Bae Mine?

Home Run
Bae Mine?
*And the Crack Saga continues..
-This is almost 10k words.. It's super long ;;~;; 10 grand worth of hard work haha. 

"Irene is hot, don't you think?" 

Irene could only smirk at the said words as she made her way down the overly crowded hallway. Knocking shoulders with a mixture of students which did not bother her a bit; she has always been the type to enjoy physical contact with those around her: strangers or a close foe, she paid no mind in those around her. Although on the contrary, a simple touch from Irene is capable of a bystander's crimson cheeks and flamed, red ears. 
"But, Ahreum is more towards my type." 
Irene could see the girl to her right, uncomfortably fidget. It was to no one's surprise. Ahreum has always been on the introverted side as oppose to her bubbly and outgoing sister. Too outgoing, perhaps. 
The two had always been polar when it came to their personality, as well as personal preference. Irene being the cliché bubbly girl that enjoyed the company of many, actively participating in many of their school's interactive activities. Her bright preferences varied from sports teams to leadership programs, very much a fond of the spotlight. Which was why she never truly understood her younger twin's taste. Ahreum enjoyed peaceful places, finding herself married to the row of books on the library's unreachable shelf which she noted was taped with a badly written label 'futuristic'. Practically making the cozy place her second home, she was often dragged home by Irene, with the girl's light scolding repeated too many times, she has memorized every bit. From her tone to way those specific words were pronounced, she always found herself mentally repeating the line "Do you plan on living in there? That dusty isle, gosh. I could practically get an asthma attack from those aged books. Let's go home before mom scolds us both." 
Although Ahreum finds her twin a tad bit annoying, she wouldn't want to trade her for any. 
"That girl in the red sweater was gawking at you.." Ahreum mumbled while she stared at her wrinkled sleeve, hands itching to quickly iron the fabric. 
"Was she?" 
There it was again. That smirk. That confident smile that Ahreum had always been envious of. The charismatic vibe that even her best friend, Seulgi, recognized. The overflowing charm that seems to tug on the on lookers' jaws, causing them to drop helplessly to the ground.
"Was she cute?" Irene playfully pried on.
"I guess so? I think you'd agree since she fits your type."
Irene chuckled at her sister's timid words. Her sister has always been very accepting of her personal preference, standing as the girl's spokesperson when their parents refused to believe that their daughter was different.  She did not know what Ahreum did but all she knows is that she wouldn't have had the courage to admit her true self to her family and especially everyone if it weren't for her younger sister. 
"Really? Maybe I'll give her a chance then." Irene laughed at the hint of conceited attitude in her statement but she even without much to say, she knew that her sister would understand. 
After all, she always did.
They walked home silently with Irene's hands tightly clasped against Ahreum's. She needed to protect the younger from all the suggestive stares that are currently surrounding them. 
Nonetheless, they reached home eventually. 
Ahreum saw her sister excitedly pull out her phone before typing away. Irene slumped herself against the couch lazily before a killer smile made its appearance against her face. 
"So, who are you texting?" Ahreum asked carefully. She never liked invading someone else's privacy but curiosity simply got the best of her. 
Also, it's her sister. 
Irene was basically an open book when it comes to her. 
"Seungwan." She simply hummed the name before continuing to furiously type.
Ahreum was taken aback by the name. Her sister was texting a guy
"You're texting a boy?" She asked unsurely. Since when did her sister entertain her male suitors?
Irene's eyes widened at the question before looking at her sister weirdly.
"What? Ew. No! You know I'm not into them." Irene's face scrunched of disgust before looking back at the message, her grin returning foolishly. 
"Then why are you texting a guy?"
"I'm not. Seungwan is a girl." Irene rolled her eyes. She thought that her sister was smarter than her. What happened now?
"Oh." She simply answered. "Where did you meet?" 
"School." She responded curtly. 
"She goes to school? I've never heard of a Seungwan."
"She doesn't. She was there for her sister. Do you know Yeri? Son Yerim?" 
"Yeri? Yes I know Yeri. She's very loud." Ahreum mumbled in which Irene could only laugh at. Her sister detests loud people, which is ironic since Irene was very loud herself. 
"Did she hit on you?" Ahreum asked curiously. All the girls that her sister has dated has always been Irene's former fan that the girl happened to find attractive. 
"Nope. Which is why I noticed her. When the others were screaming, she was just standing there quietly. So I asked for her number." Irene momentarily looked away from the the screen only to flash her infamous wink towards her sister. 
"You asked?!" 
Irene's smile only broadened. 
"I know right?" Ahreum could only stare at her twin's wiggling eyebrows. "I'm telling you, Reummie, this one is interesting. She's playing hard to get." 
The girl's brow rose at the said words. "Hard to get or she just doesn't like you?
"Reum, please. Everyone likes me." She flashed her puppy eyes that of course, never worked on Ahreum. 
"Not everyone, Rene." Ahreum pursed her lips with an overflowing sass. 
Irene laughed at her sister's comment. 
"What does she look like?" The younger knew that her twin had a very specific type and not to mention that her standard was almost sky-high. 
Whoever this Seungwan was, she must be incredible for Irene to actually bother wooing the girl. 
"Secret. If I showed you a picture, you might just steal her from me." The older stuck her tongue out playfully. 
"You know I don't swing that way." The younger pouted. The older has never kept a secret from her before. 
As if the older read her mind, Irene answered her unspoken thoughts. 
"Just wait. Once I'm officially with her, you'll be the first one to know." 
"Promise?" She childishly asked. She always needed reassurance and Irene never failed to give in so. 
"Always." They both smiled contentedly. 
"Tell me about her." 
Irene paused for a moment before a timid smile stretched across her tinted lips. 
"I don't know much about her actually." 
She laughed heartily, her cheeks were painted of rosy hue as she gazed at her sister with a certain look. 
"I know she's into sports, so there's a possibility that she's an athlete. She's short, even shorter than both of us. She likes music, all kinds. And, she's into girls that are like you." The tinge of bitterness in the girl's eyes did not go unnoticed to Ahreum. 
She knew her sister like her favourite poem. 
"Like me?" 
"Yeah. Smart, shy, quiet. She told me she loves girls who doesn't care about their appearance." 
There it was again
"Does she know about me?" Ahreum hesitantly asked.
"Nope. Well, kinda? She knows I have a sister but that's it. I'll make her fall for me first then if everything falls to place, you'll meet her." Irene grinned for the nth time. This time, it doesn't quite reach her eyes. 
"Better not tell then. I don't want another one all over me." Ahreum uncharacteristically flipped her hair, making her very much like the older except with round spectacles and an oversized sweater.
Irene almost choked on air at the younger's sudden attitude. 
"Is that how I sound like?" Irene chuckled in amusement. 
"Maybe?" But her knowing smile said it all. 
"Wow, no wonder you ignore me most of the time." 
"What do you mean? I always listen to you."
"But you don't respond." Irene sulked like a child. 
"Because I don't need to. You just whine about some people." 
"That's not true!" 
"Trust me Rene, you do."
"Okay fine I do. Not fair. You always win." 
"Because I'm always right." 
"Reummie you are so mean." 
"Are you really the older?" 
"Of course."
Before they could further argue with their daily nonsense banters, Irene's ringtone disturbed the playful atmosphere. 
"Oh my gosh it's Seungwan. She's never called me before. I guess she finally realized that she has been talking to a goddess this whole time." Irene smirked confidently. 
The younger looked at her twin in a judging manner. 
Did Joy finally call her dear father from hell to possess the body of her sister? 
Because that sounds about right. 
"Or maybe she called to dump you." Ahreum shrugged nonchalantly.
The older of the two gasped dramatically before glaring at her sister.
"If she does, I will kick you for being such a jinx."
Irene ran away with her phone, hastily  swiping the circular green button.
"Hello?" Irene knocked her forehead against the door for stammering. She quickly locked herself inside the room before clumsily diving on her bed, groaning as her face slammed against the messy pillow. 
"Hey." The girl on the other line greeted meekly.
"Why did you call?" Irene was never the one to beat around the bush when it came to anyone she was interested in. 
"Oh. Uh. My sister doesn't believe that I'm talking to you so she made me call. She's with me right now." Irene could make out a nasally voice speaking over Seungwan's. She assumed that was Yerim based on how Seungwan had described her. 
"Pass the phone." Irene ordered.
"Excuse me?" Wendy asked in disbelief.
"To Yerim. Pass the phone to your sister." Irene clarified.
"Why?" Irene couldn't help but smile at the probing questions. 
"Just do it." 
Irene could hear squealing at the background as the sound of shuffling took over. The sound of teenage slangs echoed through the phone before a bright voice boomed against the speaker.
"Hi! My name is Yerim! I go to school with you, unnie. Is this really Irene-sunbae? No way, right? There's no way Wendy unnie could actually get your number." 
This time, Irene actually laughed out loud at the babbling teen. 
"You should trust your sister more because It's really me." 
The older had to pull the phone away from her poor ears as Yeri screamed words that Irene couldn't comprehend. 
"How did my sister get your number? She isn't smooth at all. I'm surprised you didn't run away." A loud smack echoed following by a yelp was heard from the other line.
"She didn't. I asked for hers." 
"What?! Seriously? Why would you do that Irene unnie? You could do way better!
Irene's cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling too much but she found herself not being able to stop. Wendy's whines were too adorable that it melted the older blonde on the spot. 
Oh how she wished she could cuddle with the girl at the moment. 
"Can you keep a secret?" Irene suggestively lowered her volume.
"Of course! Anything for you, unnie.
She was becoming fond of the child's glimmering aura at the short amount of time they had spent together. 
"Make sure not to tell your sister, alright?" She could hear Yerim move away from her older sister before answering. 
"Done. Now tell me, unnie." The blonde bit back the threatening squeal as she heard Wendy's childish protest. 
'What is she saying? Tell me.' 
Only to be retorted by Yerim's 'Unnie, shut up, I'm talking to her.'  
It was very similar to the Bae twins' everyday conversations. The flaunting proof of the sibling's closeness. 
"I really like your sister, Yerim. But she doesn't like me just yet. Will you help me?" Irene softly pleaded. 
"Is that all? Of course I can do that. I got you, unnie."
"Thanks Yerim. I owe you. I'll buy you some treats tomorrow." 
"Really? Oh my gosh! My friends would be so jealous. Thank you unnie! I'm so excited.
The phone was clouded by grunts and a series of screams and huffs before a sudden bang was heard followed by the sound of a click. 
Then the noises suddenly stopped. 
"Irene? Sorry about that. The brat refused to give my phone backShe must've fallen for youAnyway, what did you talk about?" It was Wendy's melodious voice again. Her tone flowed with such curiosity.
"That? No worries. It's a secret between Yerim and I." Irene's answered with a teasing tone.
"But I wanna know too. Tell me." Irene couldn't stop herself from rolling on her bed, internally screaming at such a cute pleading. 
"You really wanna know?" Irene further teased. 
"Yes, please." Wendy's hopeful voice rang softly. 
"Nope. It's a secret." Irene heard soft knocking in the pattern of four's and she knew that was her sister. Ahreum had a peculiar liking for patterns. 
"Wait, hold on." She excused herself in a hushed manner. 
She jogged towards the door before opening widely, greeting her sister like she always did. 
"Reummie!" She opened her arms welcomingly. It had been their tradition since they were kids, greeting each other with enthusiasm no matter how the circumstances. 
With an empty expression, Ahreum walked into the hug before feeling Irene's arms wrap tightly around her waist, releasing immediately. The blonde walked back to her bed before placing the phone against her ear. 
"Hello? Seungwan?" Ahreum watched in disgust as her sister's cringing sweetness flowed flawlessly. 
She should be used to her twin's flirty acts but never has she seen Irene act coy yet so genuine
'You are so disgusting.'
Ahreum mouthed to Irene which the blonde answered with her barf-worthy kissing faces. 
"I love you too." She threw a flying kiss towards Ahreum which the girl smacked away. 
"No thanks." She playfully rejected the affection. 
"W-what? What did you say?" A husky yet feminine voice came out of Irene's speaker. 
"Nothing. That was for my sister." Irene's teasing tone made its reappearance. "But you know, if you want to hear that from me, just say so." The older responded to the caller.
Ahreum picked up the pillow from Irene's bed before chucking it harshly towards her twin. 
"You're just jealous." Irene covered the phone's receiver as she winked effortlessly at her sister, a gesture the usually timid Ahreum very much despised. 
"No, I'm good." The voice over the line responded.
"Jealous of what? Having someone who doesn't want me?" Ahreum retorted. 
"Who was that?
"It's my sister, she's being mean to me. Wannie save me. Scold her please." The older snitched like a child to her parent. 
Much to the twin's surprise, the girl over the phone actually went along with Irene's favour. 
"Um, Irene's sister.. Please don't be too harsh on her. Bear with her for now. She'll behave. Right, Irene?" Wendy's attention directed back to the girl she was originally talking to. 
Whoever this 'Wannie' is, she must be nice. Ahreum thought judging by the way the girl actually went along with the blonde's dumb childish antics.
"Yes, of course I'll behave Wannie. I will only play around with you anyway." Ahreum's spectacled eyes widened at the scandalous comment.
What in the world was her sister saying? 
Has she always been that frisky with her past flings? 
Though the raven haired girl doubts that such a girl could only be just a pass time to Irene. 
"What has the girl done to you? Oh my god." Ahreum accused carelessly. 
"Hey, leave Wannie out of this. She makes me happy." Irene argued. "You'll understand once you get a boyfriend but I doubt you'll find someone as good as my Wannie." Irene proudly patronized her desired one.
"You aren't even together." The younger's infamous blank face made its return.
"Shut up. She will eventually like me okay?" Irene defended though she didn't have much hope to cling on to. 
She did have Yerim. And having the sibling on your side is always a good thing, right? 
"Sure, unnie." Ahreum spoke monotonously. 
"Just go to your room or something, and do whatever you do with your computer." Irene shoo'd the younger away.
"It's called programming." Ahreum pushed her thick glasses closer to her face as they were slowly sliding down the bridge of her nose. 
"Yeah, yeah." Irene lazily got up before lightly pushing her sister towards the door until they were completely outside. "Bye bye Reummie." She pecked the younger's cheek before shutting the door heavily, making sure to lock it's knob safely. 
"Sorry about that Wannie. My sister is a little blunt that it gives me headaches sometimes." Irene complained. 
"She seems nice." Wendy stated politely. 
"Well, yeah. But that's only when she's with strangers. She's blunt to me. She's usually on her own world reading some thick book or typing away on her computer but when she's with me she's just too straightforward." Irene pinched the bridge of her nose as stress was getting to her. 
The other line was dead silent and Irene thought that the slightly younger girl already fell asleep but in reality, Wendy quietly listened to Irene's every word. 
"She's probably just very comfortable with you. She doesn't have to think much about what to say." Irene couldn't help but let out a content smile at the gentle voice that's coming from the phone. 
"I hope so." Irene involuntarily yawned and Wendy could only laugh in return. 
"Go to sleep, Irene. We'll talk again tomorrow."  Maybe it was just her imagination but Irene could have sworn that Wendy's voice became much softer than before.
"But I wanna talk some more." She doesn't know why but Irene's charisma disperses into thin air whenever she's talking to the girl on the other line. Instead, she turns into a deprived 5 year old in constant need of Wendy's attention.  
"Irene, we've been talking everyday for two months now. I won't suddenly drop you the next day." She spoked in assurance. 
"Yes, I know but I don't want to end the call. This is the first time you called me." Irene couldn't believe herself at how pathetically desperate she sounds at the moment. 
This wasn't her
The charming, confident and dominant Irene was her
And yet, she can't seem to act in such a way when it came to Wendy. 
"Then don't end the call. Go to sleep and I'll be right here." Wendy suggested.
"Okay!" Irene agreed happily before yawning once again. 
Her eyes slowly closed at the sound of Wendy's humming through the phone. Once her eyes were tightly shut, with her consciousness barely there, Irene focused on the way Wendy seemed to unknowingly enjoyed singing. 
"Goodnight, Irene." She motherly cooed. "Sweet dreams." 
"I'll dream of you." Irene almost incoherently mumbled cutely, drowsiness all over the sweetness of her voice. 
"That's good. Tell me about it tomorrow." Wendy found herself laughing at the seemingly intoxicated Irene. Drunk yet sober. 
With the last bit of her sense left in her, Irene's head bobbed in obedience before dreamland completely took over. 
The hallway became a sea of relieved students as their lunch break finally came into place. Ahreum walked out of her Advance Placement Biology class only to find her sister standing outside the door. 
"Reummie! You can meet Joy and Seulgi first and I'll catch up in a bit. I'll just meet someone." The younger looked at her sister with a suspicious look but agreeing anyhow.
"Meet who? The Seungwan girl?" 
"I wish, but no. I'm meeting Yerim, her sister." 
"Is she eating with us?" Ahreum asked nervously. She was never comfortable with having a stranger around.
"Possibly. If she's too much for you, just talk to Seulgi like you usually do."
The younger could only nod. There wasn't much she could do. Irene might be spontaneous but she knew what she was talking about, never agreeing on doing anything that would make Ahreum uneasy. 
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. Be careful!" Irene hugged her sister shortly before running to the other end of the building. 
The freshman's floor was at the top which means Irene had to take the crowded elevator to the 6th's floor. 
The moment she reached the lift, she automatically received the gawking looks from the students. A little uncomfortable by the stares that people as young as Yeri were giving, Irene was fast on her feet to run out of the place. 
As she walked around mindlessly, peeking from classes to classes, she came across a huddled group of freshmen girls in which she gladly approached. 
"Hey girls, have you seen Yeri?" In a precise timing, the group's attention diverted to Irene and comically, their eyes began to bulge one by one. 
"Irene-sunbae." A skinny doe-eyed girl muttered in disbelief. 
"What did Yeri do?" Another girl that Irene recognized to be a foreign student, asked in her accented Korean. 
"We swear she didn't mean it! Yeri's a trouble maker but I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to cause harm." A short red head with a beauty mark just below the corner of her lip, babbled. 
"Calm down, girls. I'm here for something else. Where is she?" Irene flashed her infamous eyesmile making the group's heartbeats rapidly pound against their chest. 
"She's probably in class fooling around with the boys." A pretty girl in a neatly done bow, explained. "I'll come with you, unnie." The girl said with an oddly strict tone.
Irene quietly followed the girl until they reached the room to the far end hallway. Even from a few metres away, the senior could already make out the rowdy voices from the inside. 
The freshman gently opened the door, slowly peeking, a gesture Irene then mimicked. 
Irene gasped at the circle of boys laughing obnoxiously along with a girl whom she knew to be Yerim. 
"Son Yerim!" The freshman girl disturbed the loud air.
"Babe!" Yerim quickly hopped off the desk she was sitting on before running to the student Irene was with. 
"Wait, you're dating Yerim?" The older couldn't stop herself from being nosy. 
"Yes, unnie." The girl meekly mumbled before the blush on her ears began to became obvious. 
"Saeronnie!" Yeri's bright voice echoed before the girl's figure appeared before their eyes. "Oh, Irene unnie! What are you doing here?" 
"I'm here to treat you, remember?" Irene glanced at her watch, witnessing that a quarter of an hour had already passed. 
"Oh, right! Yes, I remember." The younger grinned. 
"What's going on here?" Irene could see Saeron cutely glare at her girlfriend, as if making Yeri sing all the details. 
"Oh that? I'm helping her." 
"With what?" Saeron's eyebrow rose.
"Get together with Wendy unnie. What's with the questions? Relax, baby. You know I'm yours to keep." Irene's eyes blinked in astonishment at how casual Yeri was being. Saeron's cheeks began to burn but she managed to keep the frown on her face. 
"Can I borrow Yerim for today? Just this lunch time." Irene asked.
"Sure unnie, make sure she doesn't play around." Saeron's eyebrows furrowed in worry. 
"I'll make sure to personally hang her if she does." Irene smiled mischievously before dragging Yerim away.
"Are you serious unnie? You'll actually hang me?"
"Of course not. I'll even teach you how to play if you want." Irene wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"No, don't. My Saeronnie will kick my ." Yeri shook her head violently slowly moving away from Irene and her cunning intentions.
"I'm kidding, calm down." Irene chuckled before coming to a complete stop in front of a half empty table.
"Hey guys, this is Yeri." Irene introduced the girl to everyone.
"Hello!" The trio greeted with Ahreum's voice slightly lowered compared to the two.
"I'm Joy, this bear right here is Seulgi, and the four eyed one is Ahreum." Joy introduced everyone who just ended up waving welcomingly.
"Rude, much?" Yeri heard Ahreum mutter under her breath.
"It's okay, unnie. I'll remember you as the pretty one." Yeri subtly flirted. 
'No, don't. My Saeronnie will kick my .'
Irene smirked knowingly at the girl's obvious moves. She didn't even have to do anything and that the freshman just flirted all on her own.
"Please, if you'll remember anyone by such a trait, it will obviously be me." Joy stated cockily as she flipped her hair with such arrogance. 
"Excuse her, will you? She hasn't had much sleep lately. She's delirious." Seulgi giggled, making the twins cackle lightly. "Ow! See? She's abusive too. I'm warning you now, Yerim; stay away from Sooyoung. She has a stash of random pills in the basement of their house; I saw it with my own eyes when I came over once." Seulgi gossiped. 
The three wasn't sure if she intended to whisper but really, she was being unnecessarily loud. 
Joy grumbled in frustration, ruffling her once, perfect hair. "For the last time Seulgi, my mom is a pharmacist! Stop spreading rumours that I'm a drug addict." 
"But don't you always take that pill? The one from the metal container?" Seulgi asked, clearly oblivious of her surroundings. 
"I'm done dealing with this your dumb ." Joy sighed heavily. "They are called icebreakers, you hear me? Ice-breakers. They're breath mints, not pills. Repeat after me, breath-mints." 
"She's not that stupid." Ahreum argued calmly.
"Oh, yeah. Definitely notThis might not be the worst but, 'oconomy' -really?
The youngest couldn't help but laugh at the group's banters. She knew that she'd get along well with Sooyoung since her role in the group is very similar to Yeri's. 
So basically, the  of the group. 
"It was a slip up." Ahreum reasoned, wanting to protect her bestfriend's pride. She was a part of a debate team last year, she should win, right?
But then again, defending this particular case is harder than anyone would think. 
Seulgi was one of the brightest jar in the cookie, but she was one of those cookies that required a lot of time and effort to bake. 
Did that even make sense? 
In Ahreum's simple mind, it sure did. 
"Slip-upUh huh. Do you remember that time when they asked her if she wanted a slice of cake and she said 'yes'? she would like a piece: World piece." Joy continued to think back to Seulgi's darkest moments for the sake of arguments. "Come on, Ahreum, that wasn't even the correct 'peace'."
Irene and Yeri bursted into a fit of laughter at Seulgi's extremely lame excuse of a pun. 
The topic's subject ducked her head in shame at her random brain farts. A freshman shouldn't be laughing at her, she was a Junior. She should be more knowledgable than the teen and yet there she was, laughing at Seulgi's cringing moments.
"Can we stop? I know I'm not the smartest.." Seulgi pouted in shame. 
"-Nor the prettiest because I'm still here." Ahreum picked up one of her left over French fries before eagerly throwing it straight to Joy's self proclaimed 'money maker'
"What the-" Joy squealed in displeasure as she dusted the seasoning that splattered on her face, thanks to the younger Bae's hidden athletic skills. "What was that for?" 
"I didn't want to leave the poor fry just sitting untouched on my plate, so I thought it would be best to make a use of it." Ahreum smiled innocently, with her eyes shining mischievously behind the thick, black frame that bordered her deep features. 
"Jerk." Joy, not-so-quietly mumbled to herself. 
"Sorry, your face was just too inviting." Ahreum grinned, her fingers drumming the table with a rapid pace, a habit she did whenever she knew she owned victory of something
Joy clucked her tongue, though her conceited demeanour stayed all the same.
"If you wanted a kiss, you should've just said so." The younger naughtily puckered up, slowly leaning into the incredibly disgusted Ahreum. 
"Stop!" Irene squirmed in her seat as she pushed away Joy's face with much effort.
"Joy unnie, I don't think kissing a pig is in her bucket list."  
The whole table became rambunctious of reactions as a stunned Joy remained glued to her spot. Never has anyone became in level with her satanic background yet.
But Yerim, she might just be right-hand (wo)man of Sooyoung's glorious father from hell. 
Irene laughed the most, struggling to breathe as she constantly wiped the never ending tears of laughter that pooled in her eyes. 
"I like you so much, kid." Irene patted the younger's shoulder as her laughter slowly came down.
"My sister would be so jealous." Yeri laughed maniacally. 
"Thank you so much, Yeri! No one has ever done that to our Sooyoung." Seulgi giggled in amusement. 
"It feels great." Ahreum spoke with a low voice. 
"Anyway, we'll be right back. I'll just treat Yeri some food. Eat a lot Ahreummie~" Irene said as she patted the girl's head.
"Yeah, yeah. Will do." The younger twin only nodded in obedience. 
Irene and Yeri headed to the parking lot to drive to the nearest food place they can locate. 
"Hop in." Irene said as she clicked the car unlock.
"Wow. You must be rich, unnie." The younger said in pure amazement as her eyes wandered around the interior of the Bae's car. Well, Irene's, technically since Ahreum doesn't drive. She has a tendency to get startled by such little things. So Irene, being the older one, volunteered to learn the safeties of being behind the wheel for the sake of both of them. 
"I'm not." Irene chuckled as she fastened her seatbelt and slightly adjusted the mirror. 
Irene switched the gear to reverse as she casually settled her right arm on Yeri's backrest before looking behind,  manually operating the steering wheel with her left hand. 
To Yeri's eyes, that was such an attractive move to pull off so she squealed a little, making sure not to distract the older girl. 
"What?" Irene asked as her eyes remained focused to backing up.
"You look so attractive like that." Yeri fangirled. 
"Is that so? I gotta take your sister for a drive sometime soon then." Irene smiled, liking the younger's affectionate personality. They are similar in some ways. 
"She would most likely fall for you then and there." Yeri answered, smiling knowingly. 
"I wish. Your sister is too innocent for her own good. I've tried to make a move but she never caught on." Irene pouted.  
This time, they were fully reversed. Irene moved the gear to drive as they made their way.  
"Sorry about that, she's pretty clueless most of the time. She doesn't know much about the world of relationships." 
"Is that why you managed to get yourself a girlfriend before her?" Irene humoured.
"She's never been in a relationship before, so yes. She's too passive to make a move." The young player shook her head in dissaprovance. 
"Do you think I have a chance? Surely she's had a ton of admirers she's rejected before." Irene asked in a voice full of nerves. 
"Actually, I rejected them all." Yeri revealed, taking Irene aback. 
"Wait, you? Why you?" 
"Wendy unnie is too nice. She can't ever say no, so I usually do it." Yeri grinned of pride.
"Has she liked any of them?"
"One of them; His name is Eric Nam, a transfer student from America. He attended my sister's school and she really liked him. They conversed in English a lot so they became close quickly and she pretty much admired his whole being." Irene's stomach churned in jealousy. She shouldn't even be jealous of such news. Anyone should be able to like whoever they please.
"So, what happened?" 
"Eric oppa had to move back to U.S. But if he hadn't, they would have definitely been together. Wendy unnie treated him like her boyfriend and vice versa." 
They reached a cozy looking bakery as Yeri excitedly got off, starving for the freshly baked goods. The younger sprinted inside the shop with a childish grin.
"You can pick everything you want." Irene said as the younger happily bounced on spot. 
If he hadn't left, would they still be together? 
Irene's mind wandered to the possibilities. What if he comes back? Will Wendy leave her for him? -But 'leave her'? They aren't even together. Yet, Irene would like to assume. But if she liked him is it possible that Wendy's straight? I mean, she couldn't be all that straight, right? She clearly liked Irene back. But what if Wendy was just being her naturally kind self? But she was leading Irene on. 
Irene was almost in the verge of ripping her hair out in frustration. 
She has always hated overthinking; just thinking in general. 
That was Ahreum's job. Irene was a do-er. She acted before thinking; that's just who she was. 
Before Irene could ponder some more, the feminine sounding voice of the shop's cashier woke her from day dreaming.
"That would be sixty-seven dollars." The bright looking cashier said.
Wait, sixty-seven?! 
Irene saw three boxes full of baked goods in Yeri's sight that made her jaw drop. When she said the little girl could buy as she pleased, Irene didn't expect her to literally buy the whole menu. 
It was too late to turn back so she payed anyhow.
Irene quickly ran to Yeri's spot.
"Can you even eat all of that?" The older asked in disbelief.
"No! You gotta give me a few hours." Yeri giggled in delight.
How are we supposed to come back to school with that? It's obviously not gonna fit in your locker.
A crestfallen look came upon Yeri as she realized the situation. 
"I didn't think about that.." The younger looked at Irene with puppy eyes seemingly begging. "Unnie, can you drive me home? I'll just drop these off then we can head back to school." Yeri pleaded as she held up the large amount of food in hand.
"Alright, let's go." Irene said as she grabbed all three of the boxes, carrying it for Yeri.
"Oh my gosh, unnie! You are so cool! I would've totally fallen for you instead." Yeri squealed as they reached Irene's car. The younger totally admired the blonde's masculine nature. 
"Don't say that, Saeron will come for me." Irene laughed as she began driving off, quite unsure of the right direction to the Sons' house. She chose to just follow the GPS' guidance. 
The topic about Wendy's past love-life invaded Irene's mind once again.
"So, about Eric.. If Wendy liked him, does that mean she's straight?" Irene wanted to say that the subject didn't bother him - like how it usually wouldn't. But Wendy, she had a completely different effect on Irene.
"Straight? Hah! If she's straight then so am I." Yeri laughed mischievously. "- That was a joke by the way. Wendy unnie is nowhere near straight. The straightest she will ever get close to being is biual, which is what I assume her to be." 
"Why would you think she's biual?"
"I know for a fact that she likes guys because she's had a few minor crushes in the past, nothing too serious but I am pretty sure that she likes girls too. I think she likes you, unnie. She's just really bad at comprehending her feelings."
Yeri has always been Wendy's bestfriend, telling the younger all of her inner feelings and concerns. Yeri might be a tad bit bratty but she never ignored anything that her sister had to say. 
"I really hope so, Yerim. I've been with a few girls and flirted with many but I really am serious with Wendy. I think even Ahreum was surprised." Irene giggled. She too, was amazed at the changes she had gone through ever since she spotted a certain cutie by the campus' gate. 
"I can see that, unnie. My sister is sort of out of this world most of the time and I can see your patience when talking to her and I can practically hear your smile when talking about her, though you aren't together yet. It's obvious that you sincerely like my sister and I have no problem trusting you to her." 
Is Yeri really just a freshman? 
"I really appreciate that, Yerim." Irene gave the younger a simple but sweet smile. 
"But you're honestly so charming, unnie! I wanna be just like you." Irene couldn't help but smile at the younger's words. 
"Why would you wanna be like me?" 
"I wanna care for everyone like you do, unnie. Whether it's with Ahreum unnie, Me, Joy and Seulgi unnie, and especially my sister. I wanna look out for Saeron in the same manner that you do around people you love." Irene felt herself melt at the heartwarming display of maturity.  
"I'm pretty sure you already do. Isn't that why Saeron is into you? Because you take care of her better than any other of her admirers do." 
Yeri smiled at the older's words. She has never thought of it that way. 
"Thanks, unnie."
"No problem." Irene affectionately disorganized Yeri's hair as they stopped at the red light.
"I really like you for Wendy unnie. I've never liked any of her potential lovers before - not even Eric oppa - but I know that you will be perfect for her, unnie. Seungwan unnie is very clumsy, always needing assistance with everything but I'm happy to know that you'll be there to help her out." Irene couldn't find the right line to say to Yeri after the girl's words of approval. 
"Thank you, Yerimmie. I'll do my best to spoil your sister." Irene flashed a charming smile before pulling over to the Son household's garage. 
"Let's go inside, unnie. Feel free to make yourself at home." 
Yeri got off the car and was about to pick up the boxes when Irene grabbed them first. 
"I got it. You shouldn't be so tired, Yeri-ah, your brightness must be preserved." Irene said as she followed behind the younger.
Truthfully, the boxes were unimaginably heavy. She was pretty much carrying a sack of rice; having said that, there was no way in hell that she'll make Yeri carry such a troublesome load.
As they entered the grand house, a familiar cartoon-printed grey hoodie was neatly folded on the leather couch. A little out of place considering the house was pretty much spotless. 
"I'll be right back, unnie. I'll just quickly change my coat. This one is too hot!" The younger complained before wildly running up the stairs. 
"Yeri? Is that you? Why are you home at this time? Mom is gonna kill you! You have school you little-" a familiar voice invaded the silent air as Irene heard some incoming footsteps coming from what she guessed to be the living room.
Irene froze on the spot as a casual-styled Wendy walked in the kitchen where Irene was comfortably sitting just moments ago.  
The older pretty much ogled at the sight of the girl she's head-over-heels in a comfortable looking oversized shirt, shorts that seemed to be dangerously short, along with a hot messy bun. 
She knew that Wendy was lethal but she didn't know she was that deadly! 
Wendy in a cozy looking outfit is gonna be the death of Irene. 
How is she supposed to survive being together with the younger if her head was already spinning at the current sight? And Wendy was a good distance away. 
What if they were finally together and Wendy came running into her arms? Irene would die, no doubt. 
"Oh, Irene! What are you doing here?" Wendy said in full confusion as to how the older managed to get herself inside the tightly secured house. 
"O-oh um I-I came with Y-Yeri to drop of her food." Oh how Irene wished she could just slam her head against the table for looking like a total fool in front of Wendy. 
Good going, Joohyun. Way to be smooth
Wendy's eyes bulged at the enormous amount of food that her sister has brought home. Sure their mother often gave them allowance but Yeri's were usually gone after a day or two; often conning Wendy for her share. 
"Where did she get all these from? She didn't take someone's lunch money again, right?" Wendy's eyes moved from the food to Irene, hopeful that her sister did not do the same mistake she has done in the past. Wendy could still remember being scolded for her sister's action.
"Huh? No, of course not! I wouldn't let her do that. I treated her food." Irene explained - proud of herself for managing to say a sentence without stammering.
"Why would you do that?" Irene's breath hitched as Wendy innocently moved closer to her area.
"I promised her I'll treat her food." Irene shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. The specific action usually gains her followers' hearts but not so much Wendy. 
"But isn't that too much?" The younger's tiny finger pointed at the humongous pile of boxes.
"I don't know. It's what Yerim wanted; I just told her to order anything she wanted." 
Wendy pouted before shaking her head adorably. Irene almost collapsed at the irresistible gesture in front of her. 
Oh god, please spare me. I don't want to commit a sin with those lips. 
As much as she wanted to plant a sugary peck on the shorter's lips, Irene would much prefer to steal Wendy's first kiss when they are officially together. 
"I-It's nothing, really. I, um don't mind." 
... And, she stuttered again. 
Her moment of decency were good while it lasted. 
"Are you sure? I can pay you back if you-" Irene immediately waved her hand in rejection. 
"No, no. It's really okay, I'm not asking for anything back!" -except a kiss on the cheek, maybe
Burning ears and completely flushed cheeks are what welcomed Irene as she witnessed Wendy grab ahold of her hands. 
"W-what are y-you doing?" Irene tried to tug on her arms but it was to no avail. In fact, Wendy's grip tightened even more.
"Thank you so much for taking care of Yeri. I know she's a handful and I really grateful for you." Irene's heart felt like it was about to burst at how fast it was pumping. Not to mention Wendy's habit of looking into people's eyes while conversing.
It was a double kill for Irene. 
She didn't mind not getting a kiss. That was all that she could ever ask for. 
"Irene unnie, let's go- oh Seungwan unnie! What are you doing here?" Yeri walked into the romantic moment, unaware that she had ruined Irene's dreamland when Wendy's warm hands slipped away from hers'. 
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" The older Son's eyebrow rose in question.
"As you can see, I'm with Irene unnie." The younger simply informed, pointing her lips to the awkward Irene. "Anyway, let's go unnie. We'll be late. Bye Seungwan unnie!" 
Before Irene could follow the younger, Wendy grab ahold of the older's wrist, stopping Irene from moving away further. 
"Yes?" She gave Wendy a questioning look.
"Thanks again, I'll call you tonight.. Can I?" Wendy's head losers shyly and Irene could have fainted at that exact moment.
One can only take so much cuteness. 
"Call me all you want, I'm here to stay." Irene flashed a sincere smile that quickly turned into a love-sick grin as she caught a glimpse Wendy's tinted cheeks. 
"Okay, take care Irene.." The bashful girl mumbled.
"I'll stay safe, since I have yet to hear your sweetest 'yes'.
Irene's rare eye smile made its appearance in front of Wendy, weakening her knees. 
"Enjoy your day, Wendy. I'll be expecting that call." She winked before finally closing the door, leaving a speechless and very much flustered, Seungwan.  
It's okay to feel giddy whenever Irene is around, right?
But- not even Eric managed to make as elated as she is now..
Wendy realized that she was in serious trouble. 
• • •
"What do your friends think about me?
"What do you mean?" 
Irene asked in abashment at Wendy's question. They have been on the phone for about two, or three hours and somehow their topics swerved to all lanes and directions; starting from small talk - like have you eaten? How was your day? - to their siblings, and eventually the confusing question that Wendy had just asked.
"You have been trying to be with me for months and I haven't said yes. That must be some kind of a record for Player Bae." Irene must have asked Wendy out too many times that the girl actually caught on to the fact that Irene is crazy for her. 
"Well, it really just depends on who you ask really. Some are wondering why I'm still chasing you when I could easily drop out and go out with someone else; while others, well, they're proud of me for finally straightening out - I mean, obviously not straight-straight since you're a girl, but you know what I mean. - They're proud that I finally stuck with one girl." Irene rambled on, unaware of the smile that the girl on the other line is currently flaunting. 
"And what do you say to those people who asks why you haven't given up?" Irene wasn't sure why Wendy pried on with her questions but she recalled that they have never particularly discussed such topic and Wendy could have been curious all this time. 
"I just say that you're my future and I'd have to be crazy to just drop that." 
Wendy's face heated at the warming comment. She almost lost her cool and squealed over the line but she's classier than that; and obviously possesses shame. 
"Maybe you don't have to deal with them anymore.." Wendy mumbled over the phone.
"What are you saying?"
"I mean, I'm saying 'yes' to you now.. So if they asked again, you can just say that we're together..
Irene's mobile slipped off her hands and landed softly onto the mattress as she trashed violently, screaming her lungs out in delight. 
A fast, loud banging of a fist against Irene's door interrupted the girl's self-celebratory moment. 
"Just a second, Seungwannie~" Irene spoke to the receiver before running towards the door.
As soon as she opened it, a sight of a worried Ahreum had greeted her. 
"What in the world is happening?" Ahreum asked as she walked into Irene's room, looking for any signs of danger.
"She finally said yes to me, Reummie! Oh my gosh she's my girlfriend now!
Irene basically pounced on her younger twin as she embraced Ahreum with much effort.
"You have no idea how happy I am, Reum. I've wanted this for months!
Ahreum could feel her shirt dampening as her sister cried tears of joy. - not the satanic Sooyoung, Joy but actual happiness, Joy. 
"Congrats, Rene. I'm happy for you! When can I meet her?" The younger twin soothed the never ending sobs that Irene was letting out. 
"I'll invite her over tomorrow. You'll finally meet her Reummie~" her embrace around Ahreum's figure tightened. "I'm sorry for making you wait. You know that unnie only did that to make sure that everything goes perfectly, right?" 
Ahreum couldn't help but smile at Irene. She only ever called herself Ahreum's 'unnie' whenever she felt the need to truly ask or show assurance that she's doing her job as the older one.
Though in reality, their age difference is only by a few minutes - seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds, to be exact
"I can't wait. Now go ahead and talk to her, she must be waiting." Ahreum pulled away from the hug before pointing to the phone using her pursed lips. 
"I really am happy for you, Rene." Ahreum smiled before closing Irene's door. 
Irene just mirrored her twin's smile behind the closed door.
"Hey, Wendy! Sorry about that.." 
"Oh no worries, I kinda heard you squealing." Wendy giggled cutely. "But just so you're aware, I'm just as happy as you are.
"Don't make me cry even more, I don't like crying - I never cry." Irene said as she dabbed a Kleenex gently against the corner of her pooled eyes. 
"Don't cry, Irene. You can only cry when I'm there to comfort you." Wendy mentioned softly. 
"Since when were you this sweet?" Irene chuckled, her heart leaping in happiness as butterflies danced around her stomach. 
"I'm learning from you." Wendy giggled over the line, making Irene laugh as well. 
"Sweet-mouth. Would you like to come over tomorrow? My sister wants to meet you." 
"Really? I would love to meet her. I'd like to get to know the people you hold close to your heart." Wendy said gently, voice as smooth as honey. 
How can you resist such an innocent, yet excessively compassionate girl? Waiting all those months was definitely worth it
"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow. Around one, maybe?" 
"Works for me. But for now, let's sleep it's getting late." Irene glanced at the clock on her nightstand and sure enough, it was a quarter to midnight. 
"Okay, sleep well. Sweet dreams and I sure hope you dream of me." Irene half joked-half meant the words. 
"Maybe, I will. We'll have to see. Goodnight Irene!"
"Goodnight, baby. Sleep tight~" Irene kissed the phone lightly but audibly before pressing the red button. 
She just called Wendy "baby"! 
Irene rolled around her bed once again, screaming loudly into her pillow before laying flat, exhaustion kicking in.
Wendy finally agreeing to go out with her was still surreal and it forever will be. She knows that she will never stop over the fact that such an angel is now girlfriend
Irene snuggled her pillow as she dreamt of Wendy in sleeping in between her arms. 
What she didn't know was, she wasn't the only one with such a dream. 
"Are you ready to go? Do you have everything?" Irene asked as Wendy packed her essential in her purse.
The older just stood there watching her girlfriend fiddle with the contents of her bag, checking for everything.
"Yes, I'm good. Let's go." Wendy was about to head out when she felt another grip on the handle of her bag.
"It's heavy, I'll carry it." Before Wendy could protest, Irene tugged on to her purse, quickly switching to the other hand. The older got ahold of Wendy's hand with the unoccupied one as they headed down to Irene's car hand in hand.
They reached the garage in no time but Irene didn't let go of Wendy's hand. They both headed to the passenger's side, Irene quickly opening the door for her lover. 
Wendy became flustered but still hopped on. Irene grabbed ahold of the seatbelt, pulling and locking it for her.
"Are you even aware that I have hands of my own?" Wendy chuckled. 
"Of course I am, I know because I love holding your hands." Irene simply answered before closing the door and heading to the driver's side.
When she was geared up as well, Irene switched the gear and headed home with Wendy. 
Soft music played on the speaker as Irene could make out Wendy's subtle hums, matched with her tapping finger.
Unable to resist, Irene's right hand placed itself on top of Wendy's left, smoothly curling against her small palm until their fingers were perfectly intertwined. 
"I like this, I really do." Irene confessed with her eyes still on the road and a content smile plastered on her face. 
They stayed in peaceful silence all the way to the Bae's home. When they reached the house's garage, Irene unwillingly let go of Wendy's hand.
"Don't move, I'll open it for you." Irene rapidly undid her belt but before she could even fully head to the other side of the car, Wendy was already outside.
"What did I tell you? Stubborn kid." Irene affectionately played with Wendy's strand before getting a soft grip to her hand. 
She seems to have gotten an addiction with it; never wanting to let go of Wendy's tiny hands that emitted so much warmth.
It kept drawing Irene in. 
They walked into what seemed like an empty house.
"Reum? Reummie?" Irene called as she lead Wendy to the living room. "Would you mind waiting, baby? I'll just change. I didn't know the weather would be this hot." 
Wendy kept her eyes on the floor before nodding. She was thankful that she decided not to put her hair up, otherwise the redness of her ears would be a clear show. 
She still wasn't used to Irene's pet name for her. It was a basic label but the way Irene's voice does its wonders make the name seem heavenly. 
Irene headed upstairs, leaving Wendy alone.
Wendy played around on her phone before hearing light footsteps coming down the stairs. 
It was Irene- with her hair up in a neat ponytail and specs? She was wearing shorts and a fairly large hoodie that seemed to make her look smaller than she actually is. 
It was a different fashion compared to what she usually sees in her girlfriend but it was still very stunning. 
Irene managed to look attractive in whatever she decides to wear. 
"Oh you're back quickly?" Wendy wondered, looking straight at her girlfriend who looked utterly surprised by her.
"Wait, who are you?" Is she perhaps, Seungwan? 
"Wendy, nice to meet you." The former played along with her girlfriend's joke even getting up to offer the girl a handshake.
Not Seungwan? Then who in Joy's home is this girl?
"Seriously who are you? How did you get in to my house?" Ahreum pushed Wendy against the couch, cornering her.
"What are you talking about? You let me in!" Wendy explained though slightly intimidated by "Irene's" stare. 
"Why would I let you in- I don't even know you?" Wendy was now sitting with her back tightly pressed against the sofa with 'Irene' towering over her, her right knee pressed against Wendy's toned abdomen. 
"I'm your girlfriend for god's sake!" Wendy groaned at the feeling of "Irene's" sharp knee against her stomach.
"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend! I'm straight. I'm calling the cops." The girl pulled out her phone but before she could dial the emergency, her sister came rushing down the stairs, horrified look on her face. 
"Ahreum what are you doing!" She sprinted towards their direction before grabbing her sister tightly and lightly shoving her to away from the Wendy-girl.
"Oh my gosh, baby! Are you okay? I am so sorry!" Irene cupped her lover's face, tilting it side to side to check for any bruises or sign of violence. Thankfully, there's none. 
"Huh?" Wendy's eyes moved back and forth between the two Irene's. Her two girlfriends in front of her. 
She was starting to think that she was hallucinating due to the the pain on her abdomen that was caused by non other than her girlfriend.
She stared at the worried girl in front of her who just called her 'baby'. The familiar hazel orbs, it's Irene! The Irene. 
"Wait, why are there two of you? Am I dreaming?" Wendy dumbly spoke slightly slurring her words. "Does heaven mean two Irene's?"
Ahreum figured out that the girl must have been her sister's companion since she knew Irene. 
"Wait, 'baby'?! I thought you're dating that Seungwan chick?" Ahreum asked exasperated. What is going on?
"Exactly, I am!" Irene said in panic as she check the girl on the couch for any bruises or whatever. 
I didn't hurt her that bad.
"Then who is this girl?" Irene said as she yanked the stranger's shirt. Words can't describe how terrified Wendy is right now. She could see two Irenes and one of them is screaming at her.
"She's Seungwan, who else? I wouldn't call anyone else 'baby' besides my Wannie."
"She said her name is Wendy!
"That's her English name, she grew up in Canada; her Korean name is Seungwan. My god, Reummie next time please be careful! Someone could have gotten hurt." The older lectured. 
Well, technically someone did get hurt. Getting a hard jab on the stomach is painful in several levels. 
"Which one is the my Irene?" Wendy asked as she gripped her stomach tightly, rocking back and forth. She was slowly catching on.
"It's me, baby. Are you okay now?" Irene lifted Wendy's gaze to look at her. Wendy was a hundred percent sure that that is her Irene. 
Wendy just nodded her head but her stomach was still throbbing of pain.
"Then who are you?" Wendy looked up at Irene with specs and killer ponytails. 
"I'm Irene's sister, Ahreum." She awkwardly offered a hand, not really expecting Wendy to take it since she was literally knee'd by Ahreum just moments ago. 
"Oh um nice to meet you." Wendy accepted the hand. It was indeed unsettling. 
 Her eyes quickly shifted to her girlfriend that was now sitting beside her, holding her hand. 
"How come you didn't tell me that your sister is an identical twin sister! I nearly kissed her when she said she didn't know me." 
"You nearly kissed her?!" The Bae twins turned red - Irene with fury and Ahreum of embarrassment; truthfully, Wendy is adorable in her eyes. She's like a chipmunk. 
"Excuse me, Wendy Son Seungwan. For your information, I'm the only one who's allowed to kiss you. Not even Ahreum." Irene huffed. 
Seeing Irene's odd actions, a clear sign of jealous, Wendy decided to act bold, "Like I said, nearly. And I only thought of it because I thought she was you." She got ahold of Irene's chin before leaning in to plant a kiss on the girl's cheek.
She didn't know how to properly kiss so she'll leave that for Irene to lead
"Will you know which is which?" Ahreum questioned, afraid of getting mistaken as her sister. Especially since she is Irene's girlfriend and not just any person. 
"Yes. If my heart starts to beat fast, it's Irene." Wendy mumbled, internally cringing at her own line. 
"Baby, you're so sweet." Irene gave Wendy a side hug, pulling the younger from her waist. 
"You two are even more disgusting in person..
Ahreum gazed at Irene and Wendy with judging eyes, finding every move puke-worthy.
"You're just jealous." Irene stuck her tongue out, playfully, irritating Ahreum even more. 
Irene turned to Wendy before planting a gentle kiss on the girl's head.
Wendy kept mum as heat crept up her neck. Her girlfriend is too sugary; too affectionate - not that she minds. 
"Whatever." Ahreum retorted before turning around and heading back to her room to do some more programming. But before completely disappearing, she took one last look at the couple talking on the couch, an unreadable eyes evident behind her shiny lens.
Okay, maybe Irene is right, she is a little jealous.. 
- Only because she can't deny, Wendy is indeed hella cute. 
Sam Smith's Leave Your Lover has been stuck in my head all day. ;;~;; 
Anyway, as this story progressed on, I came to hate myself more and more. Like why am I doing this to myself? I should be sleeping. It shouldn't be this long. Etc etc. Imagine. This is almost 10k and its typed on my phone.. My thumbs feel violated XD I'm tired. It's 3:30 AM now. I'm gonna take a really long nap after this.
It's a bit challenging to write with a lot of characters because it literally makes everything longer but nonetheless, I enjoyed writing this :) I hope you like this one :3
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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.