
Lost Girl

It’s been about a week since I met Mr. Hook and his friends. They keep talking about a boy. He remains nameless but they’re really wanting to find him. Whenever I walk into the room they’re in they all get quiet act like nothing happened. I’m getting very curious now. I’ve even eavesdropped on their conversations. Each one is the same though. “We have to find him.” “Are you sure he’s still in this town?” “He’s here for the one. He followed them here and he won’t leave till they’re his. He may be small but he knows what he wants.” Those were a few of the things exchanged. I was in my room right now and I was looking at all of the books Mr. Hook brought me. They were all fairytales and short stories. He also got me a lot of art supplies and writing supplies too. He was like a parent to me. The parent I never had. “Hey Mr. Hook?” I yelled from my room. I walked out of my room to see Mr. Hook with his back towards me and he looked to be holding his left arm close to his chest. He turned and saw me and looked shocked. “Hello Miss Minoh!” He said surprised. “Can I go out and walk around a bit?” I asked slowly. He nodded and I went to grab my jacket. Once I pulled it on I ran out of the house and to the park nearby. I climbed one of the trees and people watched. I saw all the nice houses lined up and they all looked the same. What I like about Mr. Hooks house is that it’s unique. It’s almost like a pirate ship! I looked out and watched people pass by. “Hey… You….” I heard from below me. I looked down and saw that kid again. Kyungsoo. He climbed up next to me and sat on a branch like me. “I’m really sorry about what I said. I was acting mean and didn’t realize what I said till after you slapped me. I’m really sorry.” He said with his voice filled with sadness and sympathy. “It’s okay. You were right. I have no family. I never will. I forgive you Kyungsoo.” I said with a small smile. His face lit up and I swear he floated. He was smiling brightly and then he sat right next to me on the same sturdy branch. We both people watched as Amber sat on his shoulder. I always look at her and smile. I don’t know why this feels familiar. I believe in fairies now too like before, I thought I was just hallucinating. But now I know she’s real. She looks at me and smiles and the she flew to his other shoulder and sat there. I chuckled and continued to look out. After a long time of sitting in silence he spoke. “Ya know, if you want, I can be your family.” He said looking over at me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he smirked. I didn’t want to anger him saying I was living with Mr. Hook so I just smiled and turned forward. The sun was setting and the sky was painted with blues and pinks and purples and oranges. The fog in the distance made it that more beautiful and breathtaking. I started getting sleepy and rested my head on his shoulder. I heard him inhale sharply but then he relaxed. I was afraid to close my eyes. I was afraid that if I close them, when they open he will be gone. I was afraid of losing someone. I was afraid of losing him. Him. The kid I hated now the kid I can’t lose. I’m not going to run away anymore now that I have him by my side. He’s only a friend. “Minoh…” He whispered. I lifted my head and noticed the sun had set. “Oh..” I said. We jumped down from the tree and dusted ourselves off. “Thank you Kyungsoo. I had fun today.” I said smiling. I didn’t want him to leave but I had to go home. “I had fun too Minoh. It was very relaxing and calming, just watching the world turn.” He said with a light chuckle. He turned around and started walking. Amber followed him. “Hey Kyungsoo!” I yelled. He turned halfway and looked at me. “Wanna hangout tomorrow?” I asked. He smiled his bright smile. “Sure.” He said. I smiled and waved and then ran home. I ran straight to my room and locked the door and sat on my desk chair. I got out a paper and pencil and got to work. This time I wasn’t writing a song, I was writing a letter. I was marking this day down. Once I was done I heard a lot of voices coming from outside my room. “Are you sure Captain? I mean it’s only been a week.” It was Schmee. Captain… This is when it clicked. James Hook, fairies, Captain. I was in another world?!?!?! I ran to my bookshelf and got out my Peter Pan book. “Captain James Hook missing his… left..hand…” I said slowly. I saw a boy with a fairy. Amber is a fairy and always following Kyungsoo… but that’s strange. Why is Captain Hook here and kept his name but Kyungsoo, if he is Peter Pan, why isn’t he named Peter Pan? And why is Amber named Amber and not Tinker Bell? Where’s Wendy and the Lost Boys in this story? I was getting so confused at this point. It explains why Kyungsoo hates Mr.- I mean Captain Hook. I looked towards the door. If Kyungsoo is different maybe they are too. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw everyone standing there. “Good evening Miss Minoh. I believe you’ve just made a discovery by the look on your face. I am Captain James Hook and this is my crew.” Captain Hook stood there in his usual attire from the book. Same as the other men. He held up his silver hook on his left wrist. I looked around and saw that we were on a real pirate ship. “I’m afraid we have to cut our journey in San Francisco short. How would you like to come with me to Neverland?” He asked kindly. Neverland. The place I wanted to escape to as a kid when I never had anyone. “A-Are you serious?!” I said excitedly. “Yes! Although I’m afraid we might have to change your appearance.” He said. My eyes lit up as he spoke. “YES!” I yelled. He smiled. “Alrighty then! Boys! Prepare for departure! We are heading home!” He yelled. Everyone ran everywhere on deck as I saw my home turn into a pirate ship. “Schmee help her with her clothing, hair, and makeup.” Captain Hook said. “Aye aye sir!” Schmee responded. Captain went to the wheel and Schmee followed me to my room. “Stay here m’lady! I’ll be back with all the necessities!” He said happily. He skipped out of the room and I fell onto my bed. I’m going to the place you hear in story books. I’m actually going there! I’m going to see the mermaids and indians and fairies and more pirates and then Peter Pan and the Lost Boys and Skull Island.. My mind flooded with all the stuff I’d see. I stared at my ceiling when I realized. “I was going to hangout with Kyungsoo again tomorrow…” I said slowly and softly to myself. Worry filled my mind. Was he going to be there? What if he thinks I stood him up? What if he doesn’t even show and if I stayed there and went he would’ve stood me up? What if he doesn’t even remember? What if he hates me afterwards forever?! Millions of questions came to me as Mr. Schmee came into my room with a TON of clothes in his arms. “These will surely fit ya m’lady! But first we gotta do your hair!” He said smiling as he put the clothes on the bed next to me. I got up from my bed and followed him to my bathroom. “How is my hair supposed to be done?” I asked. “Captain said you’d look great in a pixie cut or boy cut. In other words, really short.” He said. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and tried to see me with the hair. I’d look pretty good. I nodded and he wet my hair. After he brushed it free of tangles he got the scissors out and I knew it was happening. I closed my eyes as I heard the snips and felt the hair fall. After what seems to be an hour, he was done. I opened my eyes and saw my new appearance. I could see my whole face and my ears. “Beautiful if you ask me madam.” Schmee said. I smiled as I looked at myself longer. I was very pretty. My pale skin, pink plump lips, my big dark chocolate brown eyes, then my small nose that had freckles on it. I had never seen those freckled before because I always had dirt or scars on my face. I finally really looked at myself. “Thank you Mr. Schmee. I love it.” I said with a bigger smile on my face. “Well time to get you dressed! Can’t go into port with those clothes m’lady.” He said. I nodded and walked out of the bathroom to my room. “I’ll leave you in here to change.” Schmee said. He walked out of the room and I walked over to the pile of dresses and other clothes. I first tried on all the dresses and loved them ALL! There were some steam-punk styled ones and then the actual pirate ones. I then went to the 2 pieces. My favorite one was a white blouse, dark brown half corset, black tight pants, tall knee-high boots, and a rustic pirate tailcoat. I had a black pirate hat with a big black feather on it too. Mr. Schmee knocked on the door and I let him in. “Wonderful m’lady. Absolutely wonderful! I come to tell ya that we’ll be pulling in soon so ya better do your makeup m’lady.” He said. He gave me a bag filled with makeup products they must’ve gotten in San Francisco. I nodded and went to the bathroom once again. I did my mascara, eyeliner, blush, and blood red lipstick. I came out again and walked onto deck. “Beautiful m’lady! We are just about to pull in to port so be ready!” Captain Hook said from his position. I smiled and nodded. I ran to the side of the ship and looked over and saw the ocean, blue skies, clouds that looked like cotton candy. Ahead of us I saw my dreams because reality. I saw the island utopia, Neverland. I saw Skull Rock and Mermaid Lagoon. I saw Hangman’s tree and the Indian Camp from where I stood. A tear streamed down my cheek as I saw my childhood self in my head. I sound like I’m super old but I’m only 15. I’ve had a lot of stuff happen to me. I wiped the tears away as we got closer. We pulled into Cannonball Cove and I saw tons of people surround the ship as we stopped. The crew got off first and then Captain Hook got off. Everyone cheered as he got off. “Thank you thank you! Ladies and gentlemen! I have brought a new friend from the other world… Please give her a round of applause for she is my great friend. Minoh Areum!” He announced to the crowd. I walked down to the dock and everyone was dressed in pirate clothes. They all cheered louder than they did for Captain. I became shy and scared as I hid somewhat behind the Captain. The women came up and all cooed over my looks. “Alright! Don’t corner her! Minoh m’lady, would you like to come with me? I’ll give you a tour of the place.” Captain said. I nodded and followed him around. He showed my everything there was. The stores, the bars, then he showed my the giant crocodile. It was dead and had a giant broken clock in his mouth. It looked like a clock tower but the clock didn’t work. In the corner of my eye I saw a boy. I looked in his direction but he vanished before I got a good look at him. I saw a store that had a bunch of broken clocks inside. “You hear that Minoh?” Captain asked. I listened but didn’t hear anything. “That’s the sound of complete silence. No ticks or tocks from the wretched clocks.” He said with a smile. He hated clocks because of the crocodile. I saw a boy standing behind Captain, spying, he had big eyes and big ears and a cute nose. He had black wavy hair as well. He saw me look at him and he ran away. Who was that? We walked around then the sun was about to set. “We better get back to the boat so you can rest.” He said. I nodded and walked back to the boat. He didn’t follow me. I stopped just before I got onto the ship and turned around. I was being watched. “I know your there…” I said softly. The bushes nearby rustled and then everything became silent. After a few minutes passed I was in my room and I fell asleep on my bed. I didn’t bother changing or anything. Then in that moment I realized what Kyungsoo must be thinking. “I’m so sorry Kyungsoo…” I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. I cried myself to sleep thinking about him. He’s my best friend and I let him down. I’m so sorry Kyungsoo. I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry...

I'm sorry...

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