The Code

I am Yang Leader's Wife

Seungho heard the sound of an approaching car and looked up. Recognizing the plates, he stepped off the curb and placed himself directly in its path. With the headlights trained on him in full beam, he stood his ground and watched as the car sped towards him. It seemed like it was going to run him over but he still did not move an inch. Only when the car had gotten to maybe a feet away from him did it screech to a stop. Two men dressed in black suits got out from the backseat and approached him from both sides. He looked them in the eyes and they instinctively lowered their gazes. Without a word, Seungho made his way to the back of the car and slipped inside, flanked at all times by both men. As soon as he sat down, the door shut and the interior was entombed in darkness.


Seungho leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs, making himself completely comfortable. 


"I hope you didn't wait too long," Song Junho said, breaking the silence. He studied Seungho's face carefully for any signs of emotion but found none. You son of a .


Seungho tilted his head to the side before breaking into an easy grin. In a light tone, he replied, "Not at all, Junho."


The older man bristled at his use of banmal. Even though he had fought his way up to the highest echelons of the Underground and was revered by other mafiosos, he was still being treated as a mere underling by Seungho. Gritting his teeth, Junho took a deep breath. Fine, you cocky bastard, two can play your game.


Junho leaned forward and propped his arms on his thighs. Solemnly, he said, "Your friend...did you know he was a cop's ?" He looked directly into Seungho's eyes, again hoping to see any kind of crack in his demeanor, but Seungho might as well have worn a mask. Junho could not read him at all.


Seungho shrugged. "You know how people can get. Some just don't understand the gravity of loyalty."


The weighted words, especially the emphasis on the last one, thickened the tension in the air. Nothing else was said for some time as the two men regarded each other carefully. In the brutal world of the Underground, if one wished to survive to see another day, he needed to respect the cardinal rule: Know thy enemy.


Song Junho had been in the business for close to 40 years. He had started as an errand boy for some two-bit gang leader and earned his promotion by killing a civilian who had cut into a mafioso's lane in traffic. Over the years, he gained some allies and made some enemies, but one thing never changed: he trusted no one. He prided himself on being able to read people's minds even before the thought finished forming in their heads. He had honed his instincts to perfection all these years and this cunning astuteness had saved his hide countless of times. Now, he was one of the most powerful mafiosos in all of Asia.


He could have been the next Head of the Family. He was the only rightful successor. He had spilled blood for the Code, surrendered his whole life to the Code. But the other mafiosos had blindsided him and, with a unanimous vote, given the throne to some punk who only needed to be born. In Song Junho's mind, Seungho never did anything to earn the honor. He simply inherited it.


And that was something Junho could never forgive.


For years, he planned on Seungho's destruction. As Head of the Family, Seungho was untouchable. Any direct attack against him would mean death for the perpetrator, no matter who he was. This was an essential bloodline of the Code. But it only challenged Junho even more. When he learned about one of Seungho's friends being a cop informant, he felt as if the gods had finally opened their eyes to the injustice of the botched hierarchy and wanted it to end. He could care less what the man was telling the police. What he wanted was proof that Seungho was aware of it and did nothing. Sohn Yoonhwa was just a pawn in Junho's game, a bait for his ultimate target. 


And now, he had drawn the lion out. If he could get Seungho to slip up or crack, he could finally have his reason for killing him without dishonoring the Code.


"You didn't know he was telling the shirts about us?" Junho asked, not once taking his eyes off Seungho.


Seungho simply smirked in reply and reached for the door handle. Junho's eyes widened and he immediately grabbed his hand and said, "Where are you going? We're not done here."


Seungho stared at Junho's hand and then glared at him until Junho reluctantly let go. 


In an icy tone, Seungho said, "I forgive you for offending me tonight. Do it again and I'll have your head." He opened the door and got out.


Inside the car, Song Junho could barely keep his rage in check. He could feel the blood pounding in his ears, could already taste the blood he so desperately wanted to spill. He slowly breathed through it and finally calmed himself down.


In the front seat, one of his bodyguards said, "Boss, they found where the girl lives."


Junho smiled. Truly the gods are on my side. "Go."




Sorry for the late update! Real life has a tendency of getting in the way of things: work on the weekends and school on weekdays. :( Thanks for reading and subscribing!

On Replay: MBLAQ - Hello My Ex (I freaking love this song!)

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I have not abandoned this fic! :) Just been tied up with bumming around, sorry!


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wallflower_ #1
I hope its not weird that i sometimes come back here just to reread the chapters <\3 really hope you consider continuing the story :)
IJaggys #2

Hoping you got a time to look back for this briliant stories, xo!
saranghae16 #3
Chapter 11: Hiii im here again. Author-nim when will you update its been 2 years and 3 months I know you are probably busy but pleaseee don't give up on this story. Every time I re-read it I fall in love with it more. It has this cute fluffy yet badass feel to it and I love that. I really hope you can update soon!
-Sincerely your eager reader
saranghae16 #4
Author-nim I really hope you are able to update this story soon. I absolutely love the plot for this story and want to see seungho and yoonji's relationship mature.
pleade oh please oh pleeeaaasssseee update sooonnn this is sooooo good I must read more!!!!
mallow-b #6
Chapter 11: I hope you will continue with this story too! I like the pacing and the concept is interesting.
mirae5 #7
Chapter 11: I still subcribe this story hoping you will update this story sometime..still waiting..hope you will update again as soon as you have time :)
wallflower_ #8
Chapter 11: Omg I'm a new reader! Please please pleaseeeee please, if you have time, do update this story ♥ :)))) omgggg I like this story so muchhh omg you left me hanging here
Chapter 11: author-nim, idk why i ended here but i love this story, really. i know u might be busy or something but please update when you have time. curiosity kill the cat, right? and i'm the cat. kekekeke this story jjang! ♥
saranghae16 #10
Chapter 11: PPLEASEEEE update soon. I love this story already ♥