I, pledge to thee

Matchmaker Matchmaker Make me a Match

Warnings: More ual things!!! Less than the other chapter but still ual so yea. Granted Joshua is of age. Still warning

4 more chapters to go~ this one is particularly long so yea...

Joshua straightened his blazer and checked himself in the mirror. His dad went all out. The fact that he was in a hotel room waiting for the party to start was a great indication.

His dad rented out the ballroom just for this. He made a snide remark on the Yoon’s and their house for that dinner party. He was clear on his belief that parties should never be held at the home. It was private area and strangers weren’t to be invited inside. He also muttered something about the cleanup and the accidents that occurred at his previous parties which made him swear off having them at home.

Making a face at the mirror he blinked and took in the sight of him in makeup. It was weird to say the least. The eyeliner and the light cover up. Light because the makeup artist cooed at him saying, “You’re so young. Minor cover up since you have a few acne scars. Too much makeup on your face and your fiancé won’t like the taste when he kisses you.”

But he did have to say that the eyeliner did wonders for his eyes. He smirked. He couldn’t wait to have Jeonghan see him. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t get a kick out of surprising Jeonghan. It made the pit of his stomach warm. In a weird arousing way in all honesty.

He heard a knock on the door.

“Joshua. It’s time.” For tradition’s sake, his dad would walk him into the ballroom and “give” him to Jeonghan. Just like he would when they had their wedding. Something none of them talked about yet.

He remembered bringing it up to Jeonghan and all he had done was pet Joshua on the head and say, “We have time.” He kissed Joshua on the forehead repeating the same thing, “We have all the time in the world.”

“Coming.” He pushed away from the vanity. Opening the door, he couldn’t help but think that they had all the time in the world. This party was just the first step.

“Remember,” the coordinator said, “as soon as the doors open you two are to go inside and you, Mr. Hong are to take Joshua and lead him to Jeonghan who’s standing in the front. Once you do, we give our congratulations and we start the dinner.”

They nodded.

He held out his arm, and Joshua couldn’t help but remember something. A small memory.

He was six? Maybe five. They were in LA and he remembered his dad had held out his arms for Joshua and he had gone running to him. He tripped and he remembered being picked up and being told he was a strong boy for not crying out in pain. All he remembered was a wobbly lip, head pats, and soothing words.

But a year later his dad was no longer anywhere to be seen in their home.

“Joshua?” His dad smirked at him. “Having second thoughts?”

“No,” he said shaking off the memory. “No.” He repeated, placing his hand on top of his dad’s inner elbow. “Just remembering something.”

“What,” he asked curiously.

“You picking me up and comforting me when I fell.” Joshua paused as they opened the door and announced them. “Then you not being there anymore.”

That killed their semi-civil conversation.

If Joshua had eyes for anyone he’d notice the grim face his dad pulled and the way he stiffened. But he didn’t. Because all he could look at was the man standing in the front by the flowers and the wide grin on his face.

They walked in. Going relatively slow, yet quick enough at the same time that they reached the front in less than a minute. Joshua ignored the flashing cameras and the noises to smile back at Jeonghan. The smug man winked at Joshua, laughing a bit as he saw Joshua duck his head and his ears turn a bit red. Stupid .

Jeonghan bowed to Joshua’s dad before holding out his hand for Joshua to take. Joshua gave him his now bare left hand.

They had been told to take off the engagement rings for the party and that they would put them on each other. Joshua frowned when he heard that, but he gave it back to Jeonghan who noticed his unhappy face. His fiancé had taken his hand and kissed the bare ring finger, telling Joshua that he’d have his ring back in no time.

Joshua knew it was only for show, but the entire night and the next day every time Joshua stared at his finger he felt a little pang in his heart. That heavy weight of platinum wasn’t there and during the makeup and hair session he quietly ran his fingers over his bare ring finger.

Jeonghan held out the box for Joshua. Taking Jeonghan’s ring Joshua, gently pushed it onto his waiting hand. He grinned up at him.

Grinning back Jeonghan took Joshua’s ring and just as softly as he had done on his graduation, put it right back where it belonged.

There were some words being said and a round of applause but all Joshua saw was Jeonghan’s suit blazer as he leaned down and kissed Joshua on the forehead. Normally Joshua would kiss back but they were in front of a lot of people. Some of Joshua’s closest friends even. So, he did nothing but let Jeonghan pull away.

“No way,” Wonwoo said looking at the ring on Jeonghan’s finger. “I thought Seungcheol was lying to me when he said you got engaged to someone. A rather young someone,” he continued, pulling a wry smile, glancing at Joshua who was with his own friends.

“Joshua turned eighteen a few months ago,” Jeonghan replied smoothly, “in Western age. He’s legal now in both South Korea and America.”

Seungcheol chuckled as he raised his glass of champagne. “This is so in love. You have to see it.”

“Really?” Jun asked. “That’s a surprise. I thought you’d be angry over this.”

Swallowing his mouthful of champagne Seungcheol theatrically whispered, “He was pissed as hell. But now he’s wrapped around that kid’s finger. You should’ve seen him when he was coming up empty on birthday present ideas.”

At that Jeonghan shoved Seungcheol none to gently into Seungkwan who let out a squawk. “Watch it hyung!”

Jeonghan said nothing.

“You know though,” Seungkwan said, tugging on his shirt to straighten it out, “It’s sort of funny that you managed to settle down now. With someone younger than you.”

The rest of them started to playfully shove at Jeonghan making remarks about his playboy days. It was all fun and until Wonwoo brought something up that stopped Jeonghan in his tracks.

“Don’t you think Joshua’s a bit young to be tying himself to you for life?”

“What?” Jeonghan turned to him, putting his glass down. Better not imbibe too much or Joshua would cringe at the smell of alcohol when he went in for a kiss.

“You got to live your life and have fun for your teen years and just,” he paused, searching for the right words, “grow up. You made your mistakes and dated other people and just had your regular college experience. Albeit with more money.” He looked over to Joshua who laughed at something someone said. “He doesn’t get that. He’s going to go to school and wave around a finger that has a ring on it. Then a bond mark that will tell everyone to go the away.”

“What are you saying Wonwoo?” Jeonghan didn’t like hearing this. Not when it brought up memories of Joshua’s aunt and the way she screamed that she didn’t want his father to take away his childhood. Wonwoo was making it sound like Jeonghan was taking it away.

“Joshua doesn’t get to make those mistakes of dating or doing dumb like accidental drunk make outs. Or make friends who have a crush on him but will maybe turn into one of the best friends of his life.” He raised his brows, “He’s only dated you and you will be his first and his last. Who’s to say that when he grows up a bit more that he’ll still want to be with you?”

Jeonghan, who didn’t even know that he had clenched his fists until Seungkwan lightly touched his arm. Letting them go with some force, he said, “And what would you have me do then? I love him and I don’t think I could watch if he left me.”

“But then aren’t you doing the same thing his dad did to him. Forcefully tying him to you?”

Joshua laughed at the face Mingyu pulled as Minghao threatened once again that he had connections to make him disappear.

“Hyung!” He wailed, latching onto Joshua. “Make him stop!”

“Aww,” he cooed, patting Mingyu on the back. “Hao Hao stop being so mean to him.”

Minghao scoffed. “Mingyu needs to stop being such a baby. Look at the way he’s dressed, yet he’s clinging to you.” Turning to Mingyu he said, “Joshua hyung can’t save you. Even with his new rich fiancé he can’t.”

“Speak of the devil,” Soonyoung said into his glass of soda.

Jeonghan looked a bit, hurried, as he approached them.

Smiling at them he said, “Sorry to steal him away. But I need to talk to him for a bit.”

“Sure,” Vernon said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Taking Joshua’s arm he walked them into the hallway that led to a hallway that was deserted.

“What’s wrong?” Joshua asked, running his hand through Jeonghan’s hair. “You look sort of scared.”

He shook his head. “Just scared that your dad will take you back from me,” he joked. “And I missed you.” He wrapped his arms around Joshua and hugged him close.

Joshua turned his face and kissed Jeonghan on the cheek, his lips catching on the light stubble that was growing back again. “Ok.” He patted Jeonghan on his back, pressing kisses. “It’s too late for my dad to take me away anyhow,” he laughed. “I’ll elope with you if I have too.”

Jeonghan pulled his face away from Joshua’s shoulder to look down at him. “You would?”

“Of course,” Joshua said with a grin. “Silly. You’re mine now and I won’t let you go.”

He kissed Joshua deeply, slipping in his tongue. Joshua moaned softly as he kissed Jeonghan back, tasting a bit of alcohol. They hadn’t done this kind of kissing in a while. Jeonghan had been too busy with work to meet up with Joshua and Joshua had been taken around with Jeonghan’s mother to plan the party.

Moving his lips he grabbed Jeonghan’s jacket, no doubt wrinkling it as they kissed each other with fervor. Jeonghan pulled away first with a groan. “Time to go back in. We’ll be missed if we don’t.” He pouted. “And then I’ll be too busy again to see you. What is this?”

Joshua laughed. “Now who’s the big baby?”

Just when Jeonghan was about to reply, the door they left through opened. Seungcheol peeked his head out. “Psst. Hey. They’re looking for you. Your parents.”

“Thank you,” Joshua said politely, pulling Jeonghan with him to enter the ballroom again.

Jeonghan had been right. He didn’t get the chance to see Joshua for a good three weeks after the party. But he received a text from him a few days ago saying he’d be waiting at his apartment. Funny thing though. Jeonghan hadn’t made it home since the time Joshua got to his place either. It was now day three of Joshua sleeping at his place and only now was Jeonghan coming back home.

 Walking through the front door he noticed the sneakers on the foyer floor. He quirked an eyebrow, they were sloppily taken off and strewn. Weird. Joshua was normally rather clean. He stopped abruptly as he took in that sweet smell that was all over his house. Damn.

Hurrying he moved to his room, opening the door to see Joshua lying on the bed, in Jeonghan’s hoodie, curled up in a ball, whimpering.

“Baby,” he breathed. “Why are you here?” Why was Joshua here if he knew he’d be going into heat? Unless he didn’t. Joshua did tell him that he was on suppressants. And the stories of omegas going into spontaneous heat as the suppressants could only do so much for them cropped up a plenty.

Joshua rolled over, quietly saying, “It felt safe here.” He squirmed legs rubbing together, no doubt to keep the slick from dripping even further in his shorts, “It just happened,” a whimper bubbled through his throat, “and I just got back from the store and I didn’t want to leave.”

“Darling,” Jeonghan said, moving to the bed. “It’s anything but safe here. I’m here and if you stay here I’ll do things we shouldn’t be doing until you’re older.” With each word, he moved closer to the bed, until he sat on the edge, running his fingers through Joshua’s sweaty fringe. Jeonghan couldn’t help that little jolt of absolute pleasure as Joshua nuzzled into his hand. “We should get you home. Away from me. Before I do something I regret.” Something that they both would regret.

Jeonghan tried to move away but Joshua grabbed his hand. “Please?” He said in a weak voice. He must’ve cried himself hoarse through the symptoms. God Joshua sounded wrecked.

Why did this boy affect him so much? Why was he so weak to him?

“Baby, I can’t.” Joshua was playing with fire. Heat was wonderful. But he was so young and Jeonghan didn’t want him to go through so much pain that he’d inevitably give Joshua due to his inability to keep control. Joshua who hadn’t felt a heat in a long time would be wild and Jeonghan would get pulled in by all the smells and the fact that Joshua would want him so badly. It was a bad combination.

Joshua moved Jeonghan’s hand closer to him. “But I want you,” he said, bringing his hand closer to his cute little mouth, before he did something daring. He started Jeonghan’s fingers, in tiny at first before he moved his mouth in a rather ographic way, on his fingers.

“,” Jeonghan said. “Joshua. Stop it.” The sight of his cute fiancé on his fingers so dirtily was getting to his head. And his crotch. He could feel his growing hard.

“Why?” Joshua asked, panting against his fingers. “You like it. I can tell.” He held on, a long stripe up his ring finger, tongue catching on his engagement ring.

“I do,” he hissed. Gently pulling away, he explained, “This is the first heat you had in a while. You’d go wild and I can’t trust myself to keep my self control. I’d hurt you.”

Whining Joshua pawed at him. “I feel too hot and it’s all leaking. I need you to make it stop. I’m yours. Make it stop.”

Jeonghan was going to do something so very stupid. The strong scent of Joshua would get into his head and then he’d lose control and Joshua would be hurt. Oh .  “Let me do this one thing before ok?”

Joshua nodded.

Jeonghan quickly went out the door and grabbed his phone. Frantically he sent a text to Joshua’s father. He told him that Joshua was in heat and to come and pick him up at his apartment. He sent off a text and the code to get into the building and prayed that he would get here before Jeonghan did something unforgivable.

Breathing through his nose he made to try and get in some fresh air before going back into that sweet sweet smelling room. He walked back in, smiling at the way Joshua lit up at his presence. He moved to the bed, climbing on. He watched as Joshua spread his legs. God his baby. He moaned, moving into the V that Joshua had so generously opened for him.

“Only this,” he said, trying to breathe shallowly and not take in all the pheromones swirling in his room. Slowly he started grinding his against Joshua’s, reveling in that whimper that escaped Joshua’s lips.

“Shh, shh,” he whispered against Joshua’s temple. “I got you,” continuously grinding against Joshua.

Joshua tightened his hold on Jeonghan’s arms. He spread his legs wider, arching his hips to meet Jeonghan’s grinding. The last time they had done this Joshua had grinded back, but his heat must’ve sapped the strength from him as he let Jeonghan take care of things.

“Relax baby. You have to relax. Thing’s will go easier that way. I’ll make you feel good.” Jeonghan kissed him gently, a line of kisses from his temple to his chin. Joshua’s legs shook. He could feel the tension in Joshua’s arms as he held onto Jeonghan.

“Promise?” Joshua bubbled out.

The poor thing was sweating and he sounded so desperate. Jeonghan always wanted to keep his promises to Joshua. This boy had him so wrapped him his finger he didn’t even know the lengths that Jeonghan would go to, to keep him happy.

“Promise,” Jeonghan said, voice weighed down with conviction.

Slowly he roughly grinded against Joshua. He went slow, building up that rhythm that would get Joshua off. He started kissing his jaw, running kisses up his cheek to his head. Pressing his nose into his hair, Jeonghan pushed against Joshua’s stiff , giving him that friction that made him let out a high pitched whine.

Jeonghan could feel the wet seep from his thin shorts, smell the slick that was running down his thighs. It was leaking everywhere and the smell was permeating the room. It was enough to make Jeonghan dizzy with desire. He wanted so badly to take their pants off and slowly enter him, claiming Joshua in this last way to forever make him Jeonghan’s.

God. Joshua was bad for his brain and his health. Jeonghan kept showering him with kisses while he moved his hips against Joshua’s. He made sure to use his legs to keep Joshua’s opens, maneuvering one hand to his thigh holding on tight as he continued to grind against him until he felt his omega stiffen and come in his pants with a whimper in his throat.

Jeonghan’s phone went off. “That’s your dad.”

“No,” Joshua whined.

“I had to darling. You can’t stay here. I’d do bad things that you’re not ready for and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” He would never forgive himself if he lost control and hurt Joshua.

Joshua whined, clutching at Jeonghan’s blazer, which he had to shimmy out of in order to grab the phone, leaving it in Joshua’s hands.

Tearing himself away from the broken sounds of his name leaving Joshua’s lips he got up.

 “Jeonghan,” Joshua hiccuped, an undercurrent of pain in his voice.

He stopped, hand on the open doorway.

“It hurts,” he cried.

God. Why was Joshua making this so hard? If he were a weaker alpha Jeonghan would turn back and give Joshua what he was asking for but no. He wouldn’t. Jeonghan took agonizing steps to open his front door.

Mr. Hong looked mildly winded, concern written all over his face.

“He’s in my room.”

Mr. Hong took quick strides down the hall and into the room, collecting Joshua in his arms.

Jeonghan watched as Mr. Hong carried Joshua out.

The omega reached out for Jeonghan, even while he held Jeonghan’s blazer in his hand. Jeonghan grabbed his ring hand, kissing it lightly. “I had to.”

Joshua let out a subvocal moan. He wasn’t happy with this one bit. But Jeonghan kissed him on the forehead saying, “When you get older ok. When you’re older.” Out the door Mr. Hong went with Joshua in his arms.

Jeonghan followed them using the stairs, watching as Mr. Hong loaded Joshua into the backseat, curled up, still holding onto Jeonghan’s jacket. He continued watching until the car got out of sight. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair. He trudged the rest of the stairs up. Closing the door behind him, he took a deep breath in, smelling Joshua’s lovely scent everywhere. He felt his throb. he was still hard.

Moving into his room, he flopped face down onto his bed, sniffing deeply. He ped his pants, sticking his hand in grasping his . Breathing in Joshua’s smell, he pumped his fast. Up and down, imagining how it would all play out if he hadn’t been a responsible adult and called Joshua’s father. He’d open Joshua up slowly, chuckling at all the cute noises the omega would no doubt make. Then he would sink into that wet, tight heat that was all his. He’d show Joshua just how adults did it and then he’d make his darling come on his over and over again. Jeonghan would knot the boy and wait until it deflated, flooding his hole with his come. With so much come he’d probably get him pregnant.

Jeonghan groaned into his pillow, as he felt his balls tighten, coming into his hand.

. He panted hard. He was such a goner for this kid. How could he let him go now? .

“You looked wrecked,” Seungcheol said, when he came into Jeonghan’s office.

Jeonghan mumbled an assent.

“And you sort of smell like heat pheromones. Who have you been with? I thought you were in love with Joshua.”

“I was with Joshua. I sent him home.” Jeonghan sighed deeply. His baser instincts railed at him for sending such a ripe omega for the picking away. But his human nature knew it would go so wrong if he hadn’t called Joshua’s father.

“He showed up? To your place in heat?” Seungcheol asked incredulously.

Sighing Jeonghan pushed his hair back. “Yea.”

“Oh my god. And you didn’t,” waving his arms around, “do anything to him, did you?”

Internally his face fell. In the strictest of terms yes, Jeonghan did do something things to him. Kiss him, touch him intimately, made him come. But that was it. He drew the line like a responsible adult. Jeonghan sent his young fiancé home to his father, without taking him. He hesitated.

Seungcheol caught the way he stopped. “You did?!”

“Quiet you idiot,” Jeonghan hissed. “I didn’t go all the way. I did minor things ok. To alleviate the pain. Then Mr. Hong came and I let him go.”

“Minor things?” Seungcheol hissed back.

“None of your business what I do with Joshua, Cheol,” Jeonghan snapped back. “I restrained myself and sent him home when I very well could’ve done a lot of things. That I have a right to. He’s mine.”

Seungcheol nodded. “Yea. But if you hadn’t. What Wonwoo said would be true. You’d be his one and only and it’s like…”

Jeonghan sighed. He knew. He wallowed in his apartment after Joshua left thanking God and his self control that he hadn’t done anything stupid. Before he could say anything to his best friend his secretary knocked on his door.

“Mr. Hong is on the line for you sir.”

“Thank you,” Jeonghan said, waving at her to leave.

Picking up the line, he said. “Hello Mr. Hong.” He blinked. “What? Now?” He shook his head. “No. It’s no problem sir. I’ll be right there.”

“He wants to talk to you,” Seungcheol hissed questioning.

“He does.” He looked Seungcheol in the eye. “If I don’t come back alive, everything goes to Joshua except for the stuff I had willed to you guys and my sister.”

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princessswan #1
Chapter 21: Omg I love this.. thank you so much for extending it into a full blown story! I loved the progression hahah where Shua's testing Jeonghan's patience lolol. But seriously, I loved seeing them fall in love & jump through all hurdles to be together. JIHAN forever!!! <3
Chapter 1: Yeah. I remember in this chapter u said 3-4 chapters probably which is such a lie because turned out this could be more than 25chaps. Yeah. Enough chapters making my heart flipped. Gosh. I love this I read this again!
Chapter 31: I love it so much! THAnk you for the wonderful story! :’)
Chapter 29: I’m crying and I can’t stop reading...
Chapter 16: Daaaaaamn!!!
Chapter 15: Jeonghannie, the gentleman :”>
Chapter 14: OH. MY. GOD. THAT. WAS. HOT. AS. .
Chapter 11: Jeonghannie’s having a mental breakdown :))))))