i'm sorry my bestfriend


"Taengoo,please wakeup you be late to go school.."the ajumma who work with taeyeon family try to wakeuo he even just knock the bedroom door..taeyeon don't even hear the ajumma voice..after many time the ajumma try to wakeup him suddenly mrs.kim stop the ajumma and ask the ajumma to do her work back...

"Taeng,please wakeup...you be late to go schoo and you appa will angry with you if you not breakfast together.."mrs.kim try her best to wakeup her son..not long after the taeyeon open his door...

"yes omma i wakeup but it so early.."taeyeon say with closed eyes..mrs.kim just smile see her son like kid who 5 years old...

"it already 7.00 a.m..."mrs.kim don't finish her word, taeyeon already go bathroom..."this kid...i don't finish my work but he just go like that.."mrs.kim again and down to kitchen to help the ajumma ....

After 10 minutes,taeyeon done his bath and his down to breakfast with his family...

At dining table

"So taeng,how you in school??"mr.kim ask his son about taeyeon study

"it fine appa,i don't any problem yet at school..'taeyeon answer his appa..

"can't you work during study??if you can't.it okay..i don't want you stess with your school and study.."mr.kim worry about his son..his wife always tell to stop taeyeon doing office work...

"appa and omma don't worry about it..i know why appa suddenly talk about this..don't worry okay omma,fany with me..she can teach me and sora nuna can teach me about office work..so you two don't worryand let's eat..."taeyeon say and don't want his parents worry about he..

skip about breakfast and go to school...

taeyeon arrive to school before his teacher enter the class..in class taeyeon sit beside his bestfriend,tiffany hwang and he also same class with yuri and jessica while sola and moonbyul are different class and age...all the girl in that school are crazy with taeyeon because he so handsome but all the girl know that only tiffany can walk beside taeyeon...

In the class

"Hi fany,how are you??did you miss me??"taeyeon ask tiffany that because he 1 week not come to school..sometime taeyeon worry about tiffany be alone in school but he has jessica,sola and other member to take care of tiffany for his...

But tiffany not answer taeyeon question and she just walk away and go to jessica ...

"hye taeng,what worng with she?did you say something bad??"yuri ask his friend

"i don't know,she suddenly like that..did something happen to her??"taeyeon look at yuri with worry face

"don't worry okay,she just fine after you go and before you enter in class..."yuri say

taeyeon just still silent and don't move until tiffany back sit beside taeyeon...taeyeon just look tiffany face....taeyeon don't even notice his teacher enter to class untill taeyeon name be called by miss.juniel ....miss.juniel is have a feeling with taeyeon and all people in school know about this but taeyeon don't even care about this...

"welcome back kim taeyeon...you fine??"she ask taeyeon

"oh,thank you miss.juniel and i just fine..did i look sick??"taeyeon answer her and ask her back..

"it not like that,forget it let's start our lesson..."miss.juniel...Miss juniel teach taeyeon in englis subject and she always call taeyeon to go in front to answer her question at whiteboard but her just not normal call ....

"taeyeon can't you answer my question ??"miss.juniel ask taeyeon..taeyeon just go in front and try to answer but during taeyeon standup she touch taeyeon body and try to touch taeyeon buddy but suddenly someone scream...taeyeon and other people turn back and look tiffany run to out from class and taeyeon try to catch tiffany as he can....taeyeon was lucky that tiffany not ran so faster ...taeyeon hold tiffany hand and hugback...

"i'm sorry my bestfriend,tiffany hwang a.k.a miyoung hwang,please stop cry..i hate see you like this.."taeyeon say to tiffany...

tiffany not stop cry but taeyeon still hug her so tight....



                                    -TO BE CONTINUE-


i hope you all like it and i i got worng spelling please comment..


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