Chapter 96

You are My Destiny

There was deafening silence as everyone seemed to wait with bated breath. Angel’s face was white with fear as she hovered above the ground, held aloft by Star.

Star lowered her with deceptive gentleness, until she was standing on her feet, putting her hands on Angel’s shoulders and turning her around to face Chen.

‘I’ve brought her,’ she said but it didn’t sound like she speaking to him. It sounded like an announcement, meant for someone else. ‘Come.’

Suho willed his body to cooperate, trying to get the feeling back into his muscles. He could barely think for the clamor flooding inside his head, the beast going wild with anxiety and anger, wanting to tear them apart for daring to lay a finger on his mate. He managed to sit up, the tremors in his body making it difficult.

Angel’s fear was spiking and at first he thought it was because she was afraid of Star. But then it registered and a chill went through him as he saw Angel clutch at her stomach.

No, no, no. Nothing could happen to the baby.

He tried to stand up but his legs wouldn’t cooperate, the muscles still paralyzed. He had to move, he had to get to her, he had to-

There was a strange rushing, as if a vacuum had opened up and everything seemed to get darker. Suho looked up to see black amorphous smoke pouring inside Chen, whose body had stiffened while Evil took over.

There was a moment of silence as his body hung limp before his neck snapped up and eyes opened, completely black, a smirk on his face.

‘Well done, little girl,’ Evil spoke, lifting a hand to hold Star’s chin. ‘Well done.’

‘Now let him go,’ Star responded. Her voice trembled.

‘Not so fast,’ he said dismissively, turning to Angel. ‘Let me have some fun.’

He reached out to run a finger across Angel’s face, making Suho’s skin crawl. He stood up with sheer force of will, gathering his energy. It was slow going, far too slow for his liking, but he didn’t let that deter him, taking a step forward.

‘Let her go!’

Evil grinned at that, Chen’s face looking like a distorted mask. ‘I don’t think so.’

He was clearly taking joy in taunting him, a black tendril emerging to bring Angel closer to his side, a hand landing on her hair.

‘How does it feel to be betrayed by your own, Legend?’ he gloated. ‘I fooled you so easily.’

‘Let her go,’ Suho reiterated, gathering his power together for an attack.

He lashed out but it was slow and uncoordinated, his body still recovering. Evil flicked it aside easily, a blow landing on his chest and knocking him down.

Suho’s ear rang as his head hit the ground.


Ken had called in VIXX, who were more than willing to provide them with a cozy spot for lying low. And Sehun had to agree that it was a very well hidden, comfortable place.

He called Tao soon as they were settled and told him where they were. Tao gave his ETA and then Sehun sat down, nervously fidgeting each time a jolt went through him as the other Legends engaged their powers. His condition wasn’t any better than the mates around him, faces tense.

Whatever was going on was intense, that much was obvious. And the wait was killing him.

Tao arrived, looking as bad as he felt.

‘What the hell is going on?’ Sehun demanded, going up to his Shadow and poking his chest. ‘I know you’re trying to handle things on your own but you don’t keep something like this from-‘

‘I wasn’t sure!’ Tao defended himself, and they were getting ready to argue – the nervousness had to be directed somewhere – but they were interrupted.

‘You should go,’ Tiffany said, looking a little faint at the prospect. His eyes widened in surprise, and she looked to the ground.  ‘Whatever is going on, they probably need all the help they can get… and I can see it’s bothering you to stay put.’

‘Yeah,’ Mei looked up at him, eyes wide. ‘And you can keep an eye out for Luhan.’

Sehun snorted at that. Luhan was one of their best fighters, and would probably hand his to him if he tried to ‘keep an eye’ on him. Mei glared at him.

‘Besides, if anyone is injured, they’ll need you to keep them in stasis,’ Raina added, looking at Tao. ‘And with Angel’s pregnancy-‘

‘Hold up, Angel’s pregnant?’ Sehun asked, surprised.

Tao looked at his mate. ‘You knew?’

Raina shrugged, glancing around at the other girls. ‘It was kind of obvious?’

They nodded in agreement. Tao shook his head. ‘Never mind that. I was supposed to take you guys to a safehouse but the one I found wasn’t really suitable so…’

‘I can move them into another place,’ Ken offered from his spot at the door. ‘You can contact me when you guys are done. That way, no one knows where they are.’

Tao considered the option. It did sound pretty good. He looked at Sehun. ‘What do you say?’

‘D.O said…’ Sehun began hesitantly.

‘I’ll handle D.O,’ Kyra spoke up, looking worn. Her headache had only worsened. ‘They need help, you should go.’

‘Alright then.’

With a wave, they departed.

Sehun took to the sky, taking advantage of the clouds to cover his flight. With so much weather disturbance going on, what difference did a small tornado make anyway? It was much faster than walking and after last time, Sehun had been practicing regularly, so he knew his way around.

Tao did not appreciate the view as much as he did, shrieking and clinging to his Shadow as they flew, before realizing it wasn’t all that different from flying with Kris. Except, you know, he actually trusted Kris to keep them afloat and with Sehun, he just kept praying they would make it.

They arrived at Angel’s house in no time at all and Sehun was ready to swoop in but Tao halted him.

‘We should assess the situation first,’ he muttered, glancing down.

Good thing they did too because the next moment, the electric pole fell down, wires spreading current and sending the wave that knocked everyone down. And then, they watched in mute horror as Star captured Angel.

Sehun wanted to go down then but Tao stopped him again. ‘Not yet,’ he said, observing the situation keenly.

It was horrifying to watch as Evil came pouring out of nowhere, taking over Chen’s body. The rest of the Legends were trying to get back up but it was slow going, their bodies still recovering from the intense shock they’d taken.

Tao made him stay back until the very last minute, until they could see the other Legends regrouping while Suho charged at Evil, messy and uncoordinated. It was only when Evil hit him that Tao directed him forward. ‘Now!’

They swooped in, Tao falling down and rolling to his feet with a grace only he could manage as Sehun channeled the most intense, concentrated gale he could muster, directing it at Che- no, at Evil.

They had the element of surprise and it caught him off guard, Sehun’s blow catching him in the chest and he stumbled back, his hold on Angel loosening. Tao landed in front of him, landing a perfect sidekick that made him fly through the air.

Then, there was a flurry of activity as the other Legends, now recovered, stepped in.

With a loud schzzzipp, Kai teleported Angel out of the way and D.O sent another earth-shaking tremor that made the earth crack where Evil stood. Star leapt out of the way, silently merging with the shadows.  

Luhan sent a telekinetic blow that made Evil lose his footing. Chanyeol’s fire landed right by his head and he barely managed to miss it but then, one of Xiumin’s fast-spreading snowball landed on his feet, freezing him into place.

Suho caught him around the limbs, his whips holding him tight enough that he couldn’t move.

Predictably, Chen’s mouth opened, Evil no doubt planning to abandon the vessel now that he was captured.

But instead of the black outpour they were all expecting, there was a gagging sound and Chen’s body convulsed, so hard that Suho loosened his hold for fear that he would pull his limbs out of the sockets.

Chen fell to the ground, flopping about like a fish out of water before rolling over. He got to his hands and knees, then hacked again, falling face down before attempting to get up again. His eyes were rapidly shifting, black and red, black and red, until with a scream, he sat up, breathing hard.

He looked around with wild eyes, searching until his eyes landed on Lay, who’d hung back during the battle, unable to participate because of his own injuries and was now healing Angel, Matt and Merissa huddled closely around their daughter.

‘Heal me,’ he said, face covered in black marks but eyes bright red.


‘Luhan, Tao,’ Lay spoke, voice barely making it out of his destroyed voice box. ‘I want you to combine your powers and restrain him.’

Tao’s powers alone wouldn’t work on Evil – they knew that – but with Luhan’s telekinesis physically binding him, it would be possible to keep him contained and give him little to no room for escape.

They started slowly, rapidly moving up once they realized it was working and before long, Chen was trapped in an invisible cage.

Baekhyun helped Lay hobble up until he was face to face with the possessed Legend.

‘Chen,’ he whispered.

‘Kill that bastard,’ Chen responded, marks of possession still visible on his skin, holding his hands out so Lay could hold them. They stopped right at the edge of the cage, unable to breach the barrier.

Lay nodded, then looked Luhan. ‘A little space for me?’

Luhan nodded, and Lay’s fingers passed through, grabbing Chen’s hands.

Black suddenly overcame his eyes as Evil sensed him, fear passing over his face. He struggled, trying to pull back but with the cage restraining him, there was nowhere to go. 

Lay’s expression turned angry as his fingers glowed a bright gold, sinking into the flesh to take ahold of Evil’s darkness inside his brother.

‘This,’ he whispered, the hoarseness doing little to hide his fury as his eyes reddened, ‘is for hurting Chen.’

Evil screamed, so loud it was like his throat was being torn, as energy poured into him.

The darkness tried to pour out again but Lay clung harder, pulling him back, and he could sense Chen’s soul struggling to keep Evil bound to himself so he couldn’t run.

Lay stopped when he felt Chen’s body faltering and he fell down, landing limply on the ground. 

It shouldn’t have hurt him, but like with Star, the darkness made it impossible for him to tolerate Lay’s energy. Not to mention, the more power Lay used, the harder Evil struggled, consuming Chen’s body more rapidly.

Chen looked up at him and Lay’s heart dropped. His face was already looking gaunter than before.

‘Don’t stop until you’ve destroyed all of him,’ Chen panted, sweat coating his brow and the black marks pulsing against his skin as Evil tried again and again to take over. He winced as a shudder went through him, then channeled his power into the ground, thunder following a moment later.

‘I can’t hold him indefinitely,’ he muttered, eyes switching between black and red again. ‘You have to hurry.’

‘You’ll die at this rate,’ Lay whispered. ‘It’s hurting him and he’s hurting you. I can’t heal you fast enough.’

‘Then don’t. Kill him,’ Chen responded.

D.O growled at that and Chen rolled his eyes, meeting his Shadow’s gaze from inside his cage. ‘You know that’s the only right option.’

There were loud protests at the announcement. Chen snorted, sounding close tears. ‘C’mon guys, I already died once. What difference would this make?’

D.O slammed his fist down, kneeling in front of him angrily. ‘Don’t you dare!’

Chen met his eyes defiantly, though his own were haunted. ‘Watch me.’

Lay bit his lip, thinking until he let out a sigh. ‘Let’s try again, I’ll use a different strategy.’


The triumph of vengeance faded fast.

It was painful to watch Chen’s body shrink in front of their eyes as Evil ate through his flesh, using it to fuel his attempts to escape.

The other Legends hung back, helpless, as Chen struggled, sweat coating his gaunt face, to keep him tethered. Lay’s own face looked haunted as his power poured into Evil.

Evil’s struggles were only increasing, and Lay had no doubt that he would completely destroy Chen if that meant he could escape. He pulled his hand back, and Chen shook his head, latching onto his fingers.

‘Don’t…‘ His voice barely made it out, it was so weak.

Blood red tears fell down Lay’s cheeks as he gritted his teeth. ‘Chen-‘

His life force was weak already, Lay feared that even a few more minutes would do him in.

‘Stop it!’ D.O commanded, having had enough. ‘I’d rather let Evil go than do this.’

Chen shook his head stubbornly, eyes becoming far more alert at the declaration, and his fingers digging into Lay’s. ‘No.’

D.O shook his head, turning to Luhan and Tao. ‘Let him out.’

The duo nodded and dropped their powers. Chen’s body fell forward now that he was no longer held up by Luhan’s power and struggled visibly, trying to keep Evil tethered to himself.

‘Do it!’ he gritted out, his eyes beginning to switch rapidly. He coughed, a dollop of clotted blood falling out of his mouth, then another as he heaved before his eyes rolled back and he fell down, unconscious.

Lay leaned over him, hurriedly putting his hands on his chest to revive him.

Chen’s eyes opened, irises bleeding black as Evil struck out, burying talons straight through Lay’s torso.

Lay stiffened, eyes wide in shock as Evil leaned close, spittle flying. ‘Go to hell, healer!’

Baekhyun screamed as he withdrew, a fountain of blood sprouting. ‘NO!’

He dived forward, catching his Shadow as he slumped. ‘No, no, Lay no, goddammit!’

Evil fell back, coalescing into a black mass over Chen’s unmoving form, maniacal laughter echoing around them.

Before anyone could react, something – for it couldn’t be a person – screamed in rage, in pain, before attacking Evil. Evil’s form twisted and turned, dodging easily as Star attacked recklessly.

‘You didn’t think I would actually let him go, did you?’ he mocked, twisting away again. A portal opened up behind him. ‘I don’t have time for your games any more, brat.’

He lashed out, a black talon catching Star across the chest, leaving a gaping wound. She fell down with a gasp and Evil started disappearing into the portal.

And then, Rose’s body slumped limply as Star exited, a small black ball of fluff shooting at Evil with inhuman speed and latching onto his nebulous form.

The portal closed as Evil’s attention was diverted and he tried to get rid of the pest that was bugging him. He managed to push her away, her black tendrils clinging onto him before she shed the darkness, golden spikes shooting up and through Evil.

There was a loud sizzle as Evil’s form started disintegrating where she’d struck. He tried to pull away, inhuman screams echoing around them as he struggled, but she kept dragging him in until they were almost inseparable… and then, her golden form morphed into a gaping maw that swallowed Evil whole.

There was momentary silence and everything stood still.

Then slowly but surely, Star’s form started to disintegrate as well, golden and black flakes floating away gently in the breeze.


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Finally updating You Are My Destiny after two years T_T


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shenaya #1
Chapter 101: Thank you for the epilogue! Hope you're doing fine
Alisha0074 #2
Chapter 84: Yikes!!
Alisha0074 #3
Chapter 83: What future????? I'm going to reread....
thanks for the update!!!
Alisha0074 #4
Chapter 81: Thanks for the update!!! Its was nice to read this again.
As for the kris may I suggest something??
Alisha0074 #5
Chapter 79: Finally finally xiu can get his girl but now what do we do with kris?????
these elders ....
Crazydork22 #6
Chapter 79: Woohoooo! You go Xiumin! Get your girl!
Chapter 77: This update made my morning!! Keep up the great work!!
shenaya #8
Chapter 76: I hope you did not give up on this masterpiece.
Crazydork22 #9
Chapter 75: Oh my GOSH. I was so excited to see a new update on this. I went to read the chapter and I was confused because it didn’t seem to flow with the end of the previous one from my memory so I went back and....somehow I missed an update?!?!!!!! How did I miss two chapters??? And SO MANY XIUMIN LILY MOMENTS???? Ahhhhhhh!!! Okay so loved the Xiu/Lily, her payback was XD also big lol to some of them wondering why it was snowing. This newest chapter, yes! Xiumin! Put a ring on her!

As to real EXOland, oh my gosh I was so so so happy when Jongdae came to Baekhyun’s show! All the pics were LQ, but it was so lovely to see him. AND Minseok and Kyungsoo had their musical live streamed yesterday! I’m so proud of them! Minseok’s character is so adorable and meme worthy!
Alisha0074 #10
Chapter 73: Poor poor minnie!!!!
thanks for the update!!!!