to empty, Jisoo and Taemin chatted while tidying up.

"So, any plans for tonight?" Jisoo asked, stacking some guitar picks on the counter.

"Not much, probably just head home and relax. Maybe work on some new songs," Taemin replied, shrugging.

"Sounds nice. Hey, remember that coffee shop we went to two weeks ago? They’re having an open mic night tomorrow. You should come and play," Jisoo suggested.

"Maybe. We’ll see," Taemin said with a grin. "I might just show up and surprise you."

"You better! We need more talent like yours out there," Jisoo teased, nudging him playfully. Then, with a sly grin, she added, "By the way, how’s things going with your new girlfriend?"

Taemin felt a blush creep up his neck. "She’s not my girlfriend," he said, a bit defensively. "We’re just hanging out."

"Sure, sure," Jisoo laughed. "When are you going to ask her to be official? You two seem pretty close."

Taemin shifted uncomfortably. "I don’t know, Jisoo. I mean, things are good the way they are right now. No need to rush anything."

Jisoo gave him a knowing look but didn’t push further. "Alright, alright. But don’t wait too long, Taem. She’s a catch."

“Hey, Jisoo, I’m going to head out a bit early today. Can you close up?” Taemin asked, changing the subject and stretching his arms above his head.

“No problem, Taem. Have a good evening,” Jisoo replied with a smile.

“Thanks, you too,” Taemin said, grabbing the groceries from the back room and heading out the door.

On his way home, Taemin decided to take a slight detour through the park. The evening air was cool and refreshing, and he enjoyed watching the children play and the couples stroll hand in hand. He found a bench and sat down for a moment, pulling out the new notebook he had bought earlier. He flipped through the blank pages, already envisioning the songs and ideas that would soon fill them. 

As he watched by, he took out the notebook that was intended for Naeun, wanting to write a dedication for her. He still has a lot to know about her, and it feels as if everything may be going too fast. Yet, for some reason, she is a breath of fresh air. Taking out his pen, he wrote in the beginning:

"Hey, I thought you might need a new sketchpad, is it weird that I bought us matching ones? Anyways, hahaha I really do hope that you'll be able to use this. Something to add to your collection of notebooks and sketchpads.

Thought of you when writing this, hope you like it!"

In the silence of my days, you appeared,
A breath of fresh air, so crystal clear.
With your laughter and your smile, music unfurls,
n your presence, my world whirls.

Your presence brings a melody to my soul,
A symphony of joy, making me whole.
With you by my side, life's tune is sweet,
Together, may our hearts dance to a wondrous beat.

So let me sing to you, my dearest one,
For you, Naeun, are my morning sun.
In your eyes, I find my melody's start,
With you, music plays in every heart.

Closing the notebook and carefully placing it in his bag, he let out a soft chuckle. Maybe it was cringe? Butterflies? All he knows is that inspiration struck him, and that he'd like to share it with someone.

After a few minutes of peaceful contemplation, he continued his walk home. As he approached his house, he noticed a small package on the doorstep. It was wrapped in plain brown paper, with his mother’s name written on it in neat, familiar handwriting. Curious, he picked it up and entered the house.

“Mom, you’ve got a package,” Taemin called out as he closed the door behind him.

His mother appeared from the living room, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the package. “I wonder what that could be,” she mused, taking it from him.

Taemin watched as she carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a beautifully crafted wooden music box. She opened it, and a soft, melodious tune began to play, filling the room with a sense of nostalgia.

Her eyes welled up with tears, and she looked at Taemin with a mixture of surprise and emotion. “This... this was our song,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “Your father and I used to dance to this.”

Taemin’s heart tightened. The music box, the familiar handwriting—it could only mean one thing. His father, who had left them so many years ago, was reaching out.

“Mom, do you think...?” he began, but his mother shook her head, her eyes fixed on the music box.

“I don’t know, Taem,” she said softly. “But it feels like a sign.”

As the music played on, Taemin felt a torrent of conflicting emotions—anger, confusion, and maybe even hate. His father’s abandonment had left deep scars, and the thought of him returning stirred a storm inside him.

Taemin sat with his mother for a while, letting the tune wash over them. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with memories and unspoken questions. Eventually, Taemin excused himself and headed upstairs, needing some time alone to process the day's events.

He settled onto his bed, pulling out his phone to text Naeun.

Taemin: Hey, something weird happened today. Found a package on our doorstep, and I think it was from my dad. He sent a music box with their song.

Naeun’s reply was almost immediate.

Naeun: Oh... How are you feeling? Are you alright?

Taemin took a moment to think before responding.

Taemin: Confused, mostly. Maybe a bit angry too. I’ll tell you more about it later.

Naeun: Anytime you need to talk, I’m here.

Taemin: Thanks, Naeun. I really appreciate it.

He set his phone aside and picked up his guitar, letting the familiar chords soothe him. As he played, his thoughts drifted to his father. He couldn’t deny the flicker of hope that had sparked within him, but it was overshadowed by the hurt and anger that still lingered.

The night drew on, and Taemin finally set his guitar down, feeling a bit more at peace. He climbed into bed, the music box’s melody still playing softly in his mind. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t help but wonder what the future held for him and his family.

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Chapter 5: woww an update!!! thankyou so much authornim💖
Ydvvfjkch #4
Please update
Julianna18 #5
Chapter 4: Oh Gosh this is intense! More chappies juseyooo~
Woooh Update pleeeease!!!
amaramazaya #7
Chapter 4: Curious about the next chapter...
Chapter 4: More chapter n.n
Chapter 4: I am intrigued to know who she is remembering she waited for and they fell in love quickly
Ydvvfjkch #10
Chapter 4: Please update it...