When We Meet


"So, you managed to find me huh?"

"So I did. Quite shocking, though, I would've never expected it to be you. Your heart's beating fast, are you perhaps nervous?"

Her breath cut short. Behind her mask, beads of sweat rolled down her face.

She had stayed so strong throughout so why was she beginning to panic now? It didn't make sense.

Was it his vibe? No, rather it was the way his words rolled off his tongues that could have such a strong effect on her;

It was the chilling way he pronounced his words that it caused the hair on her neck to stand at its ends.

"I'm not scared of you."

"Oh, but baby, you should be..."




"You can't possibly have a single clue about who they are, Oh Sehun." Kyungsoo yelled out. The platinum blonde didn't even bother bidding farewell to his friend and slammed the driver's door of his Aston Martin shut. He pinched the bridge of his nose and yelled out in frustration. Could there really be a hacker smarter than he? Being notorious for his works under anonymous accounts, there was no better hacker to exist besides Oh Sehun. That was until he got back from his trip to the United States. After coming back to South Korea, it would have been told that a hacker by the name of Momo had emerged. To know if Momo was a group of hackers or just a soloist was a mystery but what Sehun and his crew knew was that Momo was a genius. A bigger genius than Sehun. It was up to him to figure out who Momo was and what they wanted.


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