At seoul

Rising sunshine
seung jo pov: As usual he entered the hospital every female walk across him to note them but he didnot care about that he has no girl friend and not beleive in love bcoz he knows some day he want to get marry arranged by his parents so he has no interest in woman and he also didnot meet any women who makes his heart beat he went on the flow in that hospital today there is a huge patient he have to handle bcoz he is a popular and good doctor and a responsible person. its a tiring day for me he states and went to carry on his work ... suddenly my handphone rang on seeing the caller id my mom called me to come home soon ... i dont know why but she says dont take night shifts so i think its important so i assure her i will come... and inform my friend to take over my night shift ... its already 7:00 clock when i reached my home there was a suprise i didnot expect my grandfather & my grandma was there with my parents thats why my mom kept it as secret. i automaticaly run towards them and hug them there were tears in the eyes of them bcoz last i saw them was about 5 years.... they loved me so much and taught me many lessons how can i not miss them.... we ate dinner happily with my family... there is a reason for my grandfather visit wats that ???????,
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