Chapter 11

Missing Princess // A YOONGI FANFIC




It has been two years now since I married Yoongi, life couldn't get better or so I thought a year after our marriage we were blessed with a little boy named Taehyung and the next with a little girl named Areum, Jihoonie is still living with us here in Silla and my family comes and visits here often and we go visit them as well my brother Crown Prince Hoseok is now also married to the princess of Gaya they don't have any children yet but they do love one another they met when the King of Gaya and his daughter came to visit Baekje on my wedding and since then everything went well for them 

also my wedding was held in Baekje with all our people and we had the celebration in Silla to show the coming of two Kingdoms everything has been going really well for the royal families and me and Yoongi have never been happier than now, Kihyun and Soonyoung still come visit us a lot, so does my friends from Baekje 

best of all this year is today...the first snowfall had come as a sign that winter has arrived the white blanket of soft fluffy snow was laying on the ground and I was standing outside thinking of everything that has happened in these past few years a smile appeared on my face at the thought of all the good that has come so far hoping for more good things in the future but I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone hugging me from behind I turned my head a little and saw Yoongi resting his head on my shoulder 

I smiled at him and looked back to where I was looking before "what are you thinking about?" I heard him ask "everything that happened so far it all still seems too good to be true"  I felt him nodding he then said "I know right but at least it isn't and I can hug you here right now proving this isn't a dream right" I smiled again and nodded agreeing that this isn't a dream 

I turned around in his grasp and looked into his eyes and said "you know I really love you a lot" he returned my smile with a gummy smile and said "but not as much as I will love you, now come on let's head inside it is cold out here and I don't want you to get sick" i laughed and said "aww the moment just died because of your concern but it's fine because you are concerned about me" he nodded and took my hand pulling me back inside the palace and out of the cold 

even if this sounds weird I still thank those merchants who kidnapped me in moments like this because without them I wouldn't have met the love of my life I m thankful for everything that had happened since I got here the first time it really does feel like a dream...

-----------------------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------------------------------



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Am I in love with this story? YES
I'm going to reread it again soon :3
Chapter 1: Hello! Your work seems pretty interesting, I like the concept. Please do not take offense to what I'm about to say as I intend only to use these words as constructive criticism, but I think it would be good if you had either a beta reader or an editor to help insert in punctuation. Makes it a little easier to read. Nonetheless, I'll leave a bookmark on this story until then. :-) Fighting!