First Interaction

Nothing better than you

I was shocked for a short moment. How can some random, messy looking guy suddenly attend our A-Class? Not even the smartest students from the B-Class were smart enough to be accepted, but you're telling me that this... thing is?


“... he studied abroad for 2 years. We welcome him in our class, because of his outstanding results. I hope everyone will take care of him well. Now, Junhyung please introduce yourself!”, Teacher Mun said.


Junhyung glanced at everybody quickly, but still intensely and said with a cold, threatening voice: “As long as you leave me alone everything is going to be fine. Don't get on my nerves, arasso?”


Teacher Mun showed him to his place, which was unfortunately next to me. I gave him a disgusting up and down look, which he seemed to ignore. After sitting down, he immediately put his head on the table and began to take a nap. Seriously, what kind of intelligent person behaves like that?

Well, actually our teachers didn't care what we did in class, as long as our results were outstanding. But this guy was exaggerating.


Whatever... I focused back on my teacher's beautiful face and voice. After he finished telling us all the important things for this school year, it was already almost the end of the lesson. That was when Principal Lee, or as we were forced to call him “Boom”, appeared on the big TV screen in our classroom.


“Annyeong, annyeong! I welcome you to a new school year at our wonderful Shinhwa High School.”, he said. Boom started to recite his speech. It was the same as every year. He was welcoming the freshmen and explaining a few things and rules. Like always, he used the same humdrum jokes. To be honest, our principal wasn't that old yet, but he still acted too childish for his age. He was really weird, however, most of the students liked him.


“As you may already know, this year, there will be many, many, many~ festivals  – organized by yourself, my beloved kids, so that we can not only have a good image, but also raise money for our surprise coming up this year!”, Boom continued.


The class, which wasn't paying much attention before, suddenly focused precisely on the TV screen. I heard IU and Min muttering to each other quietly: “Surprise?”. Changmin and Kyuhyun stopped their video games and Onew looked up from his book. Even I wondered what this was all about. Everyone seemed excited. Only our wonderful Junhyung kept sleeping.


As Boom wished us all much success, the bell rang. We now had lunch break. As usual, I was supposed to go to Kikwang's and mine special hang-out-place, but I was stopped, when someone suddenly grabbed my arm. I flinched at first, but as I turned around, I felt chills coming up my arm. The hand, that was resting on my arm, belonged to non other than my handsome teacher.


“May I ask you a favor?”, Teacher Mun whispered, to which I instantly replied: “YES!”, without knowing what he really wanted. He continued: “Could you be so kind and show our newbie the school building? Just some main rooms and places.”


Waaaeee~? My face fell a bit. I didn't want to do anything with that jerk, but I still was considering this favor. How could I deny Teacher Mun something? I had to do everything to make him happy! But I really wanted to stay away from that thing.


He smiled at me, which made me smile in return. His face seemed very hopeful as he added: “Because you are our smart student representative.”


I sighed and agreed involuntarily. “Great, I'm counting on you”, said Eric and as his wonderful smile got bigger, which totally made me drool. I didn't regret my decision.


When Eric got back to his desk, I turned around to that thing and kicked him slightly. “Yah, you jerk, stand up immediately.”


He put his head up, glared at me and replied in a petulant voice: “What do you want? Didn't I say that you should leave me alone?”


“If you don't stand up within the next few seconds, you won't be alone anymore for sure, because you will feel my fist in your face.” I replied in an upset voice, getting impatient because that jackass didn't move.




Junhyung stood up and followed me unwillingly. When we arrived at our first destination I started explaining: “This is the music room, if you want to play some instruments or improve your singing skills, feel free to do it here.”


“Don't care.”, he mumbled, to which I added: “And I don't care about you either.”


“Then why are you introducing this lame school to me?”


I just rolled my eyes. “Because I have to do so.”


Awkward silence followed us for a few seconds, as we walked out of the music room and stood in the middle of the hallway.


Junhyung suddenly smirked. "What is it now?", I asked annoyed.


“I'm not quite sure whether you are really that gullible or just really in love with that teacher.”, he scoffed.


I blushed. How could that moron know that Eric, I mean Teacher Mun, was the perfect man in my eyes?


“Oh, someone is getting red in the face.”, he chuckled.


“Yeah, YOU, after I slapped your goddamn face”, I shouted.


“Woah, take a chill pill, girl.”


I gave him my famous death glare and said in a more calm and cold voice: “Well, since the school building is now familiar to you, you can go back to the classroom by yourself. I'm leaving now.”


My feet already started moving, when he clutched my arm. “Wait, you just showed me the music room, I don't know my way around yet. How will I get back to class?”


“Don't care”, I mimicked him and pulled my arm out of his grip.


“Omooo~ , Geek-ah, who's that handsome guy with you?”, I heard an annoyingly sweet voice behind me.


Perfect timing, I just thought. Here comes my escape possibility.



Authors' note:

Hey guys, we hope that it wasn't too boring :)) In our opinion, the Teacher Mun is really hoooot.... *drool like Seul Ki* hahaha If you don't know how he looks like, here's a picture:

nice, eh? :> 
love, lunatix

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Wonnie #1
so...seul ki must really...REALLY like Eric xDDDD<br />
The girl at the end. Is it Hara? Seul Ki dachte bestimmt an ein Alien. jk xD<br />
I missed your updates btw ;)
Ha ha its kinda cute that she's childish I mean we all have our inner child even super serious hard working people! Anyways it would be funny if Junhyung painted on her face or maybe since their so close someone is going to come into the room and then stop them like maybe Kikwangie is going to come into the room and think Junhyung is going to kiss Seul Ki and get mad at Junhyun. I like how she was kinda checking him out when he was sleeping lol. :)
DJ Melody? Sounds...familiar xD<br />
To be honest, I really didn't expect it to be Doojoon :))<br />
Great Chapter & update soon ~ ❤
Can't say I wasn't expecting it to be DooJoon I mean the place is called Cube and then the whole DJ thing made me think of Beast's MV Beautiful where DooJoon was the DJ, but I wasn't expecting him to be so mean towards Seul Ki I would have though he would be more understanding of the situation. <br />
Can't believe Junhyung saved her(kinda) I wonder if he knows who she is and he's such an arrogant cocky bastard in this fic but I totally love it!!!!!lol <br />
Awww poor Kikwangie he totally didn't get the reaction he wanted from Seul Ki don't worry Kikwangie I'm here for you!!!!!!lol<br />
Anyways good chapter can't wait to read the next one!!!!
uhm...does Kikwang by any chance like Seul Ki? O.O<br />
Ok, Junhyung is pretty arrogant, but I still love him xD Though it's kinda funny how cocky he is :D<br />
And I think Junhyung looks the best with blonde hair. You just have to watch the three bear video to see how y he is xDD<br />
Love your update and I can't wait for the next one^^ Keep it up girls!!
fienefifi #6
you see guys, i really registered to post comments on your fanfic :)<br />
and i love it <3 (but you already know ^_^)<br />
i'm really curious what's happening next (as i followed your conversation today^^)<br />
and yeah, kikwang shirtless me gusta's me a lot *_*
hoho, Kikwang being shirtless = effing hot ♥ <br />
It's definitely Junhyung :D
Ohoo, Junhyung and his BROS o.ô<br />
Me gusta :))<br />
I love the Character Seul Ki, she's funny :D
Good job, guys!<br />
I already love your story :><br />
Keep it up & update soon ❤
so Kikwang isn't her real brother? kekeke~ I can smell some love triangle xDD<br />
update soon~