chapter 2

A Time The World Forgot

Chapter 2 - Arena of death

The lizard-men of Sodom were hellbent that Moses should be recaptured. As their armies regrouped and forced forward into the mountains it wasn't long before the reptile warriors on their Brontotheres found the new Jericho.

It was too late when the man in the look-out tower pointed to the raising army that was at the helm of the hill. Moses summoned up his own army, but it was nowhere near as advanced as the spawn of Sodom.

Moses' army did it's best but many of the warriors were slaughtered by the lizard-men. And the general of the reptile army warned forth that the new Jericho would be sacked to the foundations again.

Moses looked on in distress as his people suffered again. He made the decision to surrender. It was him they wanted and it was him they should have, but in return for his capture, his people would be left alone.

When Moses was captured, the city was burned again, but the people escaped capture and ran out into the hills, the ice cold that ruled the north so close to chilling them all down to the bones, but what choice did they have.

His arrival at Sodom heralded a visit before the lizard-emperor who gloated that it was Judas that betrayed him. Moses was then stripped and whipped several times before being hung up onto a wall made up of a thousand lost souls to await whatever fate welcomed him.

Moses wanted death. But it was far from that what he got. The Lizard-Emperor craved for entertainment and ordered that he should be thrown into the arena of death.

The father of new Jericho was dragged up from the stench of his slimey dungeon. He was pulled along like a dog and with his head held down by the scaley slimey foot of a lizard-man, he was back before the throne.

The Emperor told him he was going to be the object of his joy over the next few hours by being thrown into the arena of death and fight whatever adversary that came his way.

Moses was dragged through the stone passage ways that reeked of death and through a hatch in the wall held up by rope, he was hurtled into the sand floored arena with nothing but his brawn and wit for weapons.

He stood at the centre of the arena and looked around him. There was a hatchway over on the opposite side of the arena. He wondered what would come out of it.

All around him, the seats filled up and over a thousand lizard-men came to watch the emperor's enjoyment. He looked up to see the emperor sit and hold up a hand in the way of a signal.

The other hatchway opened and a beast man of a 1000 lost ages came out and beat it's hairy chest at him. The crowds cheered on as the beastman and Moses locked into a wrestle that forced them to the ground and where sand was kicked up all around them.

The beastman's savage eyes stared into his as they rolled around the arena, both trying to get the upper hand.

Moses turned his head in disgust as the thing opened it's mouth to a row of rotten black teeth that wanted to sink into his flesh. Even against the beasts super human strength, Moses managed to shove his elbow out of his chest and the thing lost balance and fell onto it's side.

Moses then jumped onto it's back and wrapped his thighs around it's trunk to see if he could force them together and be tight against the beasts chest wall.

The apemen tilted his head and Moses went flying to the ground, it then turned and pounched on him, Moses could see the thing was trying to throttle him, so he chucked sand into the thing's eyes that forced it to jump back and scream out an inhuman bark.

Moses then took the advantage and grabbed the thing in a neck lock and dragged it to the arena wall where he forced the things skull onto the stone several times until he could hear the damage was done and the brain and the blood were oozing from the beasts nostrils.

It slipped out of the headlock and fell to the ground in a pool of thick blood. He didn't want to kill it, but it was a clear case of kill or be killed.

The atmosphere was stormy. This wasn't the result the emperor had been expecting and as he turned around to face his captor, the lizard-king pointed a finger at him.

He congratulated him on his winning...and his reward was to be sacrificed to Ishtar and that meant being thrown to the volcano...


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