The Move In

Beautiful Mistakes
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Chapter Five: The Move In


Every time Jungkook looked at the mansion, it seemed even more spectacular than the last time… And now he was going to be living in it.


It hadn’t taken long for Jungkook to be able to move in. After his parents found out that Jungkook had been knocked up by the one and only Kim Taehyung, future heir to Kim Industries, they had been over the moon with excitement. Their son could not have made a better mistake. When Taehyung’s parents met with Jungkook’s parents to offer to take Jungkook in and become his guardians, all it took was a little money. For a family as poor as Jungkook’s was, this was the perfect opportunity. They were paid to secrecy and happily shipped Jungkook off.


It had hurt at first, but he realized his parents were happier this way knowing their son was at least benefitting them and would be taken care of rather than having the baby and raising it all on his own. Besides, even if this meant he wouldn’t see them as much… He still had Jimin, who was more like family than the people who shared his flesh and blood. And even though Taehyung was still rather upset at the situation of the impromptu move in, Jungkook was still excited to have him around more.


“Jungkook-ssi, Taehyung-ssi is waiting for you in the main entrance.” One of the people who had come to move in his stuff said to him and snapped him out of his daydream.


“Ah, thank you.” Jungkook blushed at his forgetfulness and made his way inside to the main entrance of the mansion, making sure to stay out of the way of the movers who were bringing in the boxes of Jungkook’s stuff. Of course it wasn’t much, really just his collection of music and art books, stuffed animals from when he was a kid, clothes and a box of photos and memories.


Taehyung was standing there when Jungkook entered, looking as handsome as ever in a crisp grey suit and round glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. He was watching intently, more like glaring but Jungkook was too nice to realize this, at all the boxes that were being moved into his home. His territory. Jungkook didn’t gain his attention until he had been standing in front of him for a few minutes.


“Taehyung-ssi? I was told you were waiting for me?” Jungkook asked and waved his hand in front of Taehyung’s face curiously.


Taehyung looked over, snapped out of his own daydream as well. He looked down at Jungkook with a frown and just stared at him, as if thinking of what to say. It looked like it was going to take Taehyung forever to come up with what to say, so Jungkook started.


“Taehying-ssi, I want to thank you so much for letting me stay here. I know it wasn’t really your choice… And I know you don’t really want me here, but I still want to thank you.” Jungkook said softly and bowed.


Taehyung sighed at the boys innocence. It was hard to be angry when the boy was just so soft.


“You’re right. I don’t like this. This is my house and my space, and you aren’t supposed to be in it… So because of that, I have some rules I want to put into place.”


Jungkook blinked in slight surprise bu then nodded. “Of course, what are they?”


Taehyung then turned into full CEO-mode, pushing his glasses up on his nose and snapping his fingers. Out of nowhere another man with thick, bushy and slightly wavy black hair appeared from thin air and handed him a sheet of paper. Taehyung cleared his throat, scanned the document and handed it to Jungkook.


“Jungkook, meet Min Yoongi. He is my secretary and long standing friend. He is often with me, so if you ever need to get a hold of me and I am not answering, you can go through him.” Taehyung sighed.


Jungkook bowed and smiled at Yoongi. “Of course, nice to meet you Yoongi-ssi. Please take good care of me.”


Yoongi blinked and looked agh the boy before turning to Taehyung. “You knocked this kid up? … But he’s not your type. You usually don’t go for anyone this cute or… nice. Way to go, ing up a sweet kids life.”


“Yah! Shut up, would you? Its not like I meant for this to happen.” Taehyung hissed before turning to Jungkook. “The paper I gave you is the list of rules that I have imposed in my household. You are to abide by them at all costs. Read them and then put your signature on the bottom.”


Jungkook nodded and looked down, reading the rules.


A Complete List of Rules

By Kim Taehyung (put together by Min Yoongi)

1. You are to remain as quiet as possible when you are home, especially when I am at home as well and working.

2. We will stay in separate rooms.

3. You are not to go into my room or office. No exceptions.

4. You must take care of making or getting your own food.

5. You are granted a credit card that may be used for food, important purchases or emergencies only.

6. If you are going anywhere besides school or home, you must inform my secretary, Min Yoongi, for your safety and surveillance.

7. You are granted a personal driver who will take you wherever you want to go. This means no public transit, or rides from acquaintances.

8. The fact that I am the father to our child must be kept confidential until my family makes a public statement.

9. You are granted a new cell phone in which you are to keep in touch with myself, Min Yoongi or your personal driver.

10. Under no circumstances are you allowed to bring anyone to visit this house.


Jungkook finished reading the list quickly. A lot of it made sense. He was supposed to be respectful of someone else's home, because it wasn’t truly his house. Obviously they would stay in separate rooms because, as Taehyung had made clear, he didn’t love Jungkook. Besides, Jungkook would have been too flustered to stay in the same room as Taehyung anyways; he was far too shy. Also, though he hadn’t expected it, it wasn’t shocking that they would give him a credit card and a new phone; the card so that he didn’t have to bother anyone for money for food, and the phone was obviously because Taehyung remembered how terribly smashed his own phone was. The fact that he had his own personal diver was cool, but not being allowed to take public transit or ride with friends was another story. He almost wanted to ask why he had to report his whereabouts to Taehyung at all times, but he knew it was because he couldn’t be trusted to spill the secret and needed to be supervised.


As much as Jungkook wished it wasn’t true… He knew that he and his baby were almost like prisoners to the Kim family.


The last rule was the one that made Jungkook the most upset though.


“No one is allowed to visit me here?” He asked. “You mean I can’t even have Jimin here? If I’m not supposed to be going anywhere unnecisary, do you expect me to stay here all alone? I’ll go crazy!”


Taehyung frowned and crossed his arms. “I said no. I can’t have anyone finding out about this before my family makes the official statement.”


“But its just Jimin!” Jungkook pleaded. “He already knows everything and he knows where you live. If you don’t let him in, I can’t promise you he won’t break through a window. Besides, he wont tell anyone and I promise we’ll be quiet when he’s here.” Jungkook gave Taehyung his best puppy-dog look and pleaded, puffing out his lip in a pout. Taehyung almost melted completely, so he quickly looked away and coughed awkwardly, trying to hide his blush.


“Fine, but if he does anything-“


“He won’t! I promise!” Jungkook grinned.


Yoongi, who had been watching, suddenly realized just how ed his best friend was. Not only had his friend gotten the kid pregnant, but he felt something for him, even if Taehyung himself hadn’t realized yet. Yoongi just sighed and decided not to say anything, rather, he pulled out a pen and handed it to Jungkook.


“Here.” He said and gave it to him before turning around and bending slightly to signify the shorter boy could use his back as a place to write.


Jungkook laughed and pressed the paper onto Yoongi’s back before signing the bottom after he made the adjustment: 10. Under no circumstances are you allowed to bring anyone (except Jimin) to visit this house.


“Thank you.” He said cheerfully once he was finished and handed the pen and paper back to Yoongi. 


Taehyung sighed and looked at his watch. “It’s almost time for my next meeting. Me and Yoongi will be leaving shortly and I wont be home until late tonight. I have hired you a personal butler who will show you to your room and help you either order or make your meals.” Taehyung snapped his fingers again and another man appeared out of thin air.


This man was tall and thin. He had nice brown hair swooped gently across his forehead, and a very pretty face. A soft jaw, button nose and plush lips. He was dressed in a soft pink sweater and light blue jeans. His whole presence screamed ‘soft’.


“This is Kim Seokjin, he will be your personal help while you live here.” Taehyung said and then turned to Yoongi, motioning for him to start leaving. He followed behind him.


“Thank you again!” Jungkook called after them, but got no response. 


Jungkook turned around to his new butler and smiled. “Its nice to meet you Seokjin-ssi.” Jungkook said.


Jin shook his head with a wide smile and bowed to Jungkook, “No, it is my pleasure to serve, Master Jungkook, and please, just call me Jin.”


Jungkook blushed nervously. He had never been bowed to by someone older than him so respectfully. Also, had he just called him Master? Like he was his owner or something?


“O-Okay… And a-also… Just Jungkook is fine as well.” Jungkook blushed and scratched the back of his neck shyly. 


Jin straightened from his bow and smiled brightly at the boy. “Alright then, Jungkook! How about we go to your room and start unpacking?” 


Jungkook nodded in excitement. he wanted to know what his bedroom here would look like. Jin laughed at his adorable face and ushered him up the main staircase and to the left, where the bedrooms were. Jin stopped outside of one of the doors and pointed.


“This is Master Taehyung’s bedroom. Your bedroom is right down the hall. The walls are very soundproof, but just in case, I would advise you to stay quiet in your room when Master Taehyung is home.”


Jungkook nodded and then followed him down the hall to another door, diagonally placed from Taehyung’s bedroom. Jin opened the door and walked in. Jungkook followed behind, only to freeze when he got inside, mouth hanging open in shock. The room was beautiful.


The room itself was painted a light blue colour, and had many big beautiful windows on the wall, all framed with thick and soft creme coloured drapes. There was a huge king sized bed against the main wall of the room that was covered in more pillows and blankets than Jungkook could count; all staying with the creme and blue theme. There was a creme desk and vanity with soft blue stools. The room had lots of light and many beautiful pots of flowers sitting on the desks and night stands. This was the nicest room Jungkook had ever seen. And now it was his?


“Do you like it?” Jin asked nervously. “I picked it all out after Taehyung gave me your profile. I thought light blues and creme-y whites would suit you.” 


Jungkook grinned and jumped over to Jin to give him a big hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Its gorgeous!” Jungkook squealed in excitement. Jin’s eyes widened at the hug but he laughed and pet the younger boys head softly. He was still just a child… Jungkook pulled back with a blush and bowed. “Sorry. I got excited.”


Jin laughed and shook his head. “Its quite alright… But thats not even the best part.” He laughed and Jungkook’s eyes widened. There was more?


Jin lead him over to one of the two doors in the room and opened it up. Inside was a gorgeous bathroom with a very tropical and beach-y vibe. 


“I get my own bathroom!?” Jungkook gasped.


“Thats not all~!” Jin giggled and grabbed Jungkook, pulling him over to the other door where he opened it to reveal a giant walk in closet. 


“Oh my gosh…” Jungkook gasped. “I dont even think I have enough clothing to fill one rack.”


Jin smirked, “Don’t you w

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Hyungwonhope #1
Chapter 2: Haha! I can’t beliebe I was mentioned. Thank you author-nim!
Hyungwonhope #2
Chapter 1: Rereading for a second time!
Tangychicken74 #3
Chapter 5: Please update dear author-nim
Meerajordan #4
Chapter 5: your story
Chapter 5: a lamp than your baby's daddy???
Gosh Jimin what is your made of!!!
Author-nim you ain't updating anymore??
It was quite a ride thank you for penning down
Chapter 2: Awww Yoons!! That's terribly cute
Chapter 5: Woowww.. this story is so good. Tae is soooo cold here.. and kookie is so fluffy cute here.. i hope tae will start getting warm to kookie.. like seriously, how can he not fall for kookie innocence and cuteness...

And i really hope you will update soon.
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim. I hope you will update soon =(((
Chapter 5: Hi, you prolly might find me annoying, but please update when you can ;~; I would love to see how this story would progress
Jeonfarah #10
Chapter 5: Im hoping for you to update...this chap is really make me wanna about upcoming chapter from a good author from u..