Proposal - Final

"Mommy! I want him as MY daddy!!"
Have fun reading!~~   this has no relation with the chapter, just found it cute)




"OMONA!" You gasped. "That's the cutest dog the i've ever seen!" You suddenly forgot about L and ran to the dog. *Gasp* Mommy's mean! She just leaves me like this?  Hmmp* L thought and crossed, then he got dragged by a stranger.


"Hmmm what's this?" You looked at the dogs clothes and found a small note. "Let's see what it says" You opened the pink note and read it out loud. "Follow the flowers and i'll show you your gift," You looked around for flowers and found one in front of the laundry room door. "Time to follow- wait where's L?" You asked yourself, having a mini heart attack thinking of many things happening to him if he ran of the door.          

Suddenly you got a text from an anonymous number saying that L was fine. You felt a little relieved because at least L wasn't alone, but still worried who the anonymous person is.         

You started following the trails of flowers and ended up at the glass door to your backyard. "Hmm this seems to be last one," You said to yourself and went out. Surprisingly there was nothing and no one there except for heart-shaped balloons and candles. Then suddenly you felt two familiar hands cover your eyes. "Guess who?" The person whispered into your ears. "Hmmm let me see, Niel? Baro? Gongchan??" You played with him(this sounds uber wrong) even though you know who it is. "Yah!" He raised his voice. "Ok, Ok sorry, It's L.Joe," You laughed and took his hands of your eyes.

       "Yep, do you know why you're here?" He asked as he turned you around to face him. "Nope, why?" You asked, gullible of what was happening right now. "Well you know how it's White Day tomorrow?"(it's March in this story) He asked leaning a little closer to your face. "Yeah, so you wanna get married tomorrow?" You asked playfully. "Actually, yes, I DO want to marry you," He said with full sincerity from his heart.         

Right after he said that, his friends came out of the bushes and stood side by side, all in black and white tuxedos. "______," He knelt down. "I've loved you with all my heart and I promise to be by your side forever, so will you marry me?" L came out behind L.Joe wearing a tuxedo like the other guys, with his hands closed together knelt down in the middle of you and L.Joe. "So what do you say mommy?" He looked up at you with shining eyes. "Well I say yes but where's the ring?"        

 "Let's go hunt for it!" Neil shouted from behind L.Joe. "What?!?!? So we have to waste energy?!?" Ricky, Sungjong and Gongchan shouted together. "Aniyo! L's gwot it!!" L stood up and shouted. "Sheeeeee!! It's in my hands!!" He opened his hands and there lay a gold ring with yours and L.Joes initials.  "Awwwww! That's so pretty!" You squealed and put it on.        

While you were busy admiring the ring L.Joe stood up and back-hugged you. "I Love You" He whispered in your ears. You put your hands on top of his and said "I Love You Too"        



Yay!! Honestly I think this was crappy.. And I also think this is losing readers coz that don't comment!! READERS!! Y U NO COMMENT! So i'd like to thank lil-eunchan unnie and PororoChan for commenting continuously.. Anyway SUB AND COMMENT OR JUST COMMENT!! 


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Soooo... I guess no one is reading what i'm writing here.. So it can be my forever alone corner? T.T feeling the love guys... Really feeling it. T.T


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ilabya23 #1
Fanficsftw21 #2
Chapter 27: O^O OMG D: WHERE THE LIL GIRLS wae is baby L crying? T^T i hope u update soon!
Chapter 27: okaaaaaaaay so what's wrong? why is L crying?
update soon ^^
Chapter 26: omg, that looks hectic.... I'm glad you enjoyed your camp visit though. uvu
Chapter 26: Hhhhhhh hope you enjoyed your camp ^^
Chapter 25: Haha, it's fine~ Did you have fun at camp? ^-^
4everALonE_26 #7
Annyeong new reader! ^_^V
L is shoo kyutt in here. =)))
Update shooon~~!<3 :">
update soon ^^
Taemin22 #9
L is sooo cute!
Update soon!
Your story is 100% awesome!
ahahahahahaha L L L tsk tsk! naughty boy