Oh, Sweet!

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oh, sweet!


spreading his wings and fighting for candy—that's really not how hyukjae planned to spend the night in the first place.

but then again, halloween's always been full of wonders.


title; oh, sweet!

genre; romance, action, violence ???????? its kind of fluffy too i think idk

pairing; eunhae

rating; r

length; around 6k

disclaimer; owns nothing but the plot, etc, etc. Don't plagiarize, thanks.


actual author's note: HALLOWEEN AU MY BROS I HOPE YOU ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!! thx alyssa for forever putting up with me even if i kno i probably piss u off with all of my writing spams n complaining HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA im so sry my bro ily 4ever <3

gna update this on monday, cheers


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Chapter 1: Ton imagination est incroyable, j'adore ça. Merci pour ce superbe moment. 💙💙
LeeLenaMx #2
Chapter 1: Thank you for this story!
Rheanyx #3
Chapter 1: So sweet ❤️... Loved it ✨
Chapter 1: OMG THE ENDING ♡♡♡♡ this is so sweet just like the title and i literally scream when kissed on the lips!!! Thank you for this!!
Chapter 1: Did I ever say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ENDING UWU
fibonacci #6
Chapter 1: OMG, this was oh so sweet! (Yes, pun intended) tbh I loved this, so natural and fluffy, I enjoyed reading it so much <3 I relate with Hae's character and his yearn for candy, thats the halloween spirit! Also, great twist of the demon-human relation, it was a nice surprise (and very original too <3)! Thanks so much for this well written piece (sorry, if my english is bad, not my main language ;;)
Chapter 1: I reread this again... They are so cute and I can see love around them.... So lovely ~~~
Chapter 1: This is so good, it's great!!!
Chapter 1: I like the creativity of this story and I love that it's not a normal "trick-or-treating" kind of Halloween story lol. Violence makes me squeamish tbh, so I can't say it's my favorite story, but I can still appreciate the artistic genius that went into it :)
Chapter 1: Should make a sequel!!! I thought Yoosung will die. The way Hyukjae fought with him just insane! Maybe daemon don't easily get hurt or killed. Anyway, this awesome!!! As expected from my favourite author. Four thumbs up (including my toes).