Full moon

Souls of the Damned



I kept staring at the woman as she lighlty caressed my cheek. Tears kept falling down her cheeks. She took a step back and held both of my hands as she looked at me. I didn't know this feeling . The way she looked at me and the way she kept caressing me lovingly. 

"You grew up beautifully" She sobbed

I grew up beautifully? I let go of both of her hands even though it felt like my hands belonged in her hands. I shook my head as I kept feeling more and more confused. She felt like a...


JaeJoongs voice called me back to reality but then suddenly happened. A sudden strand of light came from this woman's hand and a sudden ring around us was formed. I saw JaeJoong stopping right outside the ring and Changmin as well. Not too long after, Yoochun and Yunho joined as well. Junsu were nowhere to be seen. 

"Yumi! YUMI! Are you okay?" Changmin yelled

I nodded and then I looked back at the woman as her eyes were suddenly glowing, a vibranting warmth was coming and I felt like the ring was warmer than ever. There was a fire around  us. And somehow I saw Jae trying to pass by it but he was not able to. He tried multiple times but there was heavy weight throwing him backwwards, he just couldn't get through

I looked back at her and she looked at me again

"You know these people?" She asked

"LET HER GO" I heard Yunho scream

Something was weird. She acted towards me as if she was my mother. Mother. But my mother is  dead. Aunt told me that she took me in because my parents enjoyed drugs and alcohol more than spending time with me

She stared at me for awhile

"Who are you?" I asked

The suddent ring fire was put out and I felt the guy walking up next to me as I kept looking at her. Her eyes shifted and I saw her staring at the guys but her eyes changed again when she looked at me

"You're my daughter. I am your mother"

I swallowed hard, And If I was staked before it was nothing compared to the sudden pain I was feeling when she said that out loud

"That is impossible. My parents passed away because of drug and alcohol" I said

I felt a tear falling down my cheek and I saw her soften up as she took a step forward. Alll of the guys took position and I felt the atmosphere changing. 

"I am not a threat so stop it" She said

"And exactly how do we know that?" Jae gritted his teeth

"I am a witch. Im not a bloody murderer." She said

Yunho looked at her

"You're the ancient witch aren't you? Na Young?" Yunho asked

"So you've heard of me?" She nodded

"I know of you. An ancestor of yours helped us with our daylight jewelry" Yunho said

I saw the guys relaxing a bit and straightened themselves up. I then suddenly felt JaeJoongs hand grabbing my own hand, intertwining our fingers. I looked up at him as he gave me a kiss on my forehead

"I am she. Na Young the Ancient Witch from 1800th Century" She said

"I do not understand" I said and looked at her

"I do not either. My daughter is suppose to be human. I made sure of that. And here I am, stumbled upon your tracks and you are....a vampire" I heard the sadness in her voice as she said that out loud

"It's a very long story" Yoochun mumbled

"Which I probably have time fore. I'm sure we have some catch up to do" She said

I stared at her as she took a step forward. She was not more than a arm length from me now. 

"I have dreamed of meeting you, spending time with you, I regret nothing more than leaving you at the time where I had to. But now when you're in this world" She said as she nodded towards the guys. "I believe you have questions and I will provide answers for you. I also want to let you know that your father is alive" She said

I felt sick to my stomach

"He is.. a werewolf" She said

I swallowed hard and so did the guys

"How is it possible that you, Yumi's parents are supernatural beings but she is human?" Jae asked

"I put a spell on her the day she was born. I wanted you to have a normal life. Grow up and live beautifully without all the dangers in the world. Your father knows nothing of you. I do believe it was a coincidence I crossed path with you today" Mom said

I felt tears falling harder as I suddenly felt Changming putting his arms around my shoulders. I sobbed

"I need time. I need to go away"

I was about to run when I suddenly felt I ran into an invisible wall

I turned around and saw Na Young looking at me

"I am sorry but I cannot let you go. You need to leave now with the boys. It's full moon" She said

"But we thought the werewolves were extinct" Yunho said

"Some packs are but they are still roaming around. And you are far away from that castle of yours. I will try to give you a free path to return back to the castle. But once the full moon is out, I will not be able to stop the entire pack. Run. Now" She said

In a blink of an eye, JaeJoong took my hand and we ran. 

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Dr_Silver #1
loveydovey #2
Chapter 84: juat realised u updated months ago.
yay!! gomawoyoo......
i'll keep waiting for ur update coz i like this fic so much. :)
Chapter 83: Happy you updated :) Jaejoong opens up more about the castle and his life especially his family and relatives :) So sweet of Jaejoong to say those words :) Will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen next! Update soon :)
CassieIndo #4
Chapter 82: still no update..and this is my thirteenth times re-read this story..authornim,,pleaseee if u have a time.. just update 2 or 3 chaps will be enough for half year..pleasseee im begging you T_____T
CassieIndo #5
Chapter 82: Reread again and still not update T____T maybe this is my tenth times reread this story...i love this story so much...please update thia authornim....pleaaaseeee T___T
CassieIndo #6
Chapter 82: Authornim,, when will u continue this story..im totally in love with this story..please update authornim... pretty pleaaaasseee π_π
loveydovey #7
U wrote a very incredible vampire story. Please update more~~
joeybelle #8
Chapter 82: Ahhh! I need to know what happened in Jaejoong's past! Update soon! <333
Chapter 82: really curious on Jaejoong's past & also about the castle so will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)