Walk On Memories

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Having been abandoned by his parents and best friend turned lover, Luhan no longer believes in love.

But when faced with the responsibility of having to pay the debt that his deceased parents left behind, Luhan must oblige to the marriage between him and ex lover Wu Yifan.

And in order for the family business to be successfully passed down to him, Kris is forced into an arranged marriage with ex lover Luhan. 

The only way a divorce is permitted is if Luhan gifts the Wu family an heir. 

And for Jocelyn, girlfriend of five years and the love of his life; he was willing to do just that. 

Except life doesn't always go as planned. Especially not when he's faced with betrayal and lies; and ironically the only person keeping him sane was Luhan. 

But would he come to realize the importance of Luhan in his life before it's too late?


Just an idea for now. The plot may or may not undergo changes later on as this story is not set in stone. 

I've also decided to write a Hunhan version of this story. The story is basically the same, aside from some slight character and word changes. This is the link if anyone is interested: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1276842

As always, writing and ideas will be crappy so keep your expectations low!




Just wanted to let you all know that I added a little something to the ending of the last chapter because it didn't feel complete. Sorry to those who have already read it!


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Chapter 21: And foolishly again, he create another piece to hate.smh. such a
Chapter 22: I gat to admit how cringey this chap is but anyways was expecting it either ways
Chapter 21: Ah this is satisfying !! Atleast joyce can finally be untangled from all the mess, fighting girl!!
Chapter 19: Well to me this is what happens when ur heart is a , when u cant just choose one heart to hold dearly. I dont know why he hated luhan (because i skiped the letter scene, which i am not sorry for) but still no one can change the fact about joycle being kris first love and still his real love. Although i sheepishly know that its gona change(which wont be quite convincing if u follow the plot without having "krishan" in mind, but ofcourse its actually a "krishan" ffic. and to my conclusion although im not through with my "analysis" yet (if i can all it that lol maybe i will continue in the next chap).so my conclusion on all the chap i have read till now is i dont blame joyce for anything nope because kris never actualy focus with his heart from the beginning although he knows he truely loves he let him self to be swayed by emotions (gawd im tierd my fingers hurt lol, sori for the long comment, i hope it brightens ur day authornim')
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 24: suho and xing need their time, like the others. i am curious how you continue. luhan, kai, all of them there.
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 23: poor man. he has much troubles and thinks a lot..
i hope he wont be to late
Chapter 23: What....???!!! Wake up Kris....!!!!! Don't you dare to leave Luhan and Hunnie....
Wake up....!!!!

My gosh....!!!! I hope there's someone goes to his house now.....

Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 23: I hope Kris' realization for his true feelings hasn't come too late...
Chapter 23: What ? No no no no no kris you cant just die like that , you are not the only one who suffered ,you should talk to to luhan omg
Chapter 22: Finally there is a hope for luhan finally have his happiness