He was my first love.

Mr. & Miss. Stubborn


I was listening to this song while I am writing this chapter, listen to it alright? Thanks ^^.


You can feel your heart beating a little faster compare to before, “I can’t believe I have that chance to meet you again!” Yonghwa said in joy. To you, meeting him again is like a dream too. His was the first person that made you fall in love, “Yonghwa-si. The meeting is starting soon; we have to go in the building now.” His assistant reminds him. “Oh, alright then. You are selling for charity right? Hyorin, can you buy everything down from her and take out the payment from my wallet.” Yonghwa order and she immediately took out from his wallet. “I hope we are able to meet again, little frog.” He smile and ruffles your hair. You wanted to call for his name. But, nothing comes out from your mouth. However, you just watch his back view disappear into the crowd and you standing there stun holding that sum of money.

*Yonghwa oppa…* the reddish shade flash over your face. Another side, DooJoon and Junhyung saw everything. “You got a new love rival~” Junhyung poke DooJoon on the side. “Excuse me; I want to buy a flower.” A passerby said. “Here you go and have a nice day.” Junhyung smile. “Bro?” Junhyung waves his hand in front of his face and he return back to earth. “Yea, I will go back to work now.” That’s what DooJoon claim, but in his mind all he has was that facial expression you had when you look at Yonghwa previously.

After an hour, on the way back to the orphanage. You lean your head against the bus, dazing out into space. DooJoon sitting beside you feeling jealous, “Yoseob! Would you like to change place with me?” DooJoon request and the beast member’s eyes widen in surprises. “Answer me!” DooJoon raise his voice a little. “Yea…I don’t mind…” Yoseob change place with DooJoon. “What happen to them?” Kikwang nudged Dongwoon and he shrugged. You didn’t realize it, since your whole mind is occupied by Yonghwa.


You are sitting under the oak tree, hugging your knee nearer to your chest and laid your chin on your knee. “Why are you alone? Why don’t you join us playing some ball games?” The younger Yonghwa offer and you just look at him blankly. He let out a smile giggles, “I should introduce myself first right? My name is Jung Yonghwa, you can call me Yonghwa.” He let out his hand and signals you to holds it.

Slowly, you slip your hand into his. “Nice to meet you!” He beams. At that point of your life, his like a little light that lead you. “What’s your name?” Yonghwa ask curiously. “_____...” You stutter a bit. “What a special name~” He think about it. “Yonghwa!” Sister Mary shouts for him. “Coming!” He returns back. “I will come back and by the time you have to play with me alright?” He patted your head and run back into the house. Later, you touch your head and blush.

After you get to know Yonghwa, your life in orphanage got better day by day. You will be smiling more often, enjoying the days you have there. Until the day arrive, “Yonghwa. You have to go now.” Sister Mary holds onto his little hand and gesture him to the gate. You quietly follow her, tears blurs up your vision. Yonghwa will always turn back looking at you not wanting to leave.

“Yonghwa-ah, you have to be a good boy and listen to your new daddy and mummy alright?” Sister Mary said in trembling voice and combs his hair with her fingers. “Yonghwa, we have to go now.” His new mother said. However, Yonghwa’s eyes didn’t leave you all the while. Sister Mary hints you to come forward and you run towards Yonghwa hugging his tightly. “Please don’t forget me!” You sobbed on his shoulder and he too soaking your shirt. “I wouldn’t forget you and you please don’t forget me too!” He cried.

“We really have to go now.” Yonghwa’s new mother repeats again and he unwilling pull you away from him. “From today onwards, you are the captain of sunshine orphanage. Remember to protect others alright?” He chocks on his word and you nodded your head. He shoves his hand into his pocket, giving you a big frog big badge. “We will use this to recognize each other in the future.” He said and you took out yours too.

He enters the car, you standing there and he turn back looking through the window. As the car start moving, he will wave his hand until you are unable to see him. Then, from that day onwards you went back to the lonely and empty _____ like how you just enter sunshine orphanage. But, stronger than before.


“______?” Yoseob wake you up from spacing out. “I call you many times, are you alright?” Yoseob cares and you nodded your head. “I will go help out.” You said and hop down the bus. You carry the empty boxes into the orphanage and place them at the recycling area. DooJoon will take a peek at you, “why didn’t she say something from just now?” He complains and Junhyung snickers. “Stop being so jealous, if I am her I will fall in love with that guy too. He’s really good looking, like character that walks out from manga.” Junhyung complement Yonghwa and DooJoon make a face. “Just shut your mouth.” He hisses and walks away.

“I am really glad that nothing happen during this trip and thank you!” Sister Mary bow. “Thank you for the help no matter how much money we earn in this period. Thanks for the support!” Her voice shivers. “It’s alright, we have fun too.” Hyunseung reply. With that, the day end like this.


You just ended your part time job, you brought ice-cream for the children. But, when you reach the entrance there’s lots of commotion there. *What happen?* you furrowed your eyebrows. “_____-si, look who’s back?!” Sister Mary shouts in delight.

He turns around, it seems like there are flowers bloomed all over him and you just stand there. “Hello.” He smile and waved at you. “Noona why are you standing there? I know it’s sad that he isn’t your boyfriend since you already have one.” Daniel spur out and your eyes almost pop out. “You have a boyfriend already?!” Yonghwa ask in surprise and you shake your head rapidly. “It’s alright, don’t be shy. I have a girlfriend too and we are getting married soon.” He announces and your jaws dropped. “Congrats!” Everyone said.

“How does your boyfriend look like anyways?” Yonghwa wanting to know the answer eagerly. Out of nowhere, DooJoon came. “He is noona’s boyfriend.” Daniel pointed at DooJoon. “Hello! My name is Jung Yonghwa and you can call me Yonghwa. Very nice knowing and meeting you.” He smile and let out his hand. “DooJoon.” He replies and shakes his hand. “You really are handsome, _____ you have good taste~” Yonghwa praise you and you didn’t respond.

“Yonghwa-si, we have to go now!” Hyorin call for him again. “I am sorry; I have to excuse myself now. I have a meeting going on later, Sister Mary please take this cheque.” Yonghwa handed her a cheque. “I cannot accept it.” She rejects. “You can! Sunshine orphanage is my home; you are the one who saved me. So, please accept it.” He said from the bottom of his heart. “Alright then.” Sister Mary takes it. “Also, this is my name card please call me anytime when you need help.” He tell her and she nodded her head.

“DooJoon-si, please take care of _____ well. She is like my blood-related sister to me, so if you do something bad to her. I wouldn’t hold back and I will find my ways to corrupt you.” He smirks and walks towards you.

He bends down a bit, at your eye level holding your shoulders. He look into your eyes straight, “you know I cannot spot you yesterday because you change and turn into a really pretty lady. Maybe, in the past if I didn’t leave we may end up together. However, I am really happy to know that you found someone that you love like how I did too. You know you are like my younger sister to me now, we will meet up soon and if that guy betrays you.” He point at DooJoon. “Tell me, I will knock him down for sure.” He said. “Yonghwa-si, we are going to be late!” Hyorin rush him. “Coming!” He replies. “Bye, little frog.” He patted your head and left.

Somehow, you did feel a little pain. But, it didn’t really hurt at all. “Whoa! Yonghwa hyung is a lawyer!” Daniel gaps in shock and your eyes landed at DooJoon. You walk towards him, “you have something on your face.” You told him and he touches his face. “You like him don’t you?” He asks. “Yea, in the past. But, now no. My heart is taken up by another person who loves to kick football.” You chuckles and walk away. *Aish! I haven’t figure who is that football anonymous yet!* DooJoon ruffles the back of his hair. *But, at least. I have one lesser love rival right?* He laughs.



It's 12.32am now in my country and my eyes are shuting now.

So, goodnight to everyone :D

Enjoy this chapter alright? Thanks :D

Kamshaminda :D

Oops! Anyways, thanks for subbing, commenting and subbing this fanfics^^v.

Night :D

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syaziana97 #1
Chapter 34: ending part is so sweet
syaziana97 #2
Chapter 2: so sweet~~
syaziana97 #3
Chapter 1: chapter 1: ...woooo nice story ..i cant wait for the next chapter
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 34: aaaaawwww...sweet story with the sweetest ending... ><
love this..
zaty_dj32 #5
Chapter 34: i really love this story... the flow just nice and i cant stop myself from reading it until the very end... gland to found such a talented author like you, author-nim.. ^^
Chapter 34: this story so sweet. my heart thumps on every chapter. ^^ great works..
b2utyxinspirit #7
Chapter 34: This story is soooooo sweet!!! Great job author-nim! ;D
KellyKiller #8
Chapter 34: it's so cute it's like the one drama I watched but the girl gets a chance to be famous and stuff but its AWESOME
Chapter 17: SOOOO sweet :))) Doojoon came on time :))
hobear #10
Chapter 5: lols,,, junshyung as a ghost :DDD what a cute><