19. Family

Happiness in the Wind (바람에 행복)



It was almost Christmas (literally*Merry Christmas loves:D*) and L. Joe was in his leather jacket, he was just about to head out when his mother came running down from the staircase “My son!” she called out.

L. Joe sighed and resentfully faced his mother “Why?” She frowned “I thought we’d decorate the Christmas tree?”

L. Joe waved her away which made her heart sink “Since when did I help you out decorate a damn tree? Seriously mom. I’m not a preschooler anymore. I’ll be home late. Don’t look for me” with that he shut the door before his mother could stop him.

Her shoulders deflated and heavily sighed *I want my son back…* she thought as she made her way to the box next to the Christmas tree. She started to pull out the Christmas balls and placed it on the branches of the trees.

L came out with his cardigan on. He saw his stepmom lifelessly decorating the Christmas tree. He stepped downstairs and went to her. Mrs. Lee noticed him and smiled “There’s still hot coffee in the kitchen if that’s what you want” L shook his head “No I’m good.”

“Oh, ok. If you need anything I’m just here okay?” Mrs. Lee gave him a final smile before returning to decorate the Christmas tree.

Suddenly she felt a figure beside her, also putting up the Christmas decorations “Does this go here?” L asked, holding up an angel décor in his hand. Mrs. Lee warmly smiled nodded “Yes,” L smiled back and hanged the angel in it’s place.

They giggled while they decorated their Christmas tree. L wasn't really close to his own mother, she was not the typical house wife. His mother had always went out day and night for work even though they had enough income. So he didn't had the chance to talk or bond with her. When the news of divorce came, he didn't feel one slight sadness.

The year he learned he was going to have a stepmother, he took it in and accepted her.

After decorating, Mrs. Lee made hot chocolate and served it for the both of them.

It was pass eleven and L.  Joe came home, too exhausted. He went upstairs and crashed himself to bed.

The next evening you were in your pjs and you were watching tv with your family. After the movie you all went to bed and slept.


You heard your alarm go on. You let out a groan and tried to find the snooze button. After finding the snooze button, you paused for a few seconds in bed before you got up and get ready for school.

You brushed your hair a few times then slung your bag on your shoulder. Your dad didn’t have work today so he insisted on cooking breakfast for you and your mom.

He smiled before he placed your lunchbox in front of you. You beamed, it had been ages since he had cooked for you, it was either he’d be very tired and slept through the morning or he had to leave early for work. “I missed your cooking appa” you warmly smiled at your father who turned his back to cut the kimbap. He nodded “Are you sure? Why? Is omma’s not good enough for you? Here” He presented you a well designed dish.

Your mom pouted and gave him a look “Hey! Hyuji loves my cooking too! Right?” she faced you and you nodded fervently, planting a kimbap in your mouth. “See!” she looked back to your dad who was chuckling

*If every day was like this and we didn’t have to move every time they’d find us, it’ll be perfect* you dad thought. After he saw you finish the kimbap, your mother gave you a glass of water.

Your father looked at his watched and pointed you to the wall clock “School’s about to start Hyunji” “Right.” You got up and waved bye to your parents “Have a nice day at school!” “Always~!” you answered.

Just when you had made two steps from your house, you heard your phone ring and checked the caller id, it was Eunyoung. You wondered as you swiped the call to answer it

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haerajae #1
Kkkyyyaaaaaa~~~ so jjang!! I really really like your story.... ^^ I also want to meet Mr. Wind ~~~~
kissingyoulove #2
aah!!! :DD another great story :DD
timeofmylife03 #3
SO CUTE! Gaaaahhhh! I wanted her to end up with both L and L.Joe xD
Great job, really <3
Galaxy04 #4
SWEET!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 My bias L and Ljoe!!!! ^.^ I want to have them both!!! =)) XDD
luminatorr #5
it was so sweet! i absolutely loved it to the max! so cute!
girlove #6
uh yeah!!! so sweet!!! XDD kkkk cute ending. the dongsaengs.. very ignorant and aannoying.. I LOVE IT!! XDDD
girlove #7
girlove #8
girlove #9
Did you just rea my mnd or i you just read my mind?!!! EPILOGUE MEEEEEEEN!!! PLEASE