It's Not a Game

It's Not a Game

A/N: I'm not good at chapter by chapter so I'll try my best. I'll refer to Irene as Irene the whole story.




Irene opened one eye only to see a bright light and she groaned, closing it again and shifting her position, covering her eyes with her purple-cased pillow. It was morning again. She has to go to school and learn. Yes, she's one of the smartest people in the school, but that doesn't mean that she likes learning. She would even bet that most of the students everywhere on this blue planet agrees with her. 



5 minutes.

Just. 5 minutes.


"Wendy's here."

Damn you snowman.

Irene got up begrudgingly from her purple queen-sized bed and slowly walked to the mirror at the very corner of her purple room (She wouldn't trade purple for anything else), and looked at herself in the mirror. Wavy long brown hair that reached her chest, her eyes were a deep pool of chocolate brown, thin pink lips and white smooth skin. Perfect. Beautiful. She snickered at herself before squealing when someone opened her bedroom door. "Hyun, we're going to be late-" Wendy's eye twitched.

"You haven't showered yet?!"

"I'm about to. And did you just call me Hyun?"

"Oh my gosh, unnie, we only have 30 minutes left before the bell rings!" Emphasizing the honorifics.

"Then stop talking to me and wait for me outside, I'll be done quickly!"


Wendy, a girl with orange-blondish hair sighed and bit her lower lip. "Did you stay up late again?" Irene nodded, quickly pulling out a one-size larger red velvet sweatshirt and black fitted jeans. "Gaming?" Wendy smiled nonetheless. Irene looked back and smiled back. "Uh huh." "I've given up on you and your gaming things." "Yah! Don't call them gaming things-" "Unnie, 25 minutes." "-Okay, okay, geez."

Irene ran towards the bathroom and in a few seconds, Wendy heard running water and she chuckled. "Ah, that girl." She scanned the purple bedroom and saw circular spectacles on Irene's nightstand and Wendy frowned, her brows furrowing, making a one-of-a-kind expression you'll only be able to see on her. Wendy became friends with Irene back in their freshman year in high school and even back then, Irene was obsessed with games, virtual 2D games-she hated physical ones played outside. What was it they called in Japan?

Oh, right. Hikkikamori. Except Irene goes to school.

Back then, Wendy was the first one to approach the cold and quiet Irene Bae who everyone was talking about. She's weird. She's always reading. How does her eyes not get damaged? Curious at all the rumors flying around the school, Wendy decided to check the girl out herself. She later found out that Irene was reading game magazines instead of  books for history, math or any other book created from hell besides the interesting fiction ones. But Irene was smarter than what she thought-passing with flying colors. She never had a grade below 90, and at first, everyone applauded her but soon envied her and started bullying the poor girl.

The spectacles she saw on the nightstand was the same one Irene always wore to school. Long story short, Wendy and Irene became closer and the first time Wendy came to their house to bring Irene her assignments(She was absent that day), and she found Irene sitting in front of screens with different kinds of video games on them, Irene sitting in the middle with a-was that a wii remote? And game controllers? And ramyeon? Turns out Wendy didn't know that behind Irene was Joohyun, the real Irene-err, person, whatever.

She was addicted to gaming and Wendy thought it was weird that her eyes aren't damaged from all those years of playing since she was 14, she was 23 now, and Wendy was 20.

Wendy snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the bathroom door opened and Irene stepped out in nothing but a purple towel. Besides the hot scene in front of her, Wendy wonders why this girl was obsessed with purple. Irene raised her brows at her, before saying, "I thought I told you to stay outside?" Wendy only swallowed and the older girl smirked at her, "Aw, I know how much you want to see me but I really need to change so get out for a moment, Seungwan." Wendy's eye twitched when she heard Irene call Wendy by her Korean name.

Did Wendy forget to mention that Bae Joohyun is conceited?

But she also admits that the girl was absolutely beautiful-a goddess from Daegu.

Nevertheless, the younger obeyed the older's command and she stepped outside as Irene got changed.

"Irene unnie, why do you wear glasses to school and tie your hair in a bun and wear over-sized clothes?" Wendy blurted out all her questions once when she slept over at Irene's. The said girl was busy playing games until she heard Wendy's innocent question. The brunette raised her brows in an amused manner and Wendy's face flushed. "No, never mind." And the gamer burst out laughing, shaking her head. She smiled at her friend mischievously and said, "They have to find me."


"You, Wan-ah. You found me."

Wendy realized that she was pertaining to both Irene and Joohyun. The personalities were polar opposites.

In a flash, Irene burst out through the door of the house with her round glasses on and a piece of bread in , grabbing Wendy by the arm and breaking into a run. "C'mon slowpoke, we're going to be late and you're standing there imagining things! I've never been late all my life!" That's because I was there most of your life, waking you up you little dumb bunny!

The school was just a 10-minute walk from Irene's house but they had less than that, fortunately, they arrived there with 2 minutes to spare. While Wendy was breathing heavily and leaned on the school's brick wall, Irene composed herself, and in a flash, her mischievous expression turned into a solemn one and she brought out two thick books about medical herbs or something Wendy could never hope to understand before dusting herself off and leaving Wendy by herself as the older girl trudged off to her class. Wendy shook her head. How does she do that?

Irene and her thingies.


"Hyung," Jungkook, a guy with jet-black hair slammed his hands down at the long wooden table in front of a boy older than him with brown anime-like hair, wearing a white polo shirt with a black necktie and a brown buttoned blazer. Taehyung eyed him wearily before growling. "What now, Jungkook?" They were in the library, people just staring at them with annoyance, but didn't bother scolding them since they were both one of the popular kids. Jungkook grinned from ear-to-ear and jumped like a little kid, "I heard there's going to be a math tutorial for those who need it every Saturday!"

"Since when the hell were you so excited about math?" Taehyung looked at him dumbfounded.

"Since it was announced that the teacher would be a hot girl."

Of course. When did he ever get excited about a subject?

"Well then, leave me alone." Jungkook rolled his eyes as Taehyung opened another book entitled, "Soulmates" by Holly Bourne. Jungkook frowned and sighed, sitting down on the chair opposite from the older one. "You always read books. Mostly romance, dude. But you rejected every girl in our college, why don't you just go find your soulmate instead of reading about them?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "You rejected them too." "We both know why we did it because they only like us for our looks and money." 

"Happy endings are reserved strictly for the fiction shelves of bookstores." Taehyung read aloud from the book, before closing it.

He scanned the whole library filled with people chatting to each other in whispers and most of the girls beaming at him when he 'accidentally' catches them looking at him and makes eye-contact. Taehyung sighed. No one knows him as well as Jungkook did. Sometimes he wondered if he would ever find a girl that wouldn't fall in love with his looks and 'kind personality' 'Heck they don't even know what I'm really like, although I am kind.'

Jungkook eyes the boy in thought wearily before shaking his head. I hope you find your match, Taehyung.


Irene was bored.

Bored out of her mind. She wanted to escape class and drag Wendy with her and go home and play Harvest Moon or League of Legends  or whatever will keep her mind busy. As long as she plays. Just as the bell rings, she quickly gathered her things and was about to leave the classroom quietly but her teacher called her out and she inwardly groaned. "Irene, please don't leave yet, I need to talk to you about something." Darn it, Ms. Hwang. She puts on a shy smile and walked towards the slightly taller woman with her head down as she heard her classmates snickering and whispering.

'I hope she gets in trouble.'

'She really needs to stop hogging the teachers.'

'I bet she sleeps with them to get a good grade.'

Irene's eye twitched. Shut your filthy mouths. Although Irene has never done those kinds of things, it still hurts to hear them. "Since most of you guys have nothing to do than say things like that, detention for all of you and go clean the whole gym while you're at it." Ms. Hwang-Tiffany-growled at Irene's classmates as they walked out shocked and angry. Tiffany caught up to them and shouted through the almost empty halls, "Don't even think about escaping, or there will be hell to pay!"

And everybody knew that Tiffany always means what she says.

As Irene sat down on the chair in front of Tiffany's desk, she looked down and fiddled with her thumbs, tapping her foot every now and then as Tiffany walked back to the desk and sat back down, her eyes boring holes in Irene's head. "What did you call me for, Ms. Hwang?" Irene said quietly, hiding her impatient self. "Right, right." Tiffany grinned and Irene regretted asking. "Are you busy every Saturday?" Irene's brows furrowed and she tilted her head. I always play games the whole day or just hang out with Wendy, Seulgi or Joy...' But no one has to know that, right?

"No, ma'am. Why?" Irene had a bad feeling.

Tiffany beamed at her and smiled, her eyes disappearing into crescents and she clapped her hands in glee. "Great! I have a favor to ask you." Irene wanted to refuse this but instead, nodded dumbly. "So how do I start this..." Tiffany mumbled to herself, her jet black wavy hair falling perfectly behind her as she leaned back on her chair. "You're one of the smartest students here in school-not just in the Medical course, but I mean all courses..." "Y-Yeah?" Of course I am. I work hard to be. "And well, the neigboring school is asking for you."


"They want you to teach every Saturday. For 3 months."

Irene stood abruptly, "What?!" and startled Tiffany who blinked in surprise. She doesn't sound as quiet as she looks like. "W-well, the school said that it would be a good thing for our reputation-" "Their reputation you mean." Irene mumbled but Tiffany clearly heard her. "Irene, you can disagree y'know. I won't force you. I'll get another one to do the job." Good that. "But I really thought you'd agree. It would really raise your grades." Tiffany stared at Irene's expressionless face. I'm already in the top branch, I don't need higher grades. "And before you screamed, I was about to say that they'll pay you 10,000 for each Saturday for 3 months." And Irene's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. Gotcha!

"10,000 won?" Irene whispered to nobody in particular. Today was exactly August 1. If she'll start next Saturday, Irene calculated everything in her mind. "You'd have at least around 180,000 won by the end of your third month." Tiffany read her like a book. Irene's mouth fell open and suddenly she hesitated.

If I agree, then I would have less time to play more games!

But if you don't agree then you can't buy the new games that just came out.


Take it. You know you want it.

No. I don't want it. I need-

A tear fell from Irene's eye which shocked Tiffany. The girl with glasses sniffed before nodding, "I'll take it."




For the games, Bae Joohyun.

You're doing it for the games.


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Wow I like your story, hope you can update this story author-nim ^^