
Flowers By The Door

"But hyung! What if he doesn't like them?" Mingyu cried, worridly looking at the bouquet of flowers he was holding. 

Seungcheol stared at him. And stared. And stared some more. 

"Don't look at me like that," Mingyu demanded, "I'm serious, what if he's like, allergic or something? That would be so bad and he would never speak to me again and I--" 

"You actually spoke to him?! Why didn't you tell us?" Hansol cut in. 

Mingyu froze before rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. 

"Have you seriously never spoken to him yet?" Seungcheol questioned, glaring right at Mingyu. 

"Well he's... Jeon Wonwoo and I---"

"I'm out" Seungcheol announced, marching out of the floral shop, Hansol trailing close behind. 

"No hyung, I need your help!" Mingyu cried out, chasing after them. 


"Please, I'm actually trying to get his attention now. Don't make me do this by myself" Mingyu begged. Usually he wasn't like this but anything involving his long time crush turned him into a small puppy. 

Seungcheol sighed. 


"Go! Hurry before he comes back" Hansol urged, glancing down the hallway for any sign of Wonwoo. Taking a deep breath to steel himself, Mingyu dashed down the hall to Wonwoo's dorm and gently placed the bouquet of flowers by the door. Rushing back, he crouched behind the potted plant with Hansol. 

Mingyu's body froze when he caught sight of Wonwoo walking closer. He was breath-taking even with his usual gray beanie and oversized black sweater. Not to mention that Wonwoo's dark jeans hugged all the right places. It was suddenly hard to swallow. 

Wonwoo paused, glancing down at the flowers. Slowly, he gingerly picked them up. Mingyu and Hansol ducked just as Wonwoo looked in their direction. Mingyu watched nervously as Wonwoo finally found the small card. 

"Jeon Wonwoo, 
   Roses wilt so I wanted to get you something that would always be beautiful. Giving you plastic flowers doesn't mean I like you any less, it just means that I'm  broke college student. 

Mingyu wanted to crawl into a hole and die. It was a bad idea; he should have just gone with real flowers and Wonwoo probably thought he was totally creepy. 

Was "Min" too obvious? No, there are plenty of people with the name Min. Min Yoongi, Lee Seokmin, Kim Minseok... Wonwoo would never figure out its him, right? And---

"Mingyu, let's go" Hansol whispered. Tugging on his hand insistently. 


Wonwoo felt a small smile creep onto his lips. He was so obvious but Wonwoo would wait and give him a chance. 


Looking back and forth, Mingyu stared intensely at his options. Hansol was holding a wrapped basket of cute stuffed animals and Seungcheol was carrying a box of foreign chocolates. 

"But what if he doesn't like---" 

"Mingyu" Seungcheol whispered, warning clear in his voice. Mingyu shot him a irritated look. Until the older pointed behind him. His eyes widened in horror before he made a beeline for the isles. 

Peeking out, Mingyu spotted his crush browsing through the clothing section. 

"Should I buy him a shirt?" He whispered to himself, "Or would it be too weird that I know his size?"

"It would be very weird Mingyu-ah" Seungcheol whispered by his ear. Mingyu glared at his hyung, betrayed. 

"Wait hyung, you know pretty much everyone right? Could you go and talk to Wonwoo for me? Pretty please~~?"

"And talk about what?"


From the corner of his eye, Wonwoo spotted Mingyu, Seungcheol and Hansol crouched in the knitting isle, whispering intensely with each other. Then Seungcheol stood up and looked as if he was... coming this way?

"Wonwoo-ah please help me"

Wonwoo took a few steps back, ready to flee at any moment. He eyed Seungcheol wearily. 

"Please help, Mingyu is going to be the death of me, I swear" 

Wonwoo nodded in understanding and waved him off before he went back to shopping, this time thinking of ways to show Mingyu his interest. 


Why was Wonwoo smiling at Seungcheol hyung?! He never smiled  at him. When Seungcheol returned, Mingyu glared at him like a petulant child. Seungcheol ignored him. 

"We should go now. Mingyu...just buy both and give them to him on different days, okay?" Seungcheol advised, already walking to the exit. 

"Should I buy both?" He asked, glancing at Hansol. 

Hansol gave him an exasperated look. When this is all over, you owe me beef, Hansol thought before following after Seungcheol. 


"How may I help you?"

"2 coffees please" Wonwoo told the barista, Jeonghan. 

"Of course Wonwoo-ah" Jeonghan exclaimed dramatically before turning to the back counter. Wonwoo smiled at his antics. 

Sitting with 2 cups of coffee, Wonwoo waited for Mingyu to show up. 


Stopping by the University's cafe before class was routine but what wasn't, was Wonwoo. 

Why is he here?! Mingyu thought in a panic. I'm not prepared! My face is bare, I can't do this. Deep breathe, Mingyu, you got to act cool. 

Setting his bag on the chair beside him, Mingyu sat and hide his face in his hands. Should I say hi? Is now the time to start a conversation? Why am I so bad at this? 

Footsteps sounded in front of him but Mingyu ignored it, thinking it was just other customers. Until the smell of coffee reached him and he looked up. There, sitting innocently in front of him, was a fresh cup of coffee. 

"You're cute when your flustered"

Mingyu jerked up so fast, he nearly fell off his chair. Grabbing the coffee cup, Mingyu read and re-read the small note. Wildly, he glanced around and spotted Wonwoo just as he left the cafe. Mingyu's face flushed deep scarlet as he stared after his crush. 





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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 1: such a great fic to start my december :3
Chapter 1: Love love love~~~|
Chapter 1: CUTE ; ;
Chapter 1: Omg!! This is sooooo cuteeeeee!!!
DinaJung #5
Chapter 1: haha mingyu is so cute~
butterfly90 #6
Chapter 1: Smilling like an idiot~~ hahaha nice fic btw
Chanyeolismybias #7
Chapter 1: I love these