Midsummer Mirage

Midsummer Mirage

Wonwoo nipped his lower lip, flakes of dead skin fluttered graciously before obscuring on the tiled floor. He tipped his head and nudged it competently into his forearm.

The midsummer eventide casted deviously onto the kitchen wall, exposing a flaccid figure on the kitchen table submerging into an intense textbook.

Mingyu inventively paced into the kitchen with a popsicle seized into three digits. His lips provocatively caressed at the glacial block of artificial flavors whilst darting absorbed Wonwoo a glance.

Wonwoo’s eyes fixated onto the tiny font of an annihilating extent of equations. He shifted his round glasses gawkily and drummed his pen rhythmically onto the wooden table.

Mingyu treaded blissfully into the room, his white socks skimmed effortlessly on the floorboardsHis lips warped into a sneer as he gimmicky glided his balmy hand onto Wonwoo’s sticky back.

Wonwoo’s pupils fired up and his back vaulted. The textbook skidded past his slender fingers and hammered daringly onto the temperate tiling.

Mingyu’s lips molded a pout and assuredly lured Wonwoo’s concentration with his brown doe eyes.

 “You scared me! W-W-What’s up?” Wonwoo delicately twitched from his seat. 

Mingyu raised his index finger and positioned them onto Wonwoo’s fleshy pink lips, brusquely shushing the older. 

The orange popsicle diminished in form as fluid driveled from Mingyu’s fingers to his wrist, blemishing his white sleeves.

“Oh- no, look, the ice-block is making a mess” Mingyu mockingly exclaimed as he gawked into Wonwoo’s doe auburn eyes. 

Mingyu motioned his head towards the liquid trickling hastily and bobbed faintly at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo arched his neck and inched his head closer to Mingyu’s hand and preserved his gaze on Mingyu whilst penetrating his pink tongue to lap up the orange mess. 

-To be continued- 

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