
My Annoying Love~

Chapter 15 - Confession?

"What should I do now? He chose Sungjong..." Myungsoo sobbed to himself as he ran away from the sickeningly sweet scene of Sungjong glomping Sungyeol.

"I lost, didn't I?" Myungsoo bitterly chuckled to himself as he wiped his tears harshly with the back of his hands.

"Why...? Sungyeol, why? I changed so much for you! Just because you like cute things, I tried doing aegyo as much as possible!!" Myungsoo screamed out, his heart shattering at each word said.

"Keke~ No wondered you changed so much~ You fell for me, didn't you?" 

Myungsoo whipped his head to the source of the teasing voice, only to be met with the sweet smile of Sungyeol.

"What are doing here?! You are supposed to be accepting someone's confession over there." Myungsoo spat bitterly and narrowed his eyes at Sungyeol.

"Well... If I'm not wrong, someone told me that they had something to tell me after I've made my choice~" Sungyeol strode over to Myungsoo, relaxed.

"I-I-I have nothing to say!!" Myungsoo blushed furiously as he stood up and dusted himself.

"Well, my dear tomato! If you have nothing to say, then I shall say something. After all, I think you would want to know why didn't I choose you, right?" Sungyeol beamed brightly at Myungsoo.

"T-Then tell me fast!!" Myungsoo couldn't deny the curiousity bubbling in him.

"Hmmm... Should I?" Sungyeol put a finger to his chin and tilted his head cutely, teasing Myungsoo.

"Y-Yah!!!" Myungsoo blushed even more and hit Sungyeol on his shoulder.

"Yah!! I'm your hyung! Don't hit me!!" Sungyeol's childishness came back as he shrieked at Myungsoo.

"Argh.. Just get to the point?"

"Hmph. Fine. How do you expect me to enjoy the date with my heart running at 500 miles per minute?!" Sungyeol shouted, a light pink tinting his cheeks.

Sungyeol strode off with long strides, embarrassed.

"What is that supposed to mea- Oh." Myungsoo fiddled with his fingers shyly.

"Yeollie hyung!! I Love You Too~~" Myungsoo happily shouted after his hyung.

"Yeollie!! Be mine? Be my one and only Annoying Love!"

The space between them ceased to exist as their lips touched.

The En-

"Yah!! Did you tell Sungjong about me liking kisses?!?!

"Noooo!! Why would I?!?!"

The End :D


It finally ended!!
Are all of you happy? :)
You finally got rid of my story XD 
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Chapter 16: Chapter 16:You know i just read this story today and i feel my heart beat because of how cute it was.By chance i see my name in this chapter .I feel so happy because of that .I love you too btw.Really you made my day .And this story was one of the best stories i had readen in my life .So please keep going and make more of this amazing stories .Myungyeol were just super cute in this story i love than more and more .I hope see more for them from you .Fighting .*Sorry for the grammer mistakes English is not my first language*
khasabat #2
Chapter 15: Yey! Finaly Yeol chose myungie hehehe
MinzSoo #4
Chapter 16: MinzSoo?? hey isn't that my name
it's weird o.O
SHINee_Fan #5
Chapter 16: Even though I read this story so many times, I still can't help but squeal at sungyeol's cuteness and I wish I could actually see myungsoo acting all cute around yeollie and clinging onto him.
Once again. I LOVE YOU JojoChicky and I LOVE YOUR STORIES. ^___^
FIGHTING for your other stories.
Chapter 16: what kind of sorcery is this!?!? I found my name!!! Hahahaha nice story btw. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 16: Touched upon seeing my name! Hahahaha. Hope to read more of myungyeol stories from you! ;)
kkloudskk #8
Chapter 16: I don't know why my name appears here, but thank you anyway. hehe. the fic is just awesomely cute :3 especially the pics u added in to give more emotional feeling
Chapter 17: thank u author-nim coz i found my name. :) and most of all for making cute stories for myungyeol!
Popireza #10
Chapter 16: What a great fanfic~kyaaaa:3