Bloody Break

Love Is.. | a Kim Taehyung fanfiction

"Do you wanna go get some coffee or something first? I've been craving it since I woke up." you said, looking around at the multiple cafés there was so choose from on the busy street.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed loudly, making you jump. He looked at you with large eyes.

"Sorry.." , I need to stop that, I'll scare her away.. Luckily she just smiled at me. God, she's beautiful.. He gulped and turned his head away from you, trying to hide the redness forming on his cheeks. "How about here? It looks pretty decent." he just nodded and followed in as you held the door open for him. He was blankly staring at the meny of all of the different coffees. What is this even? How are there so many?? I've only had plain instant coffee before.. You noticed him confusedly reading the meny over multiple times.

"Did you perhaps never have coffee before?" he looked up at you, looking almost taken aback.

"Ah.. Not really, not this kind of coffee... I mean, I only thought it was like, just coffee and hot water, but what are all of those even..? I've never been to a café.." I was too scared of being found out. He looked down, looking almost ashamed of himself, making you frown.

"Why are you like that? It's not like everyone even likes coffee. It's fine.." you trailed off. "Uh, the difference is basically how much milk and foam there is, and there are flavors like chocolate, caramel and vanilla in some.. Do you have any idea how you would want it?"

"Uhhhh can I just have whatever you're having? I'm not sure." you nodded, and his lips grew a tiny smile. He observed you as you ordered 2 white chocolate mochas. Oh that sounds good... She's really an angel, treating me coffee and everything.. How can she be like this to a stranger? Even the few vampire friends I had never treated me so kindly.. And they just threw me away as soon as they learned that I don't kill humans... Ugh, I need something soon.. It's been like almost a week since I last had blood. But how w- he was pulled out of his thoughts as the waiter places the hot drink in front of him. You thanked the waiter and grabbed your coffee, bringing the cup to your lips. You sighed in content as the hot fluid went down your throat. Taehyung looked at you while sipping on his own coffee. Oh my god, this is the best drink I've ever had holy . He smiled to himself and looked around the place. He spotted an elderly woman a few tables away, eyeing him. His smile dropped and fear clouded his mind. There wasn't much difference on vampires and humans, but some people, being paranoid of a vampire attacking them, learned to notice them. How their corner teeth would be only slightly sharper and pupils a bit larger than the average human being's. He gulped and adverted his eyes to his coffee and tried not to look suspicious.

"You okay?" his head flew up at your words.

"Uh- yeah.. Thank you." You didn't quite buy it, but you let it go anyways. Thankfully for him, the lady got up and left only a minute later.

You were walking down the still busy streets, hands full of bags with clothes and stomachs full of the pizza you just had. You were laughing and talking as if you had known each other forever. It has only been barely a day, but you had already gotten to know Taehyung pretty well- and he had gotten to know you as well. The two of you had instantly opened up once you had started talking about music- a passion you two shared. He had told you it's been long since he heard music, since he was homeless, and he had therefore started to sing and create his own music, to the most he could with no instruments or anything. He had it all in his head, but he didn't have the tools to make it real. Except the lyrics.

"Come on, how can you share that kind of information but not allow me to hear it?"

"Sorry, I'm just.. Maybe some other time?" he laughed.

"If it's because you're uncomfortable singing in front of me, you can just write the lyrics down and show me! I'm just really curious to see your work."

"It's both actually, I've never sung in front of anyone before, and the lyrics are kind of personal and and they carry many memories that I honestly don't wanna remember at the moment.. I promise to show you another time, alright?" he flashed his beautiful, unique smile at you, trying to shade the sadness that came with even just briefly remembering. You noticed this though and felt a pang of guilt rush through you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that. Don't worry." You said and switched the bag from your right hand to carry both bags with your other hand, and placed your now free hand on his shoulder to comfort him. He looked at you, shocked at the sudden contact. It has been months since he had last had any physical contact that lasted longer than a few seconds. He looked down at the ground, not realizing the reason behind his embarrassment. This feels so good.. Oh my god.

Taehyung looked to the side and noticed a dark alley, with a staff of a restaurant, leaning against the wall with a cigarette in between his lips and paying his full attention to the phone in his hands. Taehyung halted his movements, suddenly craving blood again. It's really been long.. I really need it soon. But how will I even- and idea popped into his head before he even finished his thoughts.

"Y/N.. I really need to pee, I'm going to go into that alley real quick, I'll catch up with you."

"There's a public toilet just a bit further though, it's not good to pee in random places like that the-"

"It's really bad! I can barely hold it, can you hold my bags for me please? And don't look, it's embarrassing.. Just keep walking and I will catch up in a minute." you could do nothing but nod as he pushed the bags into your hands and ran off into the alley. I actually kinda have to pee too.. I guess I'll wait for him in front of the- your thoughts were interrupted by a short, loud gasp. You walked a few steps back and stopped just around the corner of the alley.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?"

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kaiixes #1
Chapter 5: I feel so sorry for Taehyung, like really! He have it hard just because he is being himself.. why does he needs to suffer just because he don't want to kill human!!!! I think the other vampirs who works 'illegally' are those who kill ppl and get paid for it right? Anyway i dunno how tae will keep going in this fic and god!!! Don't tell me she will see him someone's blood!! No not her when he finally have someone to treat him properly == just hope things will get better
I like the girl's personality she is fun, and you need to write us the lyrics and all that musician side of him, ok?

I can't wait for the next update.. thanks for your efforts
lilred101 #2
Chapter 4: I really like this idea! I wonder if something happens and she finds out about him because he saves her or something like that :) your doing a great job!
fangirlofcourse #3
Chapter 4: Taehyung-ah, it's okay come to my house if youre homeless..
ButterflyGarden2308 #4
Chapter 3: Wow! I like this. This is so cute. Poor tae though because he is unwanted by the vampire