First Battle: New Beginning

Showtime Sentai

Galaxy far far away, 20XX

Mysterious shadowy figure: My lord, we have found a suitable body.

Bigger mysterious shadowy figure: I see, where?

Mysterious shadowy figure: It’s on this planet called earth.

Bigger mysterious shadowy figure: Very well, prepare for an invasion!!!

Mysterious shadowy figure + generic futuristic troops: Yes, sir!!!


Earth, still 20XX

Normal day, a very normal day.

Hanbin: I’m bored.

Everyone nodded.

Yunhyeong: Well, it’s weekend.

Jinhwan: Maybe we can go to amusement park or something!

Junhoe: It’s way too hot outside. I’m not leaving this house.

Chanwoo: When will you two stop playing? I want to play too.

Bobby: Be quiet, Chanwoo. I almost win.

Donghyuk: I won’t let you win again!

Bobby: Try!

Hanbin: Chanwoo, buy me some ice cream. Oh, choco cone!

Chanwoo: But… But…

Yunhyeong: For me too.

Junhoe: Three.

Chanwoo: (Sighed) Ok, I’ll go.

Chanwoo quickly wear his shoes and get out to the nearest convenience store.

Chanwoo: (Leisurely choosing ice cream) Let see… One for Hanbin hyung, one for Yunhyeong hyung… I will just buy one for everyone.


Suddenly, loud explosion can be heard, and half of the convenience store is destroyed.

Chanwoo: (Panic) What was that!?

Mysterious shadowy figure: You are a suitable body for my lord. Troops, catch him!!!

Chanwoo: (Getting more panic) Wait… What!?

Chanwoo quickly got out from the convenience store (well, what left of the store), and ran as fast as possible.



Jinhwan: Did you guys hear that explosion?

Bobby: What explosion?


Another explosion.

Jinhwan: That explosion.

They looked at each other for a good 5 seconds.

Junhoe: Chanwoo!!!

He quickly ran outside, forgetting to put on his shoes. As soon as he got outside, he saw Chanwoo being manhandled by multiple generic futuristic troops.

Chanwoo: Junhoe!!!

Junhoe: Chanwoo!!!

Mysterious shadowy figure was observing from a tall building.

Mysterious shadowy figure: Who’s that? Don’t let him interfere!!!

More troops can be seen coming at Junhoe, while at the same time everyone have safely exit their headquarters.

Hanbin: Junhoe! Are you ok?

Junhoe: Chanwoo!!! They are kidnapping Chanwoo!!!

Bobby: What the hell are that thing?

Mysterious shadowy figure: Kill them all and destroy this place!!!

The boys tried to fight back, but alas, they were beaten badly by the generic futuristic troops. If only they have superpowers, like Kamen Rider belt or Batman gadget or something… If only.

After the troops are done with them, they moved to ransack other part of the city.

Suddenly, Junhoe woke up…

Junhoe: I won’t let them take Chanwoo away...

And he walked (more like limped) toward the direction in which the troops take Chanwoo.


--Meanwhile, in a fancy flying warship owned by the enemies—

Mysterious shadowy figure: My lord, we have successfully obtained the body.

Bigger mysterious shadowy figure: Good job! Now bring him to me.

Chanwoo: Let me go!!! What are you going to do to me!?

At that moment, sound of footsteps can be heard coming closer.

Mysterious shadowy figure: Who’s there?

Junhoe showed up.

Junhoe: Let Chanwoo go, you monster!!!

Chanwoo: No! Run, Junhoe!!! They will kill you!

Mysterious shadowy figure: Tch, still alive? I’ll kill you myself!

Bigger mysterious shadowy figure: Wait! To be able to infiltrate here with such wounds… I have another plan for him.


--Meanwhile, back to our boys that were beaten badly—

Mysterious shining man: Wake up, boys…

Still unconscious.

Mysterious shining man: Wake up…

Still unconscious.

Mysterious shining man: Hey, wake up already!!!

Hanbin: What? Who are you? Wait… Chanwoo!?

The others also woke up.

Mysterious shining man: Of course not. Well, technically, I am Chanwoo, but from an alternate universe. I was…




Mysterious shining man: The monster that kidnapped Chanwoo are known as…




Mysterious shining man: And if we let them do what they want, they will…




Mysterious shining man: So, I will give you guys power to combat them.

Hanbin: Power?

Mysterious shining man: Yes. Power.

Suddenly, flashy Power Ranger morphing watch thingy appeared in the boys’ arms.

Hanbin: And what is this thing for?

Mysterious shining man: Oh no, I’m losing signal!!! I’m sorry but…

Bleep… the mysterious shining man suddenly disappeared.

Bobby: What!? Why did he explained all those unnecessarily long background details then disappeared when we actually have questions!?

Suddenly, some generic troops came running to them.

Generic futuristic troops: They’re still alive!? Kill them!!!

Yunhyeong: Oh no… (Panic) What do we do now?

Donghyuk: (Playing with his new morphing watch) I don’t know. I suppose this thing can defeat them?

Hanbin: (Staring intensely at his morphing watch) Oh, I know!!! Let’s just scream something cool and maybe we will transform.

Bobby: Seriously?

Hanbin: Any better idea?

Jinhwan: Guys, they’re coming.

Bobby: Very well… Let’s try. I’m blaming you if we die though.

Hanbin: Ok!!! Let’s shout “Get ready!!! Showtime!!!”, OK? 1, 2, 3…

Everyone: Get ready!!! Showtime!!!

[Insert cool transformation sequences]

Hanbin: iKONger Red!!!

Bobby: iKONger Blue!!!

Yunhyeong: iKONger Green!!!

Donghyuk: iKONger Yellow!!!

Jinhwan: iKONger Pink!!!

Everyone: Showtime Sentai!!! iKONger!!!

Bobby: (Excited) It actually worked!!!

Hanbin: Alright, we should be able to win now!

Generic futuristic troops: What just happened!? Attack!!!

Donghyuk: We should have a weapon, right?

Yunhyeong: Let’s see… (Pressing a button in his watch)

Suddenly a bat appeared from thin air.

Yunhyeong: (Reading the user guide) So this thing is called KONbat… Not as cool as expected… But, whatever. Let’s go!!!

Jinhwan: Don’t they have a gun or something more convenient? (Pressing another button)

A gun appeared out of thin air.

Jinhwan: KONgun? Neat!

[Insert action scene where the Rangers absolutely pummel the enemy]


--Meanwhile, back in the fancy flying warship—

Junhoe(?): (Looking through monitor) Look, my lord!!! Who are they?

Chanwoo(?): Some resistance, eh? (Press a button in his giant computer)

Then, from one of the giant test tube, a monster appeared.

Chanwoo(?): I leave this to you.

Generic first episode monster: Yes, sir!!!


--Back to our rangers—

Jinhwan: Alright, that should be the last of them.

Bobby: Phew, I’m beat.

Hanbin: Guys! We still have to save Chanwoo and find Junhoe.

Suddenly, a loud laughter can be heard from afar.

Generic first episode monster: Ahahaha!!! I won’t let you interfere with big boss plan. I will kill you all right here. Troops, get them!!!

Yunhyeong: More of them! Get ready!

[Insert action scene where the Rangers absolutely pummel the enemy, again]

Generic first episode monster: What, how can you guys be so strong!?

Hanbin: Because our bond with Chanwoo and Junhoe strengthen us. We are going to get them back!!!

Bobby: Cliché.

Hanbin: Time for our finisher!!!

A giant cannon made for 5 people suddenly appeared.

Hanbin: Everyone take your position!

Everyone: OK! KONnon shoot!!!

Generic first episode monster: No!!! (Explode)

[Insert Rangers’ cool finisher pose]

Donghyuk: He won’t become a giant, right?

Jinhwan: Nah, he’s the first monster. No giant yet.


--Back in the fancy flying warship—

Chanwoo(?): What, how can they win!? One day, I will destroy them!!! Mark my word, iKONgers!!!

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Chapter 5: it's so funny.... ^^
and in the end, bobby still lonely and keep refusing to be
Mins_grass #2
Chapter 5: You must be a sort of genius or something .. !
I wonder how you manage to write this story without craking up at each line, my god xD
I laugh too hard, and this was too good :')
Thanks you for this !
Themorningsweetz #3
Chapter 5: Honestly this story wasn't a battle of weapons and teamwork, it was just which ikon member could make puns the quickest xD
noname101 #4
Chapter 5: Pfft I'm laughing too much XD
Lmao those KON stuff tho,Writer KONblock,KONgun,KONpunch,KONzord XD
Chapter 5: OMG!!!!!! WTF?!!??!!!! XDDDDD
Negative KONment??!!!! Writer's blocKON?!!!!!hahahahaha *wiping tears from laughing too much*
That last chapter was gold.
Themorningsweetz #6
Chapter 5: "And so, with less than 250 words, the Author (That’s me!) manages to completely and utterly destroy the Showtime Sentai. Can they survive this predicament? Stay tuned!"

I could be doing something important like prepare for school next week but here I am, reading this.
Themorningsweetz #7
Tbh I don't know why I'm reading this story again.
It's so stupid and silly and like those child stories but why is it so interesting?
I can't help but reread this again and again.
Thynnhtet #8
Chapter 4: ikon power ranger ver LOL~
jinhwan pink ranger haha
but this story is interesting
Nice author nim
Chapter 4: i have no words for how awesome this was. srly, i laughed so much and it was so entertaining and hilarious , thanks !!