Jeongyeon and Nayeon

Haunted Houses

Nayeon had just woken up. Checking the time on her phone, she saw that it was almost noon. She felt fully rested and productive today. 

Slipping out of bed, she smoothened the sheets before going out to the living room. 

'Sana?' She called out. Strange that she got no response since the girl was usually awake by this time. She walked to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal when she saw a little sticky note on the fridge door, saying that she would be out till about evening.

She took the fridge marked and drew a smiley face on the note before making her cereal and walking out. 

Making herself comfortable on the couch, she switched on the television and flipped through a couple of channels before settling on some Phineas and Ferb because why not. Halfway through her bowl of cereal, a thought suddenly popped into her mind; who could Sana be out with? That little loner didn't have many friends and now that it was the holiday, almost everyone that she could think of is overseas. 


The realization dawned on the bunny as she recalled the dumbfounded look on Sana's face and how the girl was watching Mina walk off from where she was standing rooted to the ground. 

A sly smile tugged at Nayeon's lips and she reminded herself to tease the girl when she got back. Then another question came along; how would they know when and where to meet? They must have exchanged numbers. Speaking of numbers..

Nayeon fumbled around for her phone and growled when she remembered it was still under her pillow. She stalked to her room with her bowl of cereal in her hand to get her phone. Standing by her bed with the bowl in hand, she scrolled through her contacts and tapped on the new number she earned yesterday. 

To: Cutie Jeongyeon


The reply was almost instantaneous.

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

About time I heard from you

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

Well I'm sorry I was so tired that I fell asleep and forgot to text you. What's with the name anyway. Cutie pfft

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

At least you did anyway. What? It's the truth. I dare you to tell me I'm not cute. In my face

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

Is that a challenge?

From: Cutie Jeongyeon


Nayeon laughed.

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

I'll do it. Where are you? The haunted house?

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

No we dismantled it last night. I'm at home.

Nayeon blinked. That fast? 

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

Dismantled? The whole thing???

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

Yeah. Why?

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

But.. that was huge. And a lot of stuff.

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

We could meet and I'll explain the magic

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

Did you just ask me out?

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

What do you think?

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

Ohh you're on. Where do you plan to take me? I have high standards for a first date

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

I'll take you to the graveyard

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

Cool. I'll meet you at Gangnam in an hour. 

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

Call. Bring a shovel btw. You're digging your own grave.

Nayeon rolled her eyes and emptied her cereal bowl. 



She was out of the house in half an hour and hopped onto the bus in another five minutes. 

To: Sa-dang

I'm out too. Maybe I'll be back at evening but I want to hear alllll about your date ;)

From: Sa-dang

Wha? What date? How would you know who I'm out with??

Nayeon smirked and pocketed her phone. She looked up to see the bus arriving at her stop. She pressed the bell and got off. She had just tucked her wallet into her pocket when she felt her right pocket vibrate. Whipping out her phone, she saw it was another message from Sana.

From: Sa-dang


She smiled and opted to ignore the message. She found a directory and ran a finger up and down the list of cafes with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked at the choice her finger made. She then set off to look for the cafe. 

Taking a seat by the window, she sent Jeongyeon a text.

To: Cutie Jeongyeon

I'm at Corso Como

From: Cutie Jeongyeon

Okay. I'm almost there

She settled into her seat and decided to reply Sana.

To: Sa-dang

I have my ways ;)

She caught sight of a figure stopped outside the glass pane in her peripherals. Turning to look, she came face to face with Jeongyeon, mouth wide open and hands pressed up against the glass. She laughed and Jeongyeon grinned before entering the cafe. 

'What the heck.' Nayeon giggled.

'That was a preview of how you would look when I bury you later.' 

'Too bad I didn't bring a shovel.' 

'It's fine. I can buy one for you.'

'The only thing you'll be buying for me is coffee. A hot chocolate please.' Nayeon stuck out her tongue.

'Demanding.' The short haired girl plafully frowned and got up to buy their drinks. She came back with a tray of hot chocolate, a slice of cake and a cup of cappuccino.

'Cake for me? Aww.' Nayeon cooed as she helped the girl to unload the drinks.

'No. Cake for us.' Jeongyeon said and handed Nayeon a fork. 


They sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the drink and cakes.

'So how did you guys manage to demolish the entire set up overnight?' 

'Well, fun fact, it's kinda like those children's pop-up books. Those sinks, fireplace and whatever were all made of cardboard. We have our artist Chaeyoung to thank for doing a fantastic job with the paint job. As for the pots, knives, dead body and cabinets, they were brought in by Dahyun. She has loads of connections with people so she managed to get all these other stuff.' 

'So you guys just set it up like a tent and placed the things inside?'

'Yep pretty much like that. It's as easy to take it down as it is to set it up.' 

'Well I have to say for a small fee of 2000₩ you guys sure did a great job. Isn't it expensive? For all these other stuff liek to get the materials and all.' 

'Oh it actually isn't that expensive because most of the materials are things we borrow from the scrap yard. The paint is pretty cheap too since it's the ones close to expiration so Dahyun managed to get it all on a discount.'

'Damn.. I'm impressed.. won't that scare kids? Like too much..'

'Mmhm well the low price is for kids and we have a walkie talkie. If the people coming in are kids we would turn on more lights and reduce the horror.'

'So you guys scared us so badly on purpose?' Nayeon gasped dramatically and placed a hand on her heart in fake a offence.

'Yep. And we didn't really regret. I mean, we wouldn't be here if we didn't scare you so violently that Sana shoved my buddy.' The short haired girl snickered.

'Ah true..' Nayeon forked a piece of cake into .

Jeongyeon's phone vibrated on the table and Nayeon watched the girl pick it up with a smile on her face. 

'Who is it?' Nayeon asked curiously.

'What? Are you being posessive now?'

'As if.' She scoffed. 

It was a message from Mina, saying that she was on her way to meet with Sana. 

To: Minari

I see somebody got a date eh?

From: Minari

You can say so yourself. Have fun man

To: Minari

You too :)

'So your friend is out on a date with mine..' Jeongyeon began.

'Yeah. She left a note saying she went out but didn't say who but I found out anyway.' 

'Well.. just sayin' but we could have a double date some day.' Jeongyeon cheekily tapped her coffee mug.

'I'll see. I'm a busy person..' Nayeon looked at her fingernails feigning disinterest.

'Says the one who slid into my DMs first.' 

'Says the one who gave me her number for me to slide into her Dms.' Nayeon rolled her eyes.

'You're funny. I like you already.' Jeongyeon nodded her head in approval. 

'Why thank you. So where do you plan to take me next?' Nayeon took a bite of her marshmellow dipped in hot chocolate. 

'I told you, to the graveyard to bury you.' 

'Well let's go find a tool shop for a shovel first.' Nayeon said and stood up, popping the rest of her marshmellow into , making her cheeks puff up.

'You know you look like a real rabbit. Puffy cheeks and those bunny teeth.' 

'I'll take it as a compliment.' Nayeon grinned and held the door open for Jeongyeon.

The pair walked down the sidewalk, past a few high end shops. 

'You must be really rich to want to have coffee at a place like this.' Jeongyeon said.


'Yeah, there wouldn't be any tool shops around here.' 

'Well maybe Coex would have something. It's just up ahead anyway.' Nayeon said and led the way. 

'I was expecting it to be super crowded.' Jeongyeon said, looking at clusters of people milling around. 

'Well lunch hour is almost over so I guess it should look like this.' 

'I changed my mind.'


'Let's watch a movie.' 


Jeongyeon looked at her with the are-you-actually-kidding-me look. 

'Duh. Why else would I tell you that?' 

'True.. let's go.' 

'What are we watching anyway?' Nayeon said and scanned the movie list. 

'What are you into? Romance? Comedy?'

'Action is good.' 

'Really?' Jeongyeon looked at the girl with a shocked expression. 

'What? Romance is good too but sometimes it's too much. Just too cheesy.' 

'Well then we could watch this.' The short haired girl pointed at the screen.

'Doctor Strange.. Cool. I had plans to watch it with the rest anyway.' Jeongyeon said and started for the ticket booth but Nayeon stopped her.

'I'll pay. You got me coffee anyway.' Nayeon smiled and walked towards the ticket booth.

Jeongyeon crossed her arm and leaned against the pillar, watching as she conversed with the worker. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out. 

From: Minari

What are you up to? I just asked Sana if she was interested to join our little group and our halloween plans next year and she said sure. I told her to ask Nayeon too but since you're with her now, why not ask her? 

To: Minari

We're gonna watch a movie but yea I'll ask her. And damn, talk about advanced planning xD You? 

From: Minari

Yeah yeah xD We're just walking around Myeongdong now.

Jeongyeon looked up and saw Nayeon returning, hugging a box of popcorn and tickets in hand.

To: Minari

Nayeon is back with the tix. Enjoy your date ;) 

The girl pocketed her phone and took the tickets from Nayeon's hand.


'Thanks for the coffee too.' 

'Mina told me she just asked Sana if she wanted to hang with our little group of friends and do another haunted house for next year's halloween and she said yes. So do you wanna join in too?' 

'Sure. Seems fun if I'm not the one on the receiving end of the scare.' Nayeon laughed. 

'Well the movie is starting in fifteen so I guess we could go in now.' Nayeon said and turned towards the escalator up to the movie halls. 

'Yep. Guess my murder plans will have to wait till another time.' Jeongyeon said and let out a loud sigh.

'You won't be able to stand murdering this cute rabbit face anyway.' Nayeon flipped her hair over her shoulders and almost whipped the taller girl in the face.

'Well actually I could still murder you after the movie because it would be dark and no one would know.' The girl sniggered and almost fell off the step if she wasn't holding on to the handrails tight enough. 

'Wow, attempted murder on the murderer.' 

'Just protecting myself.' The shorter girl smiled sweetly and pushed the door to the theatre open.

They found their seats easily and settled down just as the commercials began to roll.

Jeongyeon turned her head to look at the girl who looked very much like a little child, nibbling on the popcorn. Today is a better day for a date than a murder, she concluded as she settled into her seat with a content smile etched on her face.

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Chapter 3: uwu Hahaha update pls i love this already??
fumtuboo #2
Chapter 3: this is too cute >.<
Chapter 3: Man.. these are adorable~ >\\\<
A_Weird_Pancake #4
Chapter 3: Really cute
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhh tunaaaaa my heart <333 too cute! i wud shove those two together on purpose! kennat~ 2yeon being cuties wanting to murder/bury each other! i cant wait for the double date :DDD tysm for updating!! <333
Chapter 3: Oh myy that was so cuteeee ><
Chapter 1: ahh omg yay tunaaaa <333 my babies :DDD 2yeon tho :) too cute! tysm for writing more tunaaa <333 love them to death!!!
SaMoLover #8
omg i love your 2na stories and please keep it up >< more 2naaaa