
I'm Here

Jungkook learns from his parent that to love someone is to accept who they are and their past, embrace their weaknesses and fear as well as to be with them through ups and downs. Jungkook feels like he is the happiest person in the world for loving such a beautiful and hardworking person, Park Jimin.

So, when he saw his boyfriend fainted on the floor right before his eyes, after his performance with Taemin, Jungkook went rigid and his breath stop. It was only when someone accidentally pushed him from behind that he snapped out of it.

He sees as other staff is giving some space to Jimin and Taemin was crouching near them, worry on his face. Jungkook went to Jimin frantically and sit beside Jimin, who is now laying down, behind the stage, away from the fans’ eyes. Jungkook held Jimin’s head in both his head and put it on his lap.

“Jungkook-ah, we need to get him to the room”, Jungkook nodded to whoever the voice owner is.

He can’t really make anything out when his head is filled with Jimin. He had noticed that the staffs when him to carry Jimin on his back and he nodded, fast. He stands up while other staff helped to lift Jimin’s body and Jungkook almost let out a “be careful with him” but he just swallowed the word.

He crouched slightly and wait for Jimin’s weight to be on top of him. When he feels his boyfriend’s shallow breath on the side of his left cheek, Jungkook feels sad because he had realised that his boyfriend had pushed himself and neglected his health. Jungkook felt his role as a boyfriend to take care of Jimin is not enough.

He hoisted Jimin and started to walk towards their respective room, where other members are there as well. Sure enough, when he entered the room, all the members rushed towards them, asking questions. Jungkook ignored them and started to look frantically for their manager.

Yoongi must have noticed his expressions so he had asked other member to give Jungkook and Jimin some space, and Jungkook is grateful towards his hyung.

“Manager-hyung! Please, we need to bring Jimin to home”, Jungkook plead.

He gasped for air because he feels like the heavy weigh in his chest is starting to suffocate him.

“Jungkook-ah, it’s alright. Jimin will be alright, he’s a fighter after all”, Namjoon said. He signalled for the other member to take Jimin off from Jungkook and help him to carry Jimin to the van.

Jungkook soon followed, not before thanking his hyungs for helping him. Luckily, they don’t have any schedule after this, so Jungkook had asked permission to go home with Jimin and take care of him. Jimin looks so peaceful when he is asleep so Jungkook had placed Jimin’s head on his lap. Like a habit, Jungkook started to comb Jimin’s hair and stared at his face.

The manager must have noticed that Jungkook’s own battle in his mind, so when he called out his name, he wasn’t surprised to find that Jungkook is crying. Their Golden Maknae is not always golden, when it comes to Jimin and his hyungs, Jungkook always have a soft spot for them especially for his boyfriend.

The manager knew that Jungkook blames himself, for not trying harder to make Jimin stops from over-practising, he even had asked the manager to make sure that Jimin eats well. The manager let out a silent sigh, it’s not anyone’s else fault but both Jimin and Jungkook should talk to each other and sort it out.




Jimin feels like it’s been ages since he had closed his eyes like that, he couldn’t remember much on what had happened but he knew that he had fainted. The last thing that he saw was Jungkook smiles brightly at him and was waiting for him backstage. Jungkook.

Jimin tries to open his eyes slowly but with less effort because he had realised that the room lack of light due to the curtain. When he opened his eyes, he was met with a sight of Jungkook who is in his own world while his hand caressing Jimin's hair. Jimin loves the feelings of Jungkook’s hair running through his hairs, it feels right. Jimin knew that Jungkook is very much worried about him and like him, he knew that Jungkook must have feels bad and blame himself.

When Jimin place his hand on Jungkook’s chest, it seems to do the trick. Jungkook seems to blink his eyes and water starts to form in his eyes due to his constant daydream. Jungkook looks down and sees that Jimin is looking up to him with small smile on his face. He exhales as he places a soft kiss on Jimin’s forehead.

Jimin closes his eyes and let the warmness of his boyfriend’s lips spread to his whole body. “How are you?”, Jungkook snuggles closer to Jimin while spooning him. He feels Jimin snuggles back as he let out a silent breath.

“I’m good”. Jimin hated the way his voice came out. Hoarse and dry but he doesn’t feel like to drink water. He let himself to be engulf with his boyfriend's warmth.

A few moments passes by and both seems to be enjoying the moment. but, sometimes, Jimin thinks that Jungkook is his soulmate because he could tell that Jungkook has something else in his mind, so he pushes himself further from Jungkook’s warmth and look up. Truth to be told, Jungkook’s eyes held so much emotions in it and Jimin couldn’t stand it.

Jimin wiggle himself up so that he could be on the same eye level with his boyfriend and caress his cheek. Jungkook leans in to the touch and couldn’t meet Jimin’s eyes. He knows that Jimin realised the battle that he has in his mind. Jimin could practically watch the war going on his eyes and Jungkook sometimes hated the fact that Jimin could read him like an open book. But that’s one of the traits that Jungkook love so dearly. It just shows how much they understand each other.

Jimin lift his boyfriend’s face so that he can see him better. Jimin is about to tell Jungkook that it is not his fault, that he is fine and there is no need for Jungkook to blame himself but Jungkook beat him first.

“I was so scared. I was so terrified, it was frightening to see you collapse right before my eyes, hyung. I feel like I couldn’t breath and everything just stop moving. It was scary. I was afraid of losing you, that’s why I couldn’t stop blaming myself because I’m your boyfriend and I should be taking care of you, you know? Because you always take a good care of me and I want to repay you. I am so scared of losing you, please don’t do that again”.

Jimin feels his heart tightened because by the time Jungkook had done talking, he cries, burying himself in Jimin’s warm hug. Jimin couldn’t stop himself from crying also because that’s exactly how he feels towards the younger but he knew that he had made the younger to worry too much about him when he decided to practised day and night for his performance with Taemin.

When he feels that Jungkook has calmed down, and only low sniffle could be heard, he looks down to see Jungkook’s red face and nose. His tears smeared his eye makeup from before but Jimin still finds that Jungkook looks breath-taking that he can’t stop to places a soft kiss on both of Jungkook’s eyelids, nose and his lips. Jimin finds it that it is endearing to have Jungkook cries for him and Jimin would do the same. Because he has been in love with the younger way before they debuted. 

Jungkook feels light the moment Jimin’s lips on his. It was just a moment where Jimin put his lips on him, no movement and all. Just static on his lips. Jimin pulls away after a while and wipe away Jungkook’s tears. “I’m sorry for making you worry, I know, and I feel the same too. I’m sorry that you had to witness the moment I fainted. I’m sorry for everything, I will do my best not to over-exert myself again”.


Jimin smiled and nodded while connecting their forehead together, “promise, babe”.

Jungkook leans in and captures Jimin’s lips with his own. Their lips move in synchronise manner that Jimin couldn’t help but to let out a gasp when Jungkook took it to the next step. After a while, both of them had to pull away and gasped for air. Jungkook leans his forehead on JImin's forehead and his hand hugs Jimin's waist perfectly and bury his face at the crook of Jimin's neck. Jimin plant a peck on Jungkook's forehead before he snuggles closer to Jungkook.

“I’m glad you’re okey, hyung”, Jungkook smiled.

“I’m glad I am” Jimin gives Jungkook one last kiss before both of them drifted into their own dream. 


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withyou_withoutyou #1
Chapter 1: SOOO sweet it awesome author nim please write more
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute!