
Lucky Monster
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The alarm blared into Sooyoung’s right ear. She groggily groaned and lazily lifted herself from the bed. Her right hand blindly looking to turn off the annoyingly loud sound. With only two hours of sleep, she got ready and headed to the prestigious school, University of Seoul Arts and Science. The bus ride was more packed than usual, but the campus drier than a desert, common for a Friday.

Sooyoung hurried along to her class as soon as she got off at the bus stop. Girls walked towards her, whispering their little secrets. As long as it wasn't about her, she didn't give a care in the world. She heard a loud squeal from one of them and giggles followed. Her eyes couldn't help but follow their excitement, only to be met with the image of Byun Baekhyun escorting himself out of his "fancy rich people car". She rolled her eyes at the sight of him as she scurried along to class. Just when she thought college was going to be a fresh start, her fate was sadly met with the flower boys once again.

She looked up at the building as if it was her first time entering. "ART OF SCIENCE," she mumbled to herself. Her desire to become the cardiologist she long wished for was beginning to come true. She proudly entered the building as always and made her way up to the fourth floor, where she would spend the majority of her study there. "My second home," she happily whispered to herself as she entered the lecture hall. Sooyoung quietly took a seat in the back of the hall, patiently waiting for the professor to arrive.

Every lecture was great, but Fridays were the best. She only had one early class and the rest of the day was free. However, today was a bit off. The lack of sleep made the professor's lecture linger a bit longer as the hour seemed to have become two. She drifted in and out of sleep, a reminder that she shouldn't study so late into the night after a work shift.

“Class dismissed. Chapter 26 due next week!” the professor shouted as the class stood up to leave. It was always a race between the students and the mouth of the professor at the end of the hour. Sooyoung slowly packed her bag, not even sure if she caught the importance of the lecture today. She waited for the congestion at the doors to die down before she made a beeline to exi

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Hi! I just want to say I'm back?! I happily got lost in reality, but I'm trying to revamp this fanfiction. Please bear with me as chapters slowly start showing up again. Sit back, relax, and enjoy! Comments, upvotes, and shares are always greatly appreciated!


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Chapter 7: I'm so glad to see the progress of the revamp! Excited for what's to come.
Kikirizkyvirliana #2
Chapter 6: just want to let you know that im enjoying the story so far and hope you update soon :))
SummerLuv #3
Chapter 7: Oh nooooo, so baekhyun likes her but sehun probably has reasons why he's like this to sooyoung... This is messed up
Chapter 7: Can i ship her with Baekhyun instead? Hehehe.. Sehun is so mysterious...
Chapter 7: I am having a second lead syndrome 😬
Sehun is quite a jerk (sorry) but he has reason to do that.
41 streak #6
Chapter 7: Hi author dimples!!

Aww..is he not the sweetest? Can I just say that he is the best second lead ever? Like EVER.

ririsriandini #7
Chapter 7: Hiiii new reader here. Wow I wonder what happened between Sehun and Sooyoung. I guess something happened and sehun bullying Sooyoung on purpose cause he want her to hate him. It seems like that cause he still care.

But sooyoung, wtf gurl how could you just give in and give your body to your bully?????

And....baekhyun have a crush on her. I hope he isn't the one who broken in the end. He is my good kid😭😭
nimr_ng #8
Chapter 7: He liked her but didn't want her to like like him.
21 streak #9
Chapter 7: Oo so baek has a crush on her? 🥹🥹 hmm so that flashback started sehun and sooyoung’s bad blood I guess?
41 streak #10
Chapter 6: Hi author real_dimples!!

I am confused by Sooyoung and Sehun..like what..they were friends and then after the death of the parents of Sooyoung, Sehun has started to be mean to her and bully her extremely and then when the first opportunity shows itself probably not even a year after all the bullying, Sooyoung sleeps with him? I guess if they have had it before it makes sense in terms of attachment but after all that bullying? I do not understand her decisions well enough. Not right now but hopefully as the story continues maybe I will.
