oh my gods!



being the daughter of athena, yeri kim knows a lot. but if there's one thing she can't quite figure out- and quite irritably so - it's jungkook jeon, son of apollo.








in which yeri thinks she and jungkook have a mutual rivalry, while jungkook's just hella clueless about everything.

yeri x jungkook





title: oh my gods!
author: m e
genre: fluff, crack, romance

a/n: bc camphalfblood!au is bae i did a hogwarts!au now it's time for this hA

idk how this story will be tbh i'm just putting it out there until it's sorted so the description could be changed

this jungkook will be a little different from his self in no amortentia required- instead, he'll be more outgoing, playful and not much of a shy person lmao
yeri would be a lil similar but she won't be obsessed with studying(it's cAMP), she'll be the occasional wise owl pmsl but very competitive









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Im still patiently waiting for ur update :)
redhearts #2
it's a shame this story's not updated bc i was so excited for this : c
Sucheongabby #3
Soooooosoooooooooo excited
hvnbns #4
Subscribing to this for you and for myself so win win HA.
Jungkook suits being the son of apollo, he is the golden maknae and legit apollo is the god of a hundred things and more. yeri being the wise owl, know it all? can't wait to read THAT
oMG I WAS GOING TO WRITE A CAMP HALF BLOOD AU TOO BUT NOW I'M TOO ASHAMED. also the descriptions sounds adorable and sorry for being everywhere on your fics lmao