My 'Girlfriend'

"Do I really have to?" Jeonghan grumbled, as Seungkwan added more extensions to his hair, which was initially long and nice enough, making Jeonghan's head heavier than ever. 

"It's for my grandma" Seungcheol replied, laughing in amusement as Seokmin and Soonyoung started attacking his boyfriend's cheeks with brushes powdered with pink blush, "Let's stick to the safety plan first and pretend you're a girl. It wouldn't be a good thing if she faints from shock.."

"How is it possible that your parents are fine with you being with a guy but not your grandma? It should be the other way round, shouldn't it? You better not be lying to me." Jeonghan snapped, scrunching up his nose as the brush tickled his nose, "Lee Seokmin, are you sure blush goes on and in the nose? I'm not a reindeer. And Boo Seungkwan, stop adding the extensions. I'll become Rapunzel at this rate."

"Seriously though, Jeong, you look really pretty. Maybe we should do this often. A girlfriend isn't a really bad idea, now that I think about it." Seungcheol joked, patting Jeonghan's hair. 


Pushing Seokmin and Soonyoung aside, Jeonghan got to his feet and cleared his throat, raising his voice by a few octaves higher as he skipped to Seungcheol's side and clung onto his arm while jumping up and down, "Opppppaaaaaa. Seungcheol opppaaaaaa. Seungcheollllll"

This was greeted by Seungkwan and Chan making puking noises, while Soonyoung and Seokmin were screaming their asses offf as they clung onto each other as the others either panicked or were rolling on the ground laughing. 

"Jeonghan hyung, won't you shut it already." Jihoon growled as he covered his ears and jumped up and down. 

"I'm your noona! I'm a girl! How dare you call me a hyung!" Jeonghan pouted, stamping his feet and continuing his act, "Seungcheol, hit him. He called me a dude!"

"I.. Uh.. okay I take back my words. A boyfriend is definitely better. I must have been mad to say that I wanted a girlfriend. Stop it. STOP IT YOON JEONGHAN" Seungcheol shouted as he struggled to push Jeonghan away from him. 

"I'mm glad you know." Jeonghan grumbled, sticking out his tongue, plopping back down on his seat as Seungkwan pinned a red ribbon to his hair. 

"Aaannnnd we're done!" Seungkwan beamed with pride as he finishedoff the final touches. 

"Hyung! You would totally pass off as a girl, I swear!" Chan exclaimed, poking Jeonghan's cheek, "are you really Jeonghan hyung?"

Jeonghan looked around him and turned shades redder as he realised that everyone was looking at him, "Oh my gosh, guys, STOP." With that, he stormed out of the room and as he did, he commented, "Mingyu, delete the pictures before I make you regret. You too, Minghao. I know you're recording." 


Fetching a cup of water, he nearly spat his whole mouthful out as he stared at his reflection. It wasn't him, was it?? Well, he knew that he was pretty as a boy and majority often mistakened him as a girl with a slightly low voice, just like how Seungcheol initially did too but what in the world did the troublemaker Ss, Seungkwan, Soonyoung and Seokmin do to him? He knew the difference between being a pretty girl and a girl who looked like she was dressed up by her mum in her best Sunday clothes for church. Jeonghan stared in shock from his shirt with three cute sushis to his tennis skirt and finally, his sneakers and knee-length socks. Jeonghan couldn't help but let out a sigh. Well, if this was how he and Cheol could stay together and be accepted by his grandma, he'd do it, since it was for Cheol. 

Just as he was in deep thought, Seungcheol appeared from the back. 

"Jeong?" Seungcheol said, his head hanging low as he stopped a few steps behind Jeonghan.

"Yea?" Jeonghan replied, crushing the paper cup and throwing it aside.

"You know, Jeong, you don't really have to do this if you don't want to. I'll just tell my grandma the truth. I know it's really upsetting that you have to hide the fact that you're a boy and I know it's uncomfortable. Please know that it's not because I'm embarrassed of you in any way or anything. If you're not comfortable, don't do it. I don't want you to-"

Before Seungcheol could even finish his sentence, he was cut off by Jeonghan, whose back was still facing him and they were making eye contact through the reflection of the mirror, a pang of guilt passing through Jeonghan. "Cheol, who says I'm mad? I'm just embarrassed.. and I know I overreacted just now.. I'm sorry for it.. But espeicially since this is for us, I have to do it. You've done so much for us, it's time I step in and play my part. Let me do something for us too, alright?"

With that, Jeonghan looked away, breaking the eye contact as he moved over to pick up the cup he had thrown aside when he was almost knocked off his feet by the force of a pair of strong arms gripping him around his waist and a face snuggling onto his back, "Thank you Jeong.. Thank you so much.. I.. I really appreciate it.. "

"Oi, lovers, you can have your mega makeout session later, but now, we really have to go." Their hug was broken by a smirking Jisoo and behind him stood the sniggering triple Ss while Minghao was silently standing in the corner filming again. 

"We're just hugging, Jisoo, stop exaggerating." Jeonghan whined, smacking his bestfriend in the chest as he made his way to headlock the trio, who were now begging for their lives to be spared, "XU MINGHAO. YOU'RE DEAD AFTER IM DONE WITH THESE THREE" 

A smile crept onto Seungcheol's face as he and Jisoo left the room, laughing at how fast Minghao was running away. 




I'm still deciding if there shouldbe a part 2 on this,which will be the visit to Seungcheol's grandma house :)

Do comment on what you thought about this!

Btw, I've started on a Meanie angst fic,titled Too Late http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1066584/too-late-heartache-seventeen-meanie-soonseok-jeongcheol-seventeen00angst

I'd really appreciate it if you read it and give your comments on that as I know angst x svt or svt x gangsters & violence don't really go well.. ;;

Till then~ :>

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dububaby #1
Chapter 1: ofc???? We need to know his grandma reaction, yeah?????
Chapter 1: YESSSSSSS PART 2 IS A MUSTTTTTTTTTT PWEASEEEEEEEEEEEE T.T *Jeonghan: Haha I wonder what will happen..*
Chapter 1: Yess, we need part twoo ^,^
seunghanim #4
Chapter 1: I really like it.. its so hilarious funny..i cant wait to next chap
sabotenworld #5
Aw Jeonghan would look so pretty!
yoonjhbby #6
Chapter 1: Part 2 omo so cuteee *-*
Chapter 1: It was really sweet :) (and pshhh, Author-nim, you might have made a typo in one of the lines where you wrote Youngjae to what I suspect was supposed to be Jeonghan (I do that kind of mistakes a lot too xD
Chapter 1: It definitely needs a part 2! I loved the fic v much ♡
Chapter 1: It definitely needs a part 2! I loved the fic v much ♡
Chapter 1: part 2 pls :)