Chapter 14

Bride of the Phoenix
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Dedicated to @leeannecious on twitter

Baekhyun’s eyes slowly fluttered open and darkness greeted his sight. He squeezed his eyes shut as a numbing pain took over his frail body. He wondered where he was and why he was in so much pain, but as if the heavens above heard his questioning, memories from before flooded in his mind. He was kidnapped.


Panic set into his body as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Baekhyun realised there was constant bumping and movement and quickly concluded that he was in a some sort of wagon.


Moving to sit up straight, Baekhyun’s eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and paled at the sight before him. There was about ten men walking around the wagon, most of them were huge in built and had scars and burn marks running down their arms and face. They were carrying daggers and knives at their hips and one was even playing with a sword. What was terrifying to Baekhyun though was that, they were all staring predatorily at him.


“Looks like the Phoenix’s is awake.” One of the men sneered. He had a large burn mark that covered one half of his face, his dark brown eyes held hatred as he stared directly into Baekhyun’s eyes.


Baekhyun trembled in fear as the men around him laughed as if it was a good joke. He felt very vulnerable as they surrounded him, the back of his eyes burned with the tell-sign of tears. He squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to move his limbs, but realised his wrists and ankles were tied tightly with rough ropes.


“Such a pretty face.” He felt fingers grab onto his chin and his eyes flew open. He was staring into the eyes of a man who had a scar running down the side of his face, starting from his cheek and passed his neck. “Words went around and all of it was about your beauty.”


Baekhyun stared at him fearfully, his mouth felt dry and breathing was starting to feel like a chore.


“He’ll catch a large sum of money, right boys?” He asked the other men, letting go of Baekhyun’s face. A collective sound of agreement rang throu

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03/07/18 - I'm sorry TT^TT


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Dear author, when do you like to update the story??? I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: update pleaseee, I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: please update I really love this story
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 20: Hopefully you will be able to finish this - I'd love to know what happens next!!
ctskyn276 #5
Chapter 20: I just discovered this story.. And I love it so much. I hope you will update this story soon authornim.. Please dont abandon this story like how Chanyeol made Baekhyun felt..
Exo11loves #6
I will be waiting for you author-nim! I just finished rereading again T^T
Eter06 #7
Chapter 20: my heart hurts so much bc of this uncompleted story, anyways i'll wait for it, i like suffering lol
befearless_bbh #8
I miss this story so much T_T
ilisamsa #9
Chapter 20: Please continue this story :((
Chapter 20: Baby Baek :(