happy birthday, kang seulgi.

once upon a storm
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seulgi’s eyes were on the road, but her mind wasn’t. it was too occupied with thoughts of why her friends were acting weird that day. they were quite uncanny, or at least she thought so.  truth is- she was yet to figure out if that really was the case or if she was just making it all up.  it was the 10th of february and she received tons of greetings and birthday wishes from her family and fans who even got her trending on multiple sites, but her day wouldn’t be complete without her friends, especially her members, doing the same.

part of her wants to mock them for being so obvious that they got something planned out for her day- maybe they are waiting for her at their dorm, hiding behind the couch with the lights off and ready to blast “happy birthday, seulgi!” anytime. i mean, there is a very low chance for all your friends, every single one of them, to forget your day, right? but no matter how absurd it sounded in seulgi’s mind, she couldn’t help but feel sad at the possibility that her friends were indeed clueless about the special occasion.   

for the nth time that day, she checked her phone if she has received any text messages but there was none. she didn’t even bother to get her phone out of her hand for a second. she knew she would check it from time to time anyway- though she was aware there would be nothing there. having her gaze fixed on the screen of her phone, seulgi almost missed a turn causing her to frantically swerve into the street where their dorm stood. “damn it,” she cursed under her breath before letting out a soft sigh.

seulgi stood by the front door, her hands shaking due to the frequent cold winds brushing against her. she rummaged through her pockets with the hopes of finding the keys in there- but there was nothing. a soft groan escaped her lips as she realized she might be spending the remaining hours of her special day outside their dorm in a very windy and cold night. seulgi, all tired and frustrated, slumped her back against the door, only to find herself lying on the ground.

“aw,” seulgi whimpered but the wince on her face did not remain for long- it slowly turned into a sly grin when she realized the door wasn’t locked at all. “i knew it,” she thought to herself. wanting to be sneaky, she slowly got up and walked her way to the living room. she tried not to make any noise but failed miserably as she stumbled inside the dark room quite a few times. oh, right, the lights! she was supposed to switch on the lights first- that’s how they do it, right? seulgi quietly laughed at her own denseness before making her way back to the light switch, using the very little amount of light beaming through the door and windows as her guide. she counted to three before turning the switch on, trying to prepare herself for the supposed “surprise”. and when she did, she wasn’t wrong at all! indeed, she was very surprised, but not the kind of surprise she expected.  

bangtan sonyeondan’s very own min yoongi can be found lying on the couch, eyes closed and mouth slightly agape, with balloons loosely gripped by his hands. “what the heck is he doing here?” out of all the questions flooding seulgi’s mind, it was all she managed to ask. yoongi didn’t seem to be slightly woken up by seulgi’s voice, and so she had no choice but to walk up to him and shake him- and so she did.

“ugh,” yoongi groaned before he lifted his hands to rub his eyes, only to be greeted by seulgi’s furrowed eyebrows and confused face. “oh, kang seulgi,” he said without a hint of surprise in his tone. “happy birthday.” he added.

“what are you doing here?” seulgi asked, her expression not changing a bit. yoongi then paused for a minute before sitting up straight, patting the space beside him as if asking her to sit- and seulgi was being obedient. “your members and mine told me they were gonna organize a surprise birthday party for you. i was in daegu when they told me so i was left with no choice but to go alone. they texted me the address and now i’m here,” yoongi explained, earning him nods from seulgi who is now very flustered. only then did it sink in to her what her friends were trying to do. the bewilderment that empowered all her emotions was gone and is now replaced by embarrassment- all being given away by the flush on her cheeks.

awkward silence hogged the room. they were so close yet so far. the only thing ringing their ears were their own heartbeats. it was louder than usual, and they both knew the other had already noticed. “uhh,” yoongi tried to cut off the awkward silence between him and seulgi, causing her to turn her head towards his direction. realizing how close they were, (which was like, two feet away.  yes, that is what being close means when you are attracted to someone) they both quickly scooted away from each other with an awkward laugh. “when are they coming, though? did they inform you?” seulgi asked, mentally giving herself a high five for managing not to stutter.

“i have no idea,” the older answered as he checked his phone for any messages. seulgi did the same and sighed in relief as her phone screen read : ‘1 new message’ she immediately opened it.













‘a winky face?! really, joy?! i knew they were up to something!’ seulgi rolled her eyes, though she knew to herself she was not that upset about the situation anyway. she tried to deny to herself the fact that she was indeed happy that there were only the two of them in their dorm, but no matter how hard she tries, she couldn’t really trick herself into thinking that. because honestly, she was a little happy about it- okay, maybe a lot happy.

an hour had passed and the both of them were just lazily plopped on the couch, their eyes were on the television set- which was the only thing that can be heard in the quiet room- but their minds have drifted off to somewhere else. “seulgi?” yoongi called and seulgi hummed in response. “it’s already 10pm. i shoul

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Chapter 1: Wow! I never thought that i will love YoonSeul though. Screw my life in a good way xD
Great one shot!
charlenekyu #3
Chapter 1: Woaaah finally another Yoonseul story. Let's spread them~~ i'm so happy because lots of people like Jimin-Seulgi more. But Yoonseul is the best ♡♡
Suga is so cute here, being cautios, nervous and all. Meanwhile seulgi and her naughty expectation kekeke. Hope you made another chapter authornim ♡
charlenekyu #4
Chapter 1: Woaaah finally another Yoonseul story. Let's spread them~~ i'm so happy because lots of people like Jimin-Seulgi more. But Yoonseul is the best ♡♡
Suga is so cute here, being cautios, nervous and all. Meanwhile seulgi and her naughty expectation kekeke. Hope you made another chapter authornim ♡
ixxmxxx #5
Chapter 1: This gives me lifeeeee!
Chapter 1: How come all of yoonseul suddenly popping up like pop corn why...
What to do with my poor heart really.
And this is adorable. Fluffy yoonseul is just aughsjskdjsskshskjxhssksskskaps (u feel me)

This is like you and taeyeonsundaes teamed up to convert me into (officially) yoonseul.shipper. idk if i should be happy or sad lmao.
Chapter 1: YESSSS more yoonseul for my thirsty soul, i love this! realistic yet fluffy at the same time, i hope you continue this! hwaiting^^
layferxoxo #8
Chapter 1: Honestly love this ship so much, thanks for writing this! :)
Chapter 1: Ugh I love you. No, you didn't disappoint! That kiss scene made me weak ;; I followed your stories teehee I'll be looking forward to more! ♥
and i just saw the comment below and i'm honored you like my stories - ;w; i'm glad there's another yoonseul writer around here hahahaha