Cab-Stealer, Heart-Shaker


As a college student, Baekhyun knows the importance of being on time. That’s why he chooses to take a cab over walking to the train station or taking a bus. Kyungsoo thinks there’s no relation but Jongdae’s a good friend who doesn’t point out that Baekhyun’s just lazy. Everything would have worked out fine if it weren’t for Baekhyun’s neighbour who keeps on stealing his cabs.


“This is my cab,” Baekhyun hisses, ignoring how handsome the lawyer looks in his three piece suit. “You’re not stealing it this time.” It comes out as almost a whine and Baekhyun internally berates himself for not being able to control his tone whenever he’s around the other and ends up sounding like a whiny kid every single time.

“Baekhyun,” the man says gently and Baekhyun huffs, not liking how his heart beats faster at the way the man says his name. “Hands off.”

Pressing harder against the window, Baekhyun grits out, “no way”. He lifts his chin defiantly, hoping that it will be enough to get the other to give him the cab.

Shaking his head, Chanyeol uses his free hand to try prying Baekhyun’s hand away. “You used to be so much cuter when you were younger.”



Continuation of this fic is over here at Let’s Do This Right so do subscribe to it if you want to read more of this :D


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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 1: I wish my crush would buy me a car!!
161 streak #2
Chapter 1: lmaooo cuute
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 1: That was so cute and it seems, chanyeol is having a special feeling too for the beautiful baekkie ? love it so much
Chapter 1: Wait woahhhhh omggg i love thisss! XD
Chapter 1: Aaaah I love this!! Such a wonderful story, funny and sweet, the way it turned to a cab stealing war hahah this is so cute. And Chanyeol giving Baekhyun a car as a gift?? Man must be nice being rich, but truly what a great present >< ok need to read the rest of the story now, but I already loved this so much, thank you ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: this is so underrated!
it took me a sec to understand what baekhyun mean by “driving”lolllll
I've to read this because I'm not getting the second part
sparkler12 #8
Chapter 1: i’m pretty sure i read this before but its still so cute