~ 003 ~

A Monster's Secret

Double update! Make sure you've read chapter 2 as well c:


Text from Jeon Jungkook.
“Hey, do you think you’ll be volunteering much over winter break?”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“Let’s hope so! I still haven’t decided between a business job, working at the animal shelter, or becoming a florist or something with gardening.”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“Well at least it’s a lot more narrowed down from the last time we talked about it. But those are some pretty diverse choices Eunhee. It’d make more sense if you were thinking about doctor rather than business.”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“Oh shut up. Are you still volunteering tonight?”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“I don’t think so. Taehyung and Jieun suddenly showed up at my house. We’re at Bona’s house right now… I don’t think I’ll be leaving anytime soon.”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“I don’t understand why you still let Jieun into your life like that. You admitted yourself that even if it was for the reputation, it’d also make more sense to just drop her like any playboy would.”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“Yeah, but any playboy would also be able to see that if she’s good in bed you keep letting her back. That’s the point of a playboy, all you want is good .”

Eunhee sighed as she read Jungkook’s last text. She had to admit, she had no idea what she was expecting out of their friendship, but it tore her apart when she had to remember that even if it was all an act, he still did the things a playboy would do. Since their friendship began three months earlier, it had been filled with nothing but good laughs and utter confusion. Yes, they got along perfectly well, but their interactions always left Eunhee wondering if there could ever be more. Yet at the same time, she hated the idea that she could have those feelings for Jungkook. Not wanting to dwell on it any longer, Eunhee locked her phone and set off to the animal shelter.


Jungkook kept looking down at his phone. Why was she not replying to him? A minute turned to five, then ten, and finally, he realized that she wouldn’t be texting him back for a while. He reread his conversation with her and mentally cursed. Why would she reply when the last thing he said was so degrading. Naturally, it was true, but it wasn’t true to him. He didn’t care about a girl being good at , he was just playing the part. Maybe he was playing it all too well, but he knew that it would only last until college. Was there any shame in just enjoying it while it lasted? Well, yeah, of course there was.

“Hey Jungkook! Come on man you’ve been sitting around all night! It’s the first party of winter break let loose a little! You’ve hardly had anything to drink!” Taehyung cheered as he pulled Jungkook up.

“Come on man, you bailed on me last time I was in town, and then didn’t drink with us the next day, no way you’re being a buzz kill today! Drink up!” Namjoon laughed as he poured Jungkook a shot.

“Me too! I need something in my system!” Jieun yelled as she reached over for another shot glass.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” The boys cheered as Jungkook finally gave in and downed his shot. Before he knew it, he had drunk more than he had originally hoped to.

As he wandered around in his drunken state, Jieun followed him around, waiting patiently to finally get around to the usual fun that they had at every party. Yet all she could see was the boy constantly pulling out his phone, presumably drunk texting some friends.

Unbeknownst to her, that friend was none other than Son Eunhee. And that poor girl was the only recipient of Jungkook’s drunk texts.

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“heY eunheee. U know ur name is like half e’s???”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“haha that’s sooo wierrddd”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“I want to be a vet!!”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“o no”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.


Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“ur not supposed to kno that!”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“wait u already knew that haha”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“I ave anther scret!”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“sshhh its about son eunhee!”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“bcos shes perety”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“and shes scaarry”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“Omg is scary spelled like scary or skary. Y is there a y. it should be skarie”

With a sigh of annoyance, Eunhee shut off her phone. She knew he was drunk by now, and she wondered just how much of his ‘playboy act’ was really an act. Sure, kids their age got drunk at parties. But as much as she knew Jungkook was different, the more he pretended to be one of those guys, the more she believed that he wasn’t the person he was when they volunteered together. That he wasn’t the person he said he was. That he was the person that other people told him he was. She just wished he’d finally quit the act and told everyone his secret so that she’d know who the real Jeon Jungkook is.


“I regret not coming the other night,” Jungkook chuckled as he and Eunhee were working together to wash one of the dogs.

“What? Was the hangover not worth the party?” Eunhee chuckled.

“That’s part of it,” he rubbed his nape. “Hey, sorry about all those texts… I’ve never been that excessive with drunk texting… I don’t know what was wrong with me… I mean I do know I just… Uh…”

“It’s fine, Jungkook,” Eunhee chuckled as she lathered the shampoo over the dog’s body, “It was rather entertaining actually. It’s been a while since someone’s pointed out the fact that half the letters in my name are E’s.”

“Yeah, some things you only notice while drunk, right?” he laughed as he helped Eunhee to rinse the shampoo off the dog not too long after. “So what happened here?”

“Hmm… Well Katrina finally got adopted!”

“What??? I missed saying goodbye to Katrina? Aw, she was such a sweet kitty… I bet she’ll make her new owner very happy,” Jungkook grinned happily.

Eunhee smiled at Jungkook’s sincere happiness, “Yeah… Other than that, nothing too exciting. Buster had another fun day of pooping all over his cage. I almost felt bad seeing the others cleaning up after him.”

“We should really send that boy up for another checkup, I feel like it’s just not normal how he poops,” he laughed.

“Well hey you’re the future vet, why don’t you study up on dog pooping and tell us what you find,” Eunhee giggled as she went to grab a towel to start drying up the dog.

Jungkook chuckled as he looked up at her. Unable to resist, he aimed the hose at her and sprayed her body slightly, causing a loud gasp to resonate from her lips.

“Oh Jeon Jungkook… I swear as soon as I’m done drying this dog you are going to get it from me!” she threatened.

On the other hand, the dark-haired boy mocked her as he backed against the counters, “Oh no, I’m gonna get it from Eunhee… Maybe I should run for my life now!”

Eunhee shook her head as she focused on drying the dog. Within minutes, she had finished drying him, got him out to his cage, and came back to see Jungkook still leisurely leaning back against the counters, a small smile playing on his lips as she walked up closer to him.

“Oh, wait you have an eyelash…” Jungkook leaned in closer, lifting a hand up as if to wipe an eyelash away from Eunhee’s cheek. When he saw her falling for the trick, he smirked as he raised his other hand with the hose again and sprayed her once more.

A loud squeal fell past her lips and she gaped as she stared up at the boy. “Jeon Jungkook!” she yelled as she chased him around the small room. Grabbing the shampoo bottle, she opened it and dumped a decent amount on Jungkook’s body.

“Hey! Eunhee!” he laughed as he tried to wipe some of the shampoo back onto her body instead. As he tried to do that, she was able to steal the hose out of his hands and spray him back.

“Hah! Not so funny now is it?” she stuck her tongue out at him before squealing as he wiped the shampoo onto her body. Without any hesitation she simply sprayed him again before he moved in and wrapped his arms around her from behind, keeping her arms back against her body as he held her tightly.

The two took a moment as they caught their breaths. Eunhee being held in Jungkook’s arms, she felt her heartbeat accelerating as she suddenly found it hard to breath properly as she could feel his own hot breath against her ear. Jungkook was going through a similar experience as he looked down at the petite girl in his arms. Having her there just felt so right to him. Not like when Jieun’s in his arms after another night together, but just Eunhee being there, no need for anything to happen beforehand and no need for anything to happen after. Just having her in his arms was all he wanted.

“Truce?” he said in a whisper as he looked down at her.

Her eyes met his, a small smile still playing on her lips from the laughter they had shared chasing each other around, “Truce,” she agreed, waiting for his arms to loosen around her body. Once he had pulled away, an awkward silence arose between the two of them as they fixed their hair and clothing as best as they could.

“Hey guys, Lily here has been waiting for her bath,” another volunteer said as she brought another dog out into the room.

“Ah, sorry Tia! Thanks for bringing Lily out!” Eunhee replied as she walked up to take the dog so she could start washing her.


“Okay, Eunhee, I know we’re not the types of people to do this but… Let’s say a guy I like invited me to a party, would you be down to go with me?” Hyerin asked during one of their late-night phone calls.

Eunhee raised an eyebrow as she sat up in her bed, “That depends on who the guy you like is and why I haven’t heard about him before.”

“You haven’t heard about him yet because we only started talking last month and I wanted to make sure what I was feeling before I went around telling people I liked him. It’s Soonyoung.”

“Kwon Soonyoung??”

“Yes… Is it bad? Why do you have that tone of voice?”

“No! It’s not bad it’s just… Wow, I never would have expected him. Especially after those rumors of what went down over summer…”

“Rumors could just be rumors. You know how it is, you’re friends with Jeon Jungkook.”

“Alright, alright, point taken. When’s the party?”

“Friday, do you think you can go?”

“Sure, but if you spend the whole night flirting with Soonyoung and leaving me alone don’t be mad if I just get up and leave.”

“Oh come on, I know you can be a social butterfly and I know you can’t resist some alcohol from time to time. When’s the last time we got drunk?”

“Alright, okay, fine, just chill. I’ll be at the party and I won’t leave without you or I won’t leave before one in the morning, deal?”



Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“Volunteering today?”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“Unfortunately not today, going out with Hyerin later. You?”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“I was thinking about it… I’m caught between going out with the guys or going to volunteer.”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“You’ve been volunteering a lot lately, go out with the guys dude! It’s Friday! Have some fun!”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“Whoa, those words coming from Son Eunhee? Yo are you okay? I’m worried about you man”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“Ha ha ha. I’m not always so strict about partying and whatnot! Shut up Jeon!”

Text from Jeon Jungkook.

“Can’t help it Eun, I normally don’t hear you encouraging me to go out”

Text from Son Eunhee.

“So treasure it now while it’s happening, go out tonight dude!”

Thus, Jungkook texted Taehyung and Namjoon, letting the two know that he will in fact be at Moonhyun’s party later that night. He had to admit, he was slightly disappointed that Eunhee was going out as well, so he had no way to escape this party and get to see her. A silent sigh escaped his lips as he laid in bed, taking a nap to save some energy for the party later.

Unbeknownst to him, Eunhee going out with Hyerin meant that he would still be seeing her that night.

“Hyerin you’re hurting me!” the black-haired girl whined as Hyerin attempted to do Eunhee’s hair.

“Ugh, then do your own hair!” Hyerin yelled back.

“Why do I even have to do my hair? It’s just a common house party!”

“Don’t you wanna look good?”

“Are you saying I don’t look good with my hair as it is?”

“Hey, hair is a powerful weapon to women. Flaunt it, sister!”

“Gosh, this Soonyoung suddenly has you extremely uptight about looks…” Eunhee pouted as she turned to the mirror to attempt curling her hair into loose curls.

She sighed again as she stared at her reflection. This party seemed like a big deal to Hyerin, probably half because of Soonyoung, but there was also a good chance that it was because they hadn’t been to a party in over a year. The two had been invited from time to time, but they never seemed fully interested in going out. Now that they had finally accepted an invitation, they felt the need to put effort into how they looked. Thus, Eunhee was sporting a full face of makeup. Though most of it was natural looking, save for her winged eyeliner, smoky eyeshadow, and plump pink lips, it still seemed like too much for her to handle. To her relief, Hyerin allowed her outfit to be simpler than her makeup. So she was wearing a pair of new black jeans, and a loose, red off the shoulder top. A simple pair of brown boots completing the look.

Hyerin had a similar appearance. A natural coat of makeup though her highlight seemed to show at all angles, her eyeshadow was thick, and her lips were a dark red color with a matte lipstick. Her false lashes added to the effect as her hair was also curled and pinned back with some simple bobby pins. Hyerin was dressed in distressed denim jeans, a white long-sleeved crop top on top that had a low v cut and strings that zig-zagged to cover her chest slightly, and a pair of heeled black boots to finish the look.

“God, we look like typical popular girls…” Eunhee groaned.

“It’s just for the night, and then a week will pass with no word from us and we’ll be back in school and no one will even remember that we were there,” Hyerin shrugged.

Eunhee had to agree with that, it was a similar experience in their past parties. Go in looking stunning, socialize and drink for the night, disappear for a simple week, and continue on with their lives as if nothing had happened.


The two walked into the party around 11 at night. Jungkook and his friends had only been there for about ten minutes. They were hanging out in the backyard, each with a drink in their hands as they simply enjoyed each other’s company, laughing and making jokes with each other. It was moments like these when Jungkook didn’t mind his popularity, being able to hang out with his friends and mess around with each other was relaxing to him. Then a girl would come up and cling to one of them, and he remembered why the popularity annoyed him. Unfortunately for him, it was Jieun that came up to cling onto him.

The boys simply chuckled, they knew how Jungkook really felt about Jieun, but they all knew that it was hard to turn her down when she turned seductive, and they also knew that she’d come back no matter what.

Jieun was no fool either, she knew Jungkook and her had no feelings for one another. She knew he would break off and see other girls just as she would sometimes flirt with other men. But man, did they have chemistry when they were together. Chemistry that it was hard to break away from one another. Though she had to admit, Jungkook had been acting more aloof with her the past few months, making her wonder if their time using each other as a means of releasing frustration has finally hit its limit. If he was finally bored with her and was ready to permanently move on with another girl.

“Soonyoung!” Hyerin called out when she finally saw the blonde boy.

“Hyerin!” he grinned back before noticing the other girl with her, “Oh, Eunhee! I’m glad you two could make it!”

Eunhee simply smiled and gave a small wave before turning to Hyerin, “Do you want me to leave you two alone?” As Hyerin simply nodded at her question, she turned back to Soonyoung and smiled once again, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go get a drink,” she said and walked past the boy. She turned back to see Hyerin as the two walked off to find a better place to talk without the loud music and noisy chattering of other people in the room.

Eunhee squeezed through the crowd and eventually found herself in the kitchen where drinks and snacks of all kinds were lined up. There were several people crowding in that room as well, chugging drinks and cheering one another on to keep drinking. Feeling uncomfortable, and rather scared that she might become victim to a drinking game, Eunhee quickly grabbed a cup for herself and walked away to find a place with more space. She found herself making her way to the backyard, and quickly made her way past Namjoon and Jimin without taking notice of the brunette whose eyes had widened at the mere sight of her.

“Damn… Who is that girl,” Taehyung whistled as his eyes never left Eunhee when she slipped past them.

“Never seen her around before, she must be new to parties… Oh young innocence, I can almost smell the purity on her,” Namjoon chuckled.

“You idiot,” Yoongi deadpanned, “She had a drink in her hand and her clothing suggests this isn’t her first party.”

“She’s mixing along pretty well too, I think it’d be safe to assume she’s done stuff like this before,” Seokjin chuckled.

Jungkook said nothing as he kept his eyes rooted on Eunhee. Never in the few months that he had known her, did he ever dream of seeing her at a party. Never did he imagine that she’d show up in the one place where he would act like the monster everyone thought he was. He couldn’t make up his mind on whether or not he should go up and talk to her, or if he should try to avoid her the whole night.

“Alright, bet I can get her number?” Jimin grinned cheekily at his friends, causing Jungkook to whip his head back to his circle of friends, particularly at the short, now pink-haired, boy.

“No,” Jungkook quickly said, “I want to talk to her first,” he said, disregarding the obviously upset expression Jieun sported after that.

The boys whistled, “Come on man, Jieun’s right there…”

Jungkook let out a chuckle as he let his player state wash over him, “Sorry babe,” he said to Jieun, “Let’s hook up another time, I’m too interested in that girl to even think about you right now.”

Jieun rolled her eyes and simply shoved Jungkook away before getting lost in the crowds to find someone else to talk to for the night.

“So, I’ll see you guys later,” he playfully saluted the other boys before striding over to Eunhee, trying to look as suave and cool as possible although his heart was racing underneath the façade.

“Jeon Jungkook,” the guy Eunhee was conversing with greeted him as he approached. Eunhee’s eyes widened before she quickly took a sip of her drink to calm herself down, of course she should have expected Jungkook to be there.

“Moonhyun, wicked party tonight man,” Jungkook chuckled as he bumped fists with the other boy.

“Thanks dude, ah have you met Eunhee? It’s her first party this year, and I doubt you remember her from the parties last year,” Moonhyun grinned as he wrapped an arm around the said girl.

Eunhee simply smiled up at Jungkook before extending her hand, “Nice to meet you Jungkook,” she said, keeping up the act of the two not knowing each other.

Jungkook chuckled and shook her hand, “Nice to meet you too Eunhee, pretty name for a pretty girl,” he winked. It took all Eunhee had to avoid rolling her eyes at his fake mannerisms. She had doubted how much of Jungkook’s player personality was a lie, but now that she was witnessing it in person she could see how obviously fake it was.

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone,” Moonhyun clapped Jungkook on the back and gave Eunhee one final smile before walking off to greet his other guests.

“What are you doing here?” Jungkook chuckled after a moment of silence between the two.

“Hyerin wanted to come, she’s flirting with some boy that’s at this party,” she shrugged nonchalantly before finishing her drink.

“You drink?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not as much of an angel as you apparently think I am, sorry to ruin that image,” she giggled while lifting her arms to shrug once again.

Jungkook exaggerated a gasp at her revelation, “You don’t say! Wow, I’m really taken aback right now, I think I’m going to need some time to think all of this over…”

Eunhee laughed as she hit his shoulder, “Oh shut up!”

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Chapter 6: awwwnn, out of all the kook x oc stories ive read, this has got to be one of my faves ?❤️
I wish it was longer, even if it had like 100 chapters (okay exaggerating) but like LOVE IT!
Chapter 6: i wish i could have something like this in real life ???? its such a cute and gokd story
princessswan #3
Chapter 6: Awww this was really, really sweet. :) I loved watching Jungkook fall for Eunhee & for their relationship to blossom. <3 Tae & Jiminie are hilarious too. Thank you for sharing such a lovely story with my bby Kookie!