Mission: Prevent Donghae From Knowing Start!

♦ ♛ The Prince And The Nerd ♛♦

(Seohae's POV)

"I have to prevent Donghae from knowing. Or else..." I said under my breath.

Mi Young seemed to heard have heard me because she asked "Why do you have to prevent him from knowing?"

"Do you remember that other rumor back in seventh grade? Where people thought me and Kyuhyun were in a secret relationship?" I asked her. She nodded. "Well, when I went home, Donghae was happy. Like, really happy. He started planning on my marriage with Kyuhyun and stuff even though we weren't dating." I said while sighing really loud. "When I told him it wasn't true, he got depressed and slept at Jonghyun's house until he could forgive me."

"Woah. Talk about extreme..." Mi Young said to me softly.

I got up and closed my textbook. "Yeah, I going to try and prevent Donghae from coming to school today after that I'm going to talk to Jonghyun to see if he knows anything about the rumor. He should be somewhere." I started to walk to the door then I stopped and turned around to Mi Young.

"If you see any of them, tell them to come to me." I instructed her.

"Yup!~" Mi Young replied then I walked out in search of Jonghyun or Donghae.

(Mi Young's POV)

"Yup!~" I replied back to Seohae then she left the classroom. I went out the classroom too and walked around the school. I checked my light pink watch.

"It's about 30 more minutes until the bell rings..." I thought then I ran to the school gate and waited for Donghae or Jonghyun to come. To pass the time, I started humming IU's Marshmallow while swaying my head left and right. I closed my eyes and still continued to hum. I heard some footsteps so I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was no other than Lee Donghae. My eyes widened and I panicked.

"What do I do again?! What do I do again?!" I thought still panicking. I shut my eyes and hugged Donghae from behind. 

"Omo! Who is it?" I heard Donghae said. "Ah! You're Seohae's friend, Mi Young!" He exclaimed while turning around to hug me back.  

The Prince Charming Of My Dreams hugged me.  He hugged me. I quickly opened my eyes and backed away, blushing.

"A-ah! S-Seohae s-see r-rumor b-bad!" I said, fumbling with my words.

"Hmmm? Seohae what?" Donghae questioned me putting his face closer to mine. I blushed harder.

"S-S-Seohae...S-See..." Was all I could say while diverting my eyes away from him. I can't handle this much pressure!

"Gahhhh!" I yelled running away from him.

"He's so adorableeeeee that I can't handle itttttt!~" I thought still running. I saw someone in front of me but I couldn't stop running. Eventually, I knocked the person down, including me.

"Ouchies!" I whined. I looked up and saw it was Seohae.

"Aish! Mi Young!" She hissed at me.

"O-Oh! Donghae is here! He's here!" I told her.

"Why didn't you stop him?!" She asked me furiously.

"He was overpowering me with his awesomeness!" I whined to her. She rolled her eyes and sighed then she got up and dusted her jacket. 

"Where is he?" She asked me in a serious tone. I pointed to the school gate where I last saw him then she ran over there as fast as the wind. I sighed and slightly hit myself on the head.

"I'm going to be in big trouble later..."

(Seohae's POV)

I ran towards the school gate where Mi Young pointed but I couldn't seen to find him.

"Aish, where is he?" I murmured. I turn around and saw a shadow passed by me but I couldn't tell who it was. My eyes were soon covered by someone's hands then the stranger kissed my cheek. 

"Get..." I started while holding whoever's arm. "...Away!" I fling the person in front of me and heard a thump.

"Owwwww! That hurts Seohae-ah!~" Donghae said while pouting.

"You shouldn't have kissed me then." I said while smirking.

"What's wrong with kissing my little sister on the cheek?" He whined.

"I don't like it." I told him. directly  

"But! B-But!." He whined again, looking like he was going to cry.

"Aish! Hyung! Listen!" I said to get his attention.

"You--" I started to say to Donghae but the bell rang loudly interuppting me.

"Oh, let's go to our own classrooms!~" Donghae said cheerfully while getting up from the ground.

"W-Wait!" I stuttered. "You can't go to school today!"

"Hmmm? Why?" He questioned me.

"Ummm...That's because..." I said while thinking of an excuse. Donghae looked at his watch and widened his eyes.

"Ah! Seohae-ah, I'm going to be late for my class so you could tell me later, okay?" He told me while running towards his class. "Bye!"

"But! Wait..." I said while staring at him running towards the building then ruffled my hair. "Aishhhh!" I ran towards the building too and went into my classroom.

"Oh, Seohae!" A peppy voice said to me. It was Mi Young. "Did he find out? Is he leaving school today?" I turned to her slowly with a dull face.

"He's going to find out." I told her in a monotone voice.

"Ehhhh? Why?" 

"Because I couldn't stop him."

"Omo! Ottoke ?(What to do) Ottoke?"

"I don't know."

"Cheer up, Seohae-ah~" 

"I'll try to." 

"Oh yeah! What about Jonghyun? Does he know anything?"

"Didn't see him today..."

"Bummer." Mi Young said while sighing. "Anyways, let's get back to class."

"Everyone, go back to your seats." My teacher said. We all went back to our seats just like the teacher said and behaved.

"All right. Let me take attendance." She said while flipping one of her books and grabbing a pen out. "Kim Ryeowook?"


"Kim Jonghyun?"

"He's not here today." Someone said.

"Oh I see then." She replied marking down something. "Park Mi Young?"


"Lee Seohae?"

"Here..." I replied. She went down the whole list of people and three minutes later she was finally done with the attendance.

"All right, class. As you know, our annual school festival is coming up." She told us. "For our class, we are in charge of presenting a play. Our play is going to be about a fairy tale story called Sleeping Beauty. I will be choosing the roles by picking out random names from a box." Groans and sighs were heard when she said that.

"The three fairy god mothers will be played by..." She started while putting her hand in the box, rummaging through the tiny pieces of paper then she pulled out her hand that had three crumpled papers. "Yumi, Mi Young, and Tiffany."

"Yay!~" Mi Young shouted while twirling in circles. I tugged at her jacket urging her to sit back down, so she did.

"Ahem, the prince will be played as..." She said once again while pulling out the tiny paper. "Jonghyun." 

Immediately girls squealed and shouted but all the guys scoffed and laughed. One girl ran up to the teacher like lightning.

"Please, please, please, pleaseeeee let me be the princess!" The girl whined while shaking the teacher's arm. 

"No. As I said, I will be picking randomly." Our teacher said sternly, pushing the girl's hand away. She then reached out for the last chosen piece of paper.

"The princess will be...Seohae." 

I'm finally done with school! (Which means I could update more!)

Winter break is starting so I'm excited to open my gifts and such on Chiristmas! :D

Well anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!~

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ChocoFlavoredMilk #1
@ JAMilover:
LOLOL. I wanted to make him cute here. ;DDDD
Plus he is. xDDD
Also the mom and another person is going to be the antagonist. Yes, two. :[
hahahha...donghae is so darn funny and cute here..hahha XD

and I'm guessing jonghyun's mom is gonna be the antagonists? :[
ChocoFlavoredMilk #3
blings2me: Yes, Donghae's imagination is too cheesy. xDDD
LAWL. Donghae's imagination XD
ChocoFlavoredMilk #5
Julie: LOL. Sorry.
Also, OTL = http://shimmie.shishnet.org/v2/_images/f2cfa47813440acf5d6a969a2c663c7c/1111%20-%20orz%20otl.jpg
Basically the 'o' is the head, the 't' is the arms (I think?), and the 'l' is the legs. So it's a person bowing down.:D;
Oh! And yeah, sorta changed the plot just a LITTLE bit. xDD
And I wish you good luck finding the mysterious guy! ;)
ChocoFlavoredMilk #6
The scary stalker like lady will be revealed soon and I mentioned the mysterious guy's name in one of the chapter~ ;)
Don't worry, don't worry!
Everthing will soon come it place! Keke~
Also, thanks for supporting me! ^^
I'll try my best to update a lot. OTL
ChocoFlavoredMilk #7
Oh ho ho ho~ It might be Ryeowook, It might not~ ;DD
Thanks for supporting me to write even though I update, like, once a week. OTL
It makes me happy. ; u ;