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Crippled Feelings
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If you ever feel like reading this, maybe you should check out the whole fic first ^^" It's not directly related to the story, but still...

A lot of people asked me if this is based on ‘Me before you’ and No, it is not. I started writing fragments of this story back in April, when I knew nothing about the book/movie. I watched ‘Me before you’ last month in the cinema with a friend and it was nice. I like Sam and Emilia is such an adorable puppy <3 It was great seeing her acting outside of Game of Thrones *o* But… that’s all.

What inspired me to write this was actually the French movie ‘The Intouchables’, which I saw a few months ago and that is surely the best movie I have seen this year so far!!! It was amazing, so emotional yet funny and it’s based on a real story. It is also about a disabled man and his caretaker, but in my opinion it’s times better than ‘Me before you’, so I totally recommend it! ^^

And now… time to explain why this fic is so special to me. As you have probably already read in the foreword, it is dedicated to my father who passed away 2 years ago and he… was also a disabled man.

When I was 6 years old, he got a and that changed my family’s life forever. The attacks your brain and causes an internal bleeding in your head. A lot of people die soon after that, it can happen in the matter of minutes, but my father survived and he had to live with the after affects. He couldn’t use the right side of his body at all and he had problems with the left part of his body as well, he also had slurred speech and huge difficulty with the walking. But he received therapy and got better, his speech problem was almost fixed and he started walking, he always used a crane, but still it was something.

However, when I was 13 he got another and after that – he gave up, he had no hope and will to get better again. He refused to go to rehab and never left our apartment after he came back from the hospital. There was no elevator where we lived and he said that taking the stairs was something impossible for him. Once again, using his right side was as difficult as before, but at least he could feed himself with his left hand. A few months after that, 2 doctors came to our house and wrote their report. They stated that my father was a disabled man of category ‘A’, which meant that he was unable to move over 60% of his body.

In January 2014, his conditioned worsened and he couldn’t even walk to the table which was just a few steps away from his bed, so we moved the table next to his bed and with difficulty he got up and was somehow able to eat his meals. At that time, I didn’t pay much attention to that.

But in May, a few days before my birthday, he was admitted into hospital and I could visit him only once, because I was busy preparing for my final high school exams and prom. When he got out of the hospital, he looked even worse than before and he couldn’t even get up from his bed.

On 10th July 2014, I went out with my best friend to celebrate. We were done with high school, we were both accepted in the universities we wanted. We were really happy and I had so much fun on that day, not thinking about anything else. And while I was having the time of my life – my father was dying at home. I went out early in the morning, so I didn’t even greet him, thinking that he was still sleeping. His death was somehow expected, I knew the end was near, but it still shook me up a lot.

I thought I wouldn’t care much, because I never accepted him as my father, to me he was more like a relative wh

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703 streak #1
Chapter 5: I don’t know why i only susbcribed to this now… it’s a beautiful story 😭
Chapter 5: This was beautiful. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 5: It's so nice.
I love it?
Chapter 4: I need to ceray
Chapter 2: I went full OMG at that part...
Dem how tf
Now I'm also mad
Chapter 1: I lost my lung reading this chapter