
Keep Running

"Wait a minute Namjoon, I'm going to ask the man for directions. maybe he knows where it is."

Jin says as he slammed the car door, followed by Namjoon's groan and Hoseok's whine.

"Namjoonie... how much long will we be able to get there? it's been 5 hours and we're in the middle of nowhere and I'm hugry and-"

"I don't know, Hosekie. We were supposed to get there in the right time if Jin hyung stops worrying that we went to the wrong direction and believes more in me than his so called GPS that makes us went into the mud puddle earlier. Also stop whining and call me hyung, you brat." Namjoon scowls at the younger as the latter mutters something about him being a scary man and that he's getting old by the constant nagging. Well excuse him for facing a whiny kid and a too worried mom. Just as Namjoon's about to spit colorful words towards the younger the door to his left clicked.

"Okay, so the kind man said that we're at the right rute. Just follow this path, and then turn right when we passed the corn field."

"Okay." Namjoon mutters grumpily as he starts the car engine.


"Is this the right place?" Jin mutters, his eyes looking at the white house at the side of the road. "D33. Yup, this is the right house."

As soon as Jin finished the sentence Hoseok jumps out of the car. "Finally, fresh air!" He says as he falls dramatically. Jin chuckled in amusement at the youngest's antics. "Get up, idiot. You,re gonna make a scene." Namjoon kicks Hoseok's side, not strong enough to make the latter in pain though, but Hoseok rolls dramatically anyways. "Ouch, hyung! That hurts." Hoseok pouts as he wipe away some fake tears. Namjoon rolls his eyes as Jin laughs. "This kids..." He mutters. Namjoon who hears Jin's word snapped his head at him "Yah, hyung! I'm not a kid!" Jin rolls his eyes. "Sure, Namjoon. Being 18 doen't make you a kid." Before the younger could protest, Seokjin pulled the youngers arms.

"Now lets meet those hybrids, shall we?"


"Hello and welcome to our hybrid shelter, How may I help you?"

The kind man says as soon as Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok enters the place. A huge grin's glued on his face but still has a comfy feeling surrounds him. The name JACKSON plastered in bold and capital letters at the man's name tag. "Um, hello. We're here to adopt hybrid?" The words came out a question rather than a statement. "Of course. Just let me know your names and we'll patch you up. How many hybrids do you want? Have you seen our web page for the hybrids you want or-"

"Wait, wait, wait. How many?" Namjoon screeched, sympathizing the words how many as he talks. "Well, yes sir. In order to adopt hybrids here you guys must adopt more than one or so. If you can, 3 to 6 hybrids, seeing that there are 3 of you here. It's something like one person one hybrid. Because we need to find the right homes for the hybrids, it's up to them though, wether they trust you or not. Wether you guys will treat them nice and propperly or not. This is a good policy though, so they have nice home and friends, remembering there are much hybrids here hat went unwanted by some people. I'll adopt all of them if they're not that many." Jackson mutters the last part quietly, but still loud enough for the 3 to hear the man's kind intention.

"It's fine if we adopt more than one, right, hyung?" Hoseok asks Namjoon with an unintended aegyo. "Y-yeah, sure." Namjoon blushes as he tries to ry his eyes off of Hoseok.

"Wow. That guys a er for aegyo, huh."

"I know. he's all bark and no bite."

Namjoon glares at the remaining two when he hears their remarks. "So, um, what's your name?" Jackson turns his head to Jin, changing the subject smoothly. "I'm Kim Seokjin. That one is Jung Hoseok," Jin point at their youngest as the latter chirp a short 'hey' introduction and a small wave. "And the 'all bark and no bite' guy is Kim Namjoon." Namjoon glares at the oldest as Jackson snickered. "Kim, huh? Brothers?" Jackson ask. Jin shook his head immedietly. "NO! Thank God it's a no." Jin sigh in relieve as he earned a 'what the hell does that mean.' from Namjoon.

"Okay then. So, do you guys already knows which hybrids do you want or do you want to explore a little bit?" Jackson asks. "We'll see what hybrids we bump into. We already checked your webpage, but we decided to see them ourself." Hoseok replied. "Okay then. The names of the hybrids are at their doors. You can see them through the window, but it's not a full view to give them some privacy. When you find the right one tell me, kay? I'll give you the key to their rooms. Do you want me to accompany you or do you want to do it yourself?" Jackson offers kindly. "No, thank you. We shouldn't bother you much more than we should have. By the way, do you know a guy named Minseok?" Hoseok asks. "It's fine, thank you though, for giving me some free time. Um.. Minseok.. I think I know that guy. Is he the short guy with chubby cheeks and baby face? If I'm not wrong, he's the one who adopt our Jongdae and Luhanie." Jackson scruched his face, trying to remember. "Yes! That's the one." Hoseok beamed. "He's one eager fellow for someone that cute. You know, Luhan and Jongdae are some tough nuts to crack. The guy before Minseok that tried to adopt them needs almost a year until he finally gave up." Jackson chuckles. "He's a friend of yours?" Jackson raised an eyebrow and Hoseok nods.

"Okay then, we'll go see the hybrids. Nice meeting you, Jackson. Where're the rooms?" Jin asks kindly. "Oh, it's up the stairs, down the hallway. I recommend the cats. They're really cute." Jackson answers with some hand signing up and down. "Thank you for you very much, Jackson." The 3 of them bows to Jackson, whuch immedietly earns a bow from Jackson too and head to the hybrids rooms.


"WAAAH!!! They are so cute!"

Hoseok screeched in front of one of the hybrid's room. His face is literally molding into one with the hybrid's window. "Hoseok, stop. You'll scare the poor kid away." Jin sigh. "Can we have him?" Hoseok points at the cat hybrid that's apparently playing with a ball of yarn. "Hoseok, we need to think this through.We can't make any rash decisions." Jin nagged as Namjoon nods, agreeing at what the oldest said. "Be an adult and think about things twice because- OH MY GOSH THEY'RE SO CUTE CAN WE HAVE 'EM?! Please? Pretty please?" Jin squeal at the sight of dog hybrids playing a ball. "Speak for yourself Seokjin hyung." Namjoon facepalms. "Be serious guys, We're going to be here all day if we haven't even find one hybrid here-"

"Wait, is that- MARK HYUNG!"

Again, Namjoon's words got cut off by Hoseok's high pitched voice. The young lad literally runs at the sight of his friend and bombarded him with tons of questions.

"Wow, wow, wow. Slow down there. You're literally talking 100km/ hour to a foreigner." The man laughed. "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry." Hoseok blushed. "No, no, no. It's okay. I'm more fluent in Korean now. Thanks to you and the others." Mark smiles. "Jung Hoseok! Oh my god, I thought we lost you!" Jin appeared with heavy breath and quickly embrace the energetic boy tightly. "Don't you do that again, you brat. I have enough of that ever since the incident at the ball pool." Namjoon slaps Hoseok's arm and shivers at the memory while the latter laughed. "It's not my fault that apparently the pool have a hole in it and I got out through the hole." Hoseok stuck out his tongue at Namjoon. "I thought you died in the ball pool! It's really deep you know. The police even came because of you!" Namjoon screeched as Jin tried to calm him down.

"Relax Kim Namjoon. Hoseok, care to tell us who's the kind man here?" Jin asks. "What? Oh- oh yeah. This is Mark hyung. He's one of my friends at school. He said that he's interested in hybrids too like me and decided to get one but I don't know that he went to the same shelter as us. Why didn't you tell me about this place earlier hyung?" Hoseok pout. Mark grinned. "Sorry. sorry. It just slipped my mind I guess. Anyways, I think I have to intoduce my self propperly to you guys. My real name is actually Yien Tuan, I'm Taiwanese but I lived in America for a long time after i decided to move here for college about 6 months ago. But everbody else calls me Mark it's easier to say for the people there." Mark inroduces himself. "Wow, you have great pronounciation for a foreigner." Jin praised. "Thanks." Mark smiled.

"Anyway, Mark hyung, have you found some hybrids here that you thinks perfect for you?" Hoseok asks. "Actually, I already have one person in mind." Mark smiles. "Wah! Really? Who is it?" Hoseok beamed. Mark doesn't say a thing, but he motioned his hand to point at the room behind him with a bold letter JB. Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon peeked curiously at the hybrid. Sure enough, there is a hybrid there. With pointy black ears and smooth long tail sleeping in the bed silently.

"Woa. He's beautiful, hyung." Hoseok said in awe. Not long after that the hybrid squirms and yawned until he continues to fall asleep. "And cute too. What's his name?" Jin asked. "Jaebum. They said his name is Im Jaebum. He's a black panther hybrid. What a stunning big cat, isn't he?" Mark said softly. Jin can sense the affection that Mark have towards the hybrid. Even Namjoon can't pry his eyes off the hybrid. "Don't pick him too though. I already booked him up." Mark joked, but they can sense the seriousness in his voice. "Wouldn't even think about it." Hoseok grinned. "We'll continue our quest from here then, Mark. Wish the best for you and that 'booked' hybrid of yours!" Namjoon laughs at Hoseok's words. "Wished the best for you too. Hope you find your hybrids soon!" Mark yells as the 3 dissapeared at one of the hallway turns.


This is so loooooonnnnnnngggggg.... I can't believe I actually made this for almost 2.000 words. Anyways, I'm sorry if the update is a little messy. I often forgot that I have a story here. I'm really busy so please understand. Thank you so much!

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Chapter 2: Ahh, this is really good!
I didn't expect to see any of the members as regular humans, but I'm definitely enjoying where this is going. The concept too is terribly exciting! I can't wait to see what happens in the future chapters.
All the best writing and updating!
lia_jiyoo #2
Chapter 2: Waiting for another chapter!
Chapter 1: Interesting! I'd like to see where you go with this, because hybrid AU's are pretty rare to stumble across. I'm super stoked that this is tagged 'bromance' too. Not too sure what's going on so far, but I'm enjoying the way you write. All the best with updates!