
Necklace of Regrets

"You're up." Yuri said to Taeyeon as she heard Taeyeon let out a low grunt as she fell off the side of the bed.

"Screw this.." Taeyeon grumbled as she rolled about on the floor, trying to find a comfortable position.

"A rat pooped there last night." Yuri stated bluntly, causing Taeyeon to jolt up and start wiping her face vigorously.

"BLEH! EW! OH GROSS BLEH!" Taeyeon exclaimed as she ran to the bathroom and washed over and over again.

"Should I tell her that I was lying?" Yuri asked herself as she watched Taeyeon freak out in the bathroom.

"Nah." she smiled to herself as she grabbed the case file which she had thrown on the floor last night and began reading it again.

Soon, Taeyeon recovered from her ceaseless spasming and checked out what Yuri was doing.

"What's that?" she asked.

Yuri looked up from her work and gave Taeyeon a basilisk glare. "You didn't read the case file, did you?" she asked.

Taeyeon scratched her head and started laughing sheepishly while Yuri gave her an icy cold glare before rolling her eyes.

"It's on the table, go read it." Yuri said as she flipped through her own case documents.

Rubbing her eyes sleepily, Taeyeon walked over to the small table that was situated in middle of the living room, a few steps out of their bedroom. "Yuri ah! Tell them to change the cushion covers! They stink!" Taeyeon yelled as she sat down on a small rocking chair instead.

"Shut up and read the case file, pabo. We need to get to the town hall by noon. And your breakfast is on the dining table, beside the TV." Yuri yawned as she grabbed a set of fresh clothes and went into the bathroom.

Lazily, Taeyeon flicked open the cap of the milk and poured the milk into a bowl of corn flakes on the table. But as she read the case file and ate her food, she slowly found herself too disgusted to carry on after just finishing half the bowl.

Yuri stepped out of the bathroom after the her morning shower, only to see Taeyeon's disgusted face while she held onto her spoonful of milk, halfway reading through the case file.

"I forgot to tell you that you should've ate first." Yuri said as she walked over and sat on the couch.

Taeyeon rigidly turned her head around and glared at Yuri.

"Thanks a million, partner." Taeyeon said sarcastically as she continued reading the case file.

"Seriously, whoever this person was, he ate humans?" Taeyeon asked unbelievably.

"Apparently, they're suspecting that there's a hidden man eating tribe among the woods or something." Yuri shrugged as she watched the news about some gang fights back in Seoul while Yurin, who had just woken up, sleepily jumped onto Yuri's lap and fell back to dreamland.

"I don't think it's any sort of tribe." Taeyeon stated bluntly.

Yuri gave a small smirk as she turned to Taeyeon.

"Great minds think alike."

Taeyeon smiled and flung her case file towards the end of the table.

"Stop flattering yourself." she reprimanded.



"Okay, so I assume everybody's here?" Leeteuk asked as he scanned through the team.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bush rustle suspiciously and he instinctively aimed his gun there. The bush began to rustle even more violently and out of nowhere, Yoona appeared form inside the bush and stumbled in line with the rest of the team.

"Hehehe.." she laughed sheepishly as Leeteuk gave her a hard glare before returning back to his instructions.

"From now onwards, you will be split into teams. Yoona will be working on her autopsy so she'll be in the clinic. Sunny will be in the room beside Yoona's autopsy room to provide all of you with whatever form of communication and information you guys need. But firstly, all of you will need this, except Sunny." Leeteuk said as she handed out small wireless radios to them.

"From now onwards, you will split into two groups, Jessica, Tiffany and Taeyeon will be in team A while Sooyoung, Yuri and Onew will be in team B. Team B will go exploring since that team has sharper eyes; see if you can have any idea where the killre might hide. Team A will be working on interacting with the people around this area and seeing if they know anyone who has behaving strangely. Oh yes, Team A, the victim's parents have allowed us to look through her room. She lives in that big house with the giant rain tree in their backyard, go check it out and report your findings."

Taeyeon nodded her head slowly as she processed what Leeteuk had instructed them and she let out a small sigh.

"I'm with Tiffany.. Dang..." she said to herself.

"Leeteuk oppa, what're you doing then?" Jessica asked, giving Leeteuk a questionable look.

Leeteuk adjusted his collar uncomfortably and cleared his throat.

"Ahem.. I'll be supervising all you from the radio."

Jessica rolled his eyes, while Sooyoung folded her arms.

"Getting lazy again, aren't we , Leeteuk?" Sooyoung raised her eyebrow.

"I told you, I'm supervising." Leeteuk rolled his eyes sarcastically at Sooyoung.

"Let's go." Yuri said as she headed towards the woods.

"Bye Yuri~!" Jessica yelled as she waved, trying to get Yuri's attention.

Yuri felt herself flush pink a little but she quickly regained her composure as she bid goodbye to Jessica.

"We'll make a move too, let's go Jessica." Tiffany smiled, completely ignoring Taeyeon who was sulking behind her.

"Meet back here at dinner time, settle your lunches yourselves." Leeteuk said briefly before some snoring sounds could be heard.

Tiffany, Taeyeon and Jessica walked in silence as they headed towards the first stop ; the house of the victim.

"This girl was 18 when she died.. Sheesh, that's sad." Jessica said the last sentence in english as she flipped through the case file once again.

"I know right?" Tiffany replied back in English.

"Aish.. she so sad." Taeyeon said in broken english, trying to talk on the same wavelength as the two american girls.

Tiffany gave Taeyeon an odd stare before rolling her eyes while Jessica chuckled and gave Taeyeon and encouraging smile before she went to catch up with Tiffany, who was already at the front door of the house.

"Woah.." Taeyeon said in awe at the large rain tree that stood majestically, in the yard, shading most of the yard in it's enormous shadow as fallen leaves littered the footpath.

"Hurry up Taeyeon." Tiffany said coldly as she entered the house.

"No more TaeTae?" Taeyeon sighed to herself as she nodded and sped up her footsteps.

"Y-you people are the police from Seoul?" an old couple asked as they peered warily out of a small slit.

Tiffany flashed her ID card and gave a small smile at the couple.

"Can we come in to take a look at Suki's room?" Tiffany asked politely as she gave a cute eye smile to the couple.

Quietly, the couple opened the door and allowed Tiffany and the others to go in.

"Eyesmiles always work, don't they?" Jessica whispered as she took a bow towards the old couple before proceeding upstairs with Tiffany, with Taeyeon following closely behind.

Casually, Taeyeon ran her hand through the striped wallpaper that lined the walls as they walked up the creaky steps.

"Psst..Tae, don't touch anything without your gloves." Jessica hissed as they took a deep breath before entering the deceased's bedroom.

Tiffany held back a scream as soon as she entered the room. Pink curtains, a pink table with a pink chair and not to mention a hot pink bed with a pink blanket and pink soft toys filled the room There wasn't a single spot of any other colour other than pink on the walls and even the wooden wardrobe had been painted pink so that it wouldn't stand out amongst all the other pink furniture.

Taking a few deep breaths, Tiffany composed the pink loving side of her which was about to explode with happiness and she immediatly became very leader-like.

"Taeyeon, Jessica, see if you can find anything around the house that might give us a clue on who the killer might be. I'll be downstairs with the pink-- I mean.. the old couple. Try not to wander off." she warned, looking at Taeyeon in particular.

"Araso." Jessica smiled as she put on handgloves and began searching the room.

Taeyeon put on her own pair of gloves and got to work at the girl's laptop which had been sitting on the table, collecting dust.

The laptop made a small startup sound before it prompted Taeyeon for a password. Taeyeon groaned as she looked around for any possible password that the girl might have put somewhere in the room.

"Her birthday?" Taeyeon mumbled as she typed in '051493'.

A small 'X' was presented to Taeyeon as soon as she hit the enter key and she was denied access. "Knew it, too lame. Anniversary date?" she said to herself again as she noticed a string of numbers written in black on the photo of the deceased and her boyfriend.

"150211." she mumbled as she punched in the numbers, but once again, she was denied access.

Taeyeon let out another frustrated groan as she glanced around the room, only to come back to the same picture. A strong gust of wind ran through the room and blew the picture upwards, revealing a few small words written on the back of the picture.

"Suki..Tony.. I wonder.." Taeyeon tapped her fingers against her chin as she typed in the words "SukiAndTony" before once again hitting the enter button.

The computer gave a small ding before another image faded into the screen ; Taeyeon had cracked the code.

"Oh yeah~ Who's the man~" Taeyeon cheered as she waved her arms in the air excitedly.

Jessica smiled to herself as she continued searching through the girl's room.

"Looks like this girl went to church behind her parent's back." Jessica said as she pulled a dusty old bible out from under the girl's bed.

"Apparently." Taeyeon raised an eyebrow at the girl's wallpaper and the amount of worship she had stored in her computer.

"Anything suspicious on your side?" Jessica  asked as she flipped through the girl's diary.

"Nothing suspicious.. Just that this girl is a little too religious for my personal comfort." Taeyeon shrugged as she finished looking through the girl's documents and she turned off the computer, "How about you?"

"Like you said just now, she's religious. Most of her diary entries are about her activities in church and the people she's brought there. She articularly likes to bring people who have unusual backgrounds, I noticed." Jessica raised an eyebrow as she read an entry about the girl bringing a man who was once known to be a .

"Unusual backgrounds?" Taeyeon asked as she peered outside the window and saw a man sitting in the middle of the road, playing chess with himself while he talked to an imaginary person sitting in front of him.

"Yeah. There's one who enjoys --"

"Playing chess with himself?" Taeyeon guessed.

"Y-yeah.. How did you know?" Jessica asked as she looked up from the diary.

"Well, our chess loving weirdo is sitting downstairs right now." Taeyeon smirked as she headed downstairs, passing by Tiffany quietly as Tiffany tried to console the old woman who was crying uncontrollably at the loss of her one and only daughter.

The roads were empty as the sun beat down on the empty stretch of road and onto the man who mumbled to whoever was sitting in front of him. His ears perked up as soon as he heard a footstep behind him and he immediatly turned around to see Taeyeon standing right behind him.

"Who are you?" he asked warily as he glared at Taeyeon.

"Kim Taeyeon. You like to play chess too?" Taeyeon asked, trying to create a common topic between herself and the man.

The man immediatly broke into a wide smile as he pulled a seat out for Taeyeon.

"Please. Sit." he smiled warmly.

Taeyeon smiled back and took a seat as they began the game. But within less than 10 moves, Taeyeon was defeated.

"What the... Again!" Taeyeon said, unable to accept her defeat as they moved on to round two.

But once again, the man defeated Taeyeon without even spending more than five minutes. Taeyeon let out a sigh of defeat as she rested her head on her palm.

"I've been playing chess since I was 4, so it's understandable that you're not able to win against me." the man smiled as he reassembled the chess pieces.

"Wow, four? That's hella--" Taeyeon was cut off by a bellowing shout from Tiffany.

"TAEYEON!!!" Tiffany yelled from inside the house, her voice booming throughout the neighborhood like an echo.

"Er... Gotta go.. I'll see you around." Taeyeon smiled as she rushed back into the house, but just before she closed the door, she turned back to see if the man was still there, but he was gone.

"Strange..." Taeyeon mumbled to herself as she turned back and came face to face with an angry Tiffany.

"Woah!" Taeyeon gave a yelp of surprise and jumped back but Tiffany grabbed onto her collar and dragged her to the living room.

"Get us some coffee. Thanks." Tiffany said, reluctantly thanking Taeyeon beforehand.

Taeyeon's eagerness to make Tiffany forgive her gave Taeyeon an adrenaline boost and she immediatly broke into a huge smile.

"Yes ma'am!" Taeyeon said as she quickly walked into the kitchen and prepared three cups of carefully brewed coffee.

"Tadah~" Taeyeon smiled as she laid the coffee on the table.

"Thank you." Tiffany said formally as she took a sip of coffee.

"Tastes good.. Woah, hold on a sec Tiffany Hwang. Control your expressions." Tiffany reminded herself.

"Too hot." Tiffany stuck out her tongue as she passed the cup back to Taeyeon.

"I'll pour some more water in." Taeyeon offered, quickly returning back to the kitchen and coming back out again.

"Too cold." Tiffany complained again.

This time, Taeyeon went in again and poured some hot water in.

"Too bland." Tiffany complained for the third time.

"I'll change the coffee for you." Taeyeon twitched her eyebrow.

"Too bitter!" Tiffany exclaimed, making a really painful expression as she took a sip of coffee.


"It's fine, Taeyeon, just give me a massage while I talk to them." Tiffany said as she pointed to her shoulders.

"Aye." Taeyeon said, trying to sound as lively as possible.

"So, Mrs Sanders, how was Suki while she was at home?" Tiffany asked.

"Well she was always a good girl, always very filial to us and she would never lie to us about whatever relationships she had. She would always share them with us." Mrs Sanders explained.

"I see.." Tiffany nodded her head, "And what does she -- Tae, go slightly lower.. Sorry, what does she usually do in her past time?"

"Well, she plays hockey and basketball and she also likes to read a lot." Mr Sanders replied as he took a sip of coffee.

"I see, sorry gimme a minute. Tae, go higher." Tiffany hissed. ," Like I was saying, do you know if she might've interacted with anyone suspicious?"

Tiffany suddenly let out a loud grunt as Taeyeon pressed too hard after getting slightly frustrated at Tiffany's demands. Tiffany whipped her head back and shot Taeyeon an icy glare before turning back and smiling at the old couple.

"Excuse me for a minute." Tiffany smiled sweetly as she stood up and pulled Taeyeon out of the house.

Tiffany pulled out her wallet and passed Taeyeon a few dollar bills. "So now you're chasing me away with money?" Taeyeon asked hurtfully.

Tiffany rolled her eyes at Taeyeon before turning back and walking towards the house.

"Go buy some snacks for us, and get a drink for yourself too." Tiffany said as she mumbled something else that Taeyeon couldn't hear.

"So she does care for me afterall." Taeyeon smiled to herself as she quickly ran towards the convenience store which was around the corner.

"Hey miss." a voice called out from behind Taeyeon, causing her to spin around in shock.

The man raised both his arms as a sign of peace as he apologized.

 "Woah woah, easy miss, sorry for scaring you, I'm actually the pastor of the church right here." he smiled as he pointed towards an old building not far from where they were standing.

"Do you have a minute? Maybe I can talk to you more about God. We can have a chat at the c--" the man was cut off by Taeyeon who interrupted him.

"Sorry, not interested." Taeyeon stated bluntly as she walked away, ignoring the man who was desperately calling out to her.

On the way back, Taeyeon took a different route, just to avoid meeting the same man on the alley. "Darn these people.." Taeyeon growled as she walked back into the house with the tidbits and drinks.







"We're ba-- Woah." Sooyoung exclaimed in surprise when she saw Taeyeon sprawled out on the dining table while she mumbled "food" in a lifeless tone.

Yuri raised an eyebrow as she took the seat beside Jessica.

"What's with her?" Yuri asked as she picked up Yurin, who was brushing against her leg.

"Tiffany made her run errands around the whole town." Jessica whispered in Yuri's ear so that Tiffany wouldn't catch their conversation.

Yuri gave a small gulp.

"That's harsh." she commented as Yurin lept over onto Taeyeon's lap and rested against Taeyeon's stomach.

"Dinner's ready!" Yoona shouted as she and Sunny brought in a few more dishes.

"Oppa, your chicken is here!" Sunny said in an aegyo voice as she put the chicken in front of Onew.

But instead of thanking Sunny, Onew began greedily eating the chicken, even slapping Sunny's hand away when she wanted to wipe some sauce off his face.

Sooyoung attempted to stand up at Onew's rudeness towards Sunny but Sunny touched her arm and shook her head.

"He's just hungry." Sunny smiled.

"You're always making excuses for him." Sooyoung replied with a frown.

"Taeyeon unnie, why aren't you eating? Is the food bad?" Yoona asked, a slight bit of hurt was present in her voice.

Taeyeon took a long while to reply due to her body using up too much energy in the afternoon.

"It's not that.. I'm just.. not feeling well." Taeyeon smiled weakly, hoping that Tiffany would at least ask if she was okay.

But instead of that, Tiffany simply continued eating calmly.

"Seriously?"  Taeyeon asked herself as she felt her stomach churn.

"Urghh." she groaned in discomfort.

"Tae, you okay?" Jessica asked concernly.

"Urghh..." Taeyeon tried to say yes but the belly-flopping feeling wasn't over yet.

Still, Tiffany remained expressionless and finished up the last of her rice before heading back to the cottage she and Jessica shared, heartlessly leaving Taeyeon writhing in discomfort.

"Sorry Tae, but I can't forgive you that easily." Tiffany said to herself, hardening her heart.

Jessica stood up and was about to run after Tiffany and scold her but Yuri, who had seen it coming, quickly tugged on Jessica's arm to stop her form doing something rash.

"Yuri." Jessica said, communicating with Yuri through her eyes.

Yuri simply shook her head and glanced at Jessica's seat, ordering Jessica to sit down without even speaking.

Jessica bit down on her lip as she watched Taeyeon's spasms cease as she sat down and continued her dinner.

"Tch.." Taeyeon grunted as she panted after the ordeal she had just went through.














A/N : Okay, guys I'm done >< Sheesh I'm tired. gotta love your author here for staying up late to update.. well to me, 11 30 is kinda late if I'm actually doing something other than playing games.. So yea.. Hope to see nice comments when I wake up? I really really really wanna see comments ): -sulks- pwetty pwetty pwease~

Aish, but for those silent readers, I can't seem to force you either but I really hope you comment. You don't know how much a simple comment like "Omg, your fic is so nice, please update soon. Really love reading this fic." can make my day :\

Anyways i noticed taking a piss helps keep me awake so everytime I feel sleepy I drink loads of water then go pee. It's like coffee man ><

Okay~ Anyways, I shall go to sleep. Don't wanna be waking up late for work now do we? Hope you like the story so far and pls pls pls pls leave a comment. 151 subs~ I wonder when I can finally hit 200 >< Ish~ btw if you know where I got this case from pls don't tell others. This case was an adapted case but I wrote it based on memory and changed a few things here and there to make it suit my story more. So.. Hoped you liked it and stay tuned for my next update alright?



Time out!~

-starts playing with Yurin under the table-

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2022 and still waiting for the updates
hellsing418 #2
Chapter 75: Waiting for updates patiently
Waiting for the day when you update this one of the awesome story that i read :)
hellsing418 #4
Chapter 75: Me too.. Still waiting .. Update soon author ahii
suzukayamato26 #5
Chapter 75: still waiting here....
soummy #6
as i said before, this fic is so good. It's remains on top of my fave stories here. And I'm still waiting :/ we can still ship ys despite the events that occured a few months ago right? Pls find courage and ud this again. Thanks author-nim~
OfficialPao #7
Chapter 75: Hey.. Sica, you gonna continue this or nah? Happy new year btw.
dream1997 #8
Chapter 75: where are the updates author sshi?? ive been waiting forever and seriously yulsic being stucked here is kiling me please finish this amazing fanfic!!!
soummy #9
Chapter 75: Auhtor-ssi,I personally think the plot is really really great esp. because it's yulsic. Please gather more courage and update this story. I wanna read this until the end, your ideas are awesome. We will wait for you :)