[ 004 ]

Don't Forget Me
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Irene stands there, leaning on the rough pillar supporting the ceiling of a lounge area in the lobby of the building. She moves her feet, intending to walk but they're fastened onto the carpet floor. They finally allow her to move but it isn't any better, she feels as if she's tromping in quicksand. The quicksand, her own anxiety preventing her from moving.

Irene approaches the reception and introduces herself.


"Hello, May i see Ms. Kang?"


"I'll ring you right up."




Seulgi irritatedly rubbed her temples with her index finger and thumb. Nothing could stress her out more than the stacks of paper taunting her. She almost jumped in joy the moment her phone rang, glad that she at least got a moment away from battling papers.


"Ms. Kang? Someone's here to see you." 

Seulgi didn't even bother to ask for the stranger's name. Thank lord jesus.


"Send them in." It wasn't that long until a knock appeared at her door.


"Come in." She invited the guest. A figure appears through the door.


Her eyes widened like a deer caught in the strong rays of a headlight, her ability to breath, gone. Her sharp eyes glared at the woman with a horrifying look.

"Long time no see, Seulgi." Irene spoke, preceded by a smirk, one more taunting than the papers.


"I-Irene." She stutters, focusing her line of vision on a random object.


"Oh? So you do remember me," She scans the room before moving onward, 


"I see you're doing well, you're even married." Coming from anyone else that chuckle would have sounded friendly, but from Irene it was dark, sinister even.


Seulgi took a moment analyze Irene. Her brown hair now replace with black night sky locks, but everything else was exactly identical to the Irene she knew years ago. Except her personality, Irene was not that naive and innocent girl any more, her eyes showed an independent woman, someone who doesn't take orders from anybody, someone who stands up for herself. 


"H-have a s-seat." She stammers, getting up from her office chair and ushering Irene to the mini couch adjacent to the one she plans to use. Irene adjusts to the soft fabric comfortably and sits with one leg over the other. 


"Would you l-like some coffee?" Seulgi asks, her words tripping over each other.


"Sure." The answer comes out so refine,  she starts wondering where Irene's skittishness went. 


"Wh-what kind would y-you like?"


"Doesn't matter." 


Seulgi gets up once again and advances towards the coffee machine in the back of her office, only to be grabbed by the wrist and spun backwards. In a matter of seconds she finds her back against a wall. She looks at Irene with gaping eyes as the latter hovers over her.


"What are you d-doing? G-get off." She whispers, although it was intended to come out as a shriek she was too afraid. 


"Why? Are you scared?" Irene asks, not moving an inch. Her hands reach Seulgi's face, brushing her loose strands of hair out.


"You've gotten even more beautiful." Seulgi's holds a breath, not because of the way Irene said those words, not the words themselves but because of their close, almost non existent proximity. She looks away, refusing to face the older girl, afraid that she might do something she'll regret. But Seulgi can't refuse the scent that's infiltrating her nostrils, Irene's scent. It's so intense that Seulgi has no choice but to face Irene. They stare into each other pools of brown as time slowly passes. 


Suddenly the phone rings, catching both of them off guard.


"Ms. Kang, your husband's here." 


Seulgi witnesses as the warmth in Irene's eyes dissipate into the nothingness, replaced with something she can't read but is enough to frighten her.

Her fear further skyrockets as Irene approaches her ear. Her next words escape in the form of a hiss, so full of hatred. 


"Go. Don't keep him waiting." Her familiar hot breath causes Seulgi to shut her eyes.



Irene gives her ear lobe a nibble and Seulgi feels her heart beat quickening.


"You don't want to?" She pulls away just as Seulgi was starting to enjoy the feel of her tongue. She shivers as the cold air hits her still wet ear.


"Should've thought of that when you decided to get married."





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kangjoohyun #1
Chapter 4: This chapter is good, author! I like the way you write. I am excited to know who is seulgi's husband..
Chapter 3: I can't believe seulgi have a husband she might be dumb bet hell she's manlier than other oppars cnsjxbsjzba like why
Chapter 3: seven years is too long bae:3 but im wondering if they have no communication during that seven years?
kangjoohyun #5
Chapter 3: Pls write longer chapters so we can react more and post comments for reaction.
Chapter 2: dANG teach me how to write :0000000
Chapter 1: Hope they will be together again