Here Comes The Rain

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here comes the rain


and it rains and rains and rains.


title; here comes the rain

genre; romance, action, attempt at slice of life

pairing; eunhae

rating; none

length; 1k probs

disclaimer; owns nothing but the plot, etc, etc. Don't plagiarize, thanks.


actual author's note: ????tried to write slice of life au, but maybe this is more of a crumble than an actual slice lmao, hope u enjoy????????


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Chapter 1: J'aimerai tellement une suite c'est si mignonv: coincés ensembles sous la pluie💙💙
1489 streak #2
Chapter 1: Gotta love a classic EunHae where they are attracted with each other at first sight. Ah, lovely. Rain brings people closer that one might think the Rain god/deity sidelines as a matchmaker. Lmao! Anyways, gotta love a soaked Hyuk too, I completely understand you Hae-baby. Lolol!
Defector97 #3
Chapter 1: I'm here again. Reading this story over again. This is so soft and beautiful. I love the way you explaining the rain.
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful ~~~ I love it....
Chapter 1: i love rains xD this is so cute and sweet in its simplest way ^_^ love it <3
Defector97 #6
Chapter 1: Ahhhh ... very nice ... Thank You :))))))
Chapter 1: I love iiiiit. ><
Nathyyy #8
Chapter 1: This was so...beautiful, I enjoyed every single word. Thank you <3
Chapter 1: So simple yet so sweet!!