fluffy final


Suho always knew that hospital life would be busy but he totally underestimated just how busy and how tired he would be. He tried to make time for Luhan and got out of him that Xiumin had left him because he had got into the performance company he wanted and wouldn't have time for him, he thought it would be fairer on both of them if they broke up and Suho couldn't help but sort of agree. The days he didn't see Luhan he would text Lay until he fell asleep, it would be light talk about their days and what they were reading or watching on TV currently. It was pleasant and it helped Suho relax. His time at the hospital was flying by and he was loving it all. His shifts seemed to be getting later and later and as he walked out into the dark street light lit hospital carpark pulling a hoodie over his blue scrubs all he could think about was a hot drink and his bed.

"hey Suho" Suho slapped his hand to his forehead as he saw Lay sitting on a bench, he must have been there at least an hour and Suho had totally forgotten he had agreed to go out with him, a rush of guilt filled him and he wanted to disappear and turn back the time


"busy day?" The fact Lay didn't seem the slightest bit mad made Suho feel worse, he felt like a child who had kicked a puppy and needed to be scolded and Lay just wouldn't scold him.

"I am so sorry.." he started, lowering his head in defeat.

"It's okay, we can still go and get dinner"

"Actually...could we just go back to mine. I'm awfully tired and I just want to change" Lay stood up and held his hand out to him and Suho stared at it for a few seconds before taking it, intertwining their fingers and following Lay as he started walking with him in the direction of the accommodation.

"That's fine Suho" and Suho knew Lay meant it. He was lucky it was Lay he had accidentally nearly stood up because he wasn't sure anyone else could ever be this calm about it ever.

Kris was asleep when he got in, sprawled out on his own bed with the door wide open. Suho shut it gently, shooting Lay an apologetic look for the amount of strangers skin on display and Suho could only be grateful he was lying on his front, Lay didn't seem to mind and Suho had told him about Kris so he knew that happened sometimes.

"I want to cook with you" Lay said, looking at Suho with a serious expression,

"Oh um sure"

"You can make the rice, and chop the vegetables. I'll prepare meat and sauce" Suho nodded an okay, wondering if they even had ingredients for a proper meal. He searched the cupboards rescuing some brown rice and some peppers, a single chilli and some onion offering it to Lay with a shrug before searching the fridge and finding some in date pork shoulder for Lay to make with what he could.

"we have stock cubes" He suggested, holding out the cubes of compressed powder

"This is going to be an interesting meal" Lay muttered as he got to work on the pork, Suho doing as he was told and cutting the vegetables and preparing the rice. They didn't talk much as they cooked but Lay was humming a beautiful tune (or maybe it was just beautiful because it was Lay) and Suho found himself content, he wanted to do this every evening.

"This smells okay. " Lay commented as Suho got down two plates and grabbed 2 beers from the fridge.

"Let's hope it tastes okay too" Suho added as he sat down waiting for the plate to be put in front of him and Lay to sit opposite him. In the end the meal was alright, the only complaint Suho had was it tasted a bit bland but it was nicer than the instant ramen he was planning to have. The conversation over the dinner table was light and pleasant, just like it was every evening even though it was nicer to have him here in person. The guilt was slowly being forgotten which was a relief because he could relax and enjoy himself.

"I liked you from the second you paid attention to me" Lay said seemingly out of nowhere


"Months ago, back in the bar. When you spoke to me. I thought you were handsome and there was something so...so nice about you. I just liked it." Suho took in all the words before speaking, letting Lay say what he wanted too.

"When you say you like..." Lay collected their empty plates and placed them in the sink, Suho's eyes following him. He turned and kissed him his hands cupping his face delicately and Suho kissed back without hesitation, his lips curling up against Lay's in a smile. "Come on. Let's go hide in my room and watch crap TV" Suho stood up and lead Lay to his room, changing into some old track suit bottoms and a t-shirt and sitting on his bed next to Lay. He turned the TV on and dumped the remote on the bed side table, turning to look at Lay but not quite managing it because Lay was kissing him again. Suho made effort to take in the way Lay's arms encompassed him as if he was trying to keep him close and safe, how his thumb brushed over him making his skin tingle, he liked the way that Lay's lips changed pressures as they kissed, his teeth grazing over his bottom lip before his tongue came out to brush over the skin. It was perfect and Suho fisted his hands in his hair pulling him closer, craving more..craving a real escape with Lay.

They kissed until they were breathless, sinking down under the covers with arms and legs tangled. Suho's eyes were heavy and sinking shut with a smile on his lips, all he cared about was this moment and the last words that he heard before sleep took him

"You're a good doctor Suho. My Suho"

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Chapter 7: AMAXING!! Great job author, DAEBAK
Chapter 7: My feels my feels :):)
Chapter 6: this fic is giving me depression : ' c it's really good
Chapter 6: Oh nu Xiuhann
Chapter 6: They kissed!!!*squeal* but xiumin why did he left luhan..
Chapter 4: Oooh... yikes
Chapter 2: Cute.
I agree with you lay.
TinaTissue28 #8
Chapter 1: Aww this is a really cute chapter
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Anticipating the next chapter..
Thanks for the update..:):)