Chapter 2

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“We’re going to be late for school. Come on Y/N,” Mingyu whined, rushing to put on his matching black shoes. He wore only black and white today, who would’ve guessed. One of the things he hated most was tardiness, and to anything. No matter how big or small. He’d get mad if I was late to any of our meet ups, even by 1 minute according to his “oh-so-y” watch that I bought for his 18th birthday. I never bought him actual gifts before so this was the first time. Reason is I’m the type to think that your presence and effort in whatever you make is more important than an expensive gift but I went out of my way to buy a gift for him for the first time with the little money I had.


I totally regret buying that for him but at the same time, I don’t, knowing how much he treasured time. Specifically, the time we spent together. I’d rather enjoy the moment we had now than count the hours of how long we’ve seen each other, since we always see each other. He always wrote in his so-called journal, it’s a diary by the way, of how long we have spent the day together and what we did and additional school stuff. I’ve read the first few pages of his diary before getting bored of how repetitive it was. It was always the same start,

“Today, Mingyu and his babe spent _ hours together,” yes, he called me his “babe” and referred to himself in 3rd person but I don’t really know why.  He writes about the most nonchalant things, I couldn’t help but laugh when he “fangirl-ed” writing about how his chemistry class was finally starting his favorite unit, he had apparently studied ahead of class. Despite his current “bad boy” concept, he was a total nerd.


Also, let me add a note, his so called “late” means being 30 minutes early, doing nothing but waiting. I’ve come to learn over the years of our friendship he always had to be 30 minutes early or he’ll start fidgeting and get uncomfortable, most of the time I comply or go on my own later, which usually causes him to whine, saying that he’ll be lonely and that I don’t care about him.


It’s not that I don’t care about him, it’s the school I don’t care about. However, even though I didn’t care much about school, I wasn’t one of those bad kids that would always be late to class and not do homework. I was just average, getting Bs mostly and only in some subjects, I’d get As.


Mingyu, on the other hand, was top in school, straight As and athletic, he always did well and studied well in every subject. He wasn’t part of the popular crew but he was still good looking enough to catch some girls’ attention whenever we go out. During the school year, he’d get a number of girls to confess to him but he would always kindly rejected them. Lately, he’s been getting more attention from the girls, I’m guessing his “bad boy” concept was working. Like the one monochromatic outfit he was sporting now.


“Y/N! The bus is leaving soon” Mingyu yelled, that was an obvious lie, I knew he was trying to scare me so I can move faster, waiting impatiently.


“Coming!” I yelled back. I finished putting on the sweater I stole from Mingyu last night; it was kind of oversized but I liked it that way. I quickly went down the stairs and to where Mingyu was standing.


His arms were crossed, as he was waiting for me anxiously but his anxious expression turned into a smile when he saw what I was wearing. “Aww! My baby looks so good in my shirt,” he smiled toothily, holding out his hand for me to hold it.


I rolled my eyes at the latter before letting out a small smile. I placed my hand on his, slipping my fingers between his as we departed for the bus to school.




Despite what I told you just now about Mingyu always being early and stuff. I guess today was probably his off day. We actually arrived to class late, skipping 1st period entirely and being a little late to 2nd period causing the teacher to glare at us for disrupting her class when we entered the class. Upon entering, the whole class looked over at us, giving us weird stares and gossiping about something. They are probably making up some fake rumours but I don’t let it bother me, since I know the truth, I never bother asking or trying to find out what they were saying behind our backs.


“Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. Kim, we will have a talk after class,” Our teacher, Ms. A, motioned us to go to our seats before turning her back against the class to continue her lesson on optimization.


“Sorry Ms. A,” we apologized quietly in unison.


Mingyu and I sat in our respected seats, we didn’t sit next to each other because the teacher assigned us seats in the beginning of the year, which is dumb because we’re seniors now, can’t we just sit where we want? Unfortunately, we ended up sitting opposite side of the room, I was in the front row left corner and Mingyu was sitting in the back row right corner. The whole class sat next to someone, and for the past semester, I had a nice seating partner until she dropped out of school to pursue her dream of being a model. Now, the seat next to mine has been empty for a while now but rumors had it that a new student was in the next few days. I wonder if they would end up in our class, then I won’t be so lonely in this dreaded class of doom.


I disliked math, especially calculus, I had no clue what to do. I looked at the teacher explaining how to do optimization. She was moving equations here and there. I guess I’ll just have to ask Mingyu later. I looked around my class, most of the class seemed to be understand lesson, except me. My eyes locked on Mingyu, when he caught my stare, I showed him my eyes with plead hoping that he’d help me later with this. He was the only reason I was probably able to pass my courses.


The latter caught my message and just sent me a smile and a wink that meant “yes”.


When first period ended, I packed up my things getting ready for my next class.


“Y/N and Mingyu,” the teacher called our names, reminding us of what happened earlier.


 Darn, I thought she’d forget. Mingyu and I walked towards her nervously as we don’t usually get into trouble. We take a deep breath getting ready to accept our punishment.


“I’m sorry that we were late Miss. An accident occurred when we were on the bus ri

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Chapter 4: Pleaseeee update soonnnn I'm dying to know what happenssssss
Awesome_Koala #2
Chapter 4: This story is really good so far, nice job! ^.^
When will chapter 4 be coming?
LinA1992 #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Chapter 3: Please update soon!
renaetastic #5
Chapter 2: I like lots of words and more updates!! But it's whatever you prefer! I'll be fine with whatever
renaetastic #6
Chapter 2: why would they ever beat up Woozi omg
Chapter 2: Nah, it's up to you. But I prefer 1000 something words and update it often. By this method, I hope you don't get tired because 2000 above are quite tiring. Still, it's your choice dear. Nice story!!! And happy birthday Mingyu boy!
i_love_exo_xoxo #8
Chapter 1: ThIs is... wOWWWWW

I needs more
wonwool #9
Chapter 1: this was perfect ^.^ when do u think u can update the story? I cant wait for the next chap!!!! :)
Svt2310 #10
Chapter 1: This is really good!!!