Survival of The Richest


 Some things naturally do not fit together, but the rich and the poor are about polar opposites. That is until you are forced to cross over to the other side.


I was an average girl at a not so average high school. This is my senior year and so far it's already the worst year of my life, meanwhile the year hasn't even started yet. I also just so happen to not be as funded as the other students. My dad passed away when I was young. Heart disease. It's funny how things in life happen like that, and my mother, well she remarried not so long ago to some rich guy named Park bongsoo. I hear that her new husband has a son my age but I don't care to look further into the rumors. Anyways you are probably wondering why I hate my senior year so much, but honestly I didn't plan on hating it. Recently the government found out that I live by myself and are forcing me to go live with my mother and her new family. I'm not suited for the "rich" life and was just fine the way I was living before so I don't know why the ing government had to put their nose in my business. Tomorrow starts the day I have to move into my mother's house. I like to consider this day the day hell breaks loose because honestly it probably will. I lay down in my bed and stare up at the dusty ceiling that was way overdue for a cleaning. "this day marks the start of a new beginning they say, you need to live with a family they say, having friends is a good thing they say.....I call bull."




You (Eunmi): A tough girl, who doesnt like people that try to tell her what to do. Doesn't trust anyone besides, her one friend Hyori. 



Baekhyun: The most popular kid in school and tends to get in trouble despite his good looks and rich parents. Is known for playing with girls hearts.



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