III - In which Minseok's opinion couldn't be more different from Chanyeol's.

Sarcastic Destiny.

Hello hello ! Happy Easter and April's fool I guess ! I know it took me a while to post this, but I kinda lost my job a few weeks ago so I wasn't really in the mood ya know ? Now it's all better, and here I am with a new chapter ! ( Making it rhyme and all, I'm a poet meh ). I hope you'll enjoy it ! :) 

Reminder; Still not a native English speaker, so please be nice ? Thank you ;P







The next Monday came pretty quick, maybe because Jongin and Chanyeol spent the entire weekend together. Time used to fly real slow when they didn’t know each other. Well, at least, that’s what Chanyeol thinks he can remember from his short two years of life without Jongin by his side. 


The giant would always be thankful for the day his parents decided to hold a playdate at their house for his sister’s friends to come and play with her. Yura had a lot of friends, one of them being Jongin’s older sister. That day, she came in, holding hands with her grandmother, before letting it go and running towards Yura, screaming like the 5 years old she was. Chanyeol remembers turning his head at the cries coming out of the little boy being held by his grandmother, face red and drowned by his tears, looking at his big sister leaving him to play with someone else. The old lady tried to calm him down, shushing him and gently rubbing his back, but the toddler didn’t seem to care. He kept crying until his grandmother finally decided to put him down and Chanyeol gave him the plush toy he loved so much. Jongin refused to let it go for the rest of the day, and Chanyeol didn’t really seem to care, as long as the toddler wasn’t crying anymore. That plush was now resting on top of Jongin’s drawers, like it was still taking care of him after all those years.


The two friends had a silent accord not to talk about what happened on the night of the party. They had woken up, hand wrapped around the other’s and Jongin’s eyes puffy and red from all the crying, but they didn’t mention it. Chanyeol simply smiled to him, silently implying that it was okay, and he was out the room a few minutes later, when his stomach was screaming at him to go get some food. The rest of the day was full of laughters, the boys playing video games and talking about nothing and everything, like nothing ever happened. Jongin was thankful for that. 


As Sunday came by, the rain was pouring over the city. There wasn’t much to do, so when Chanyeol woke up before Jongin, he decided to watch a TV Show. When his best friend finally opened up his eyes, the giant was grossly crying over the death of one of his favorite character, and Jongin made fun of him for a little while, before deciding to cheer him up. They went out for ice cream, because they felt like it, no matter how hard the rain was drenching them. 


Chanyeol was now currently sitting in the library, balancing a pencil on the tip of his finger instead of doing his researches for the project his French teacher gave them the week prior. He wasn’t feeling like working on it, which was a bad idea, obviously, but he didn’t seem to care as he was staring at his pencil like it knew something that the teenager did not. 


Chanyeol could hear an angry sigh coming from behind him when the pencil fell on the table once again, and he decided that maybe, it wasn’t the best idea. He looked around him, kind of jealous of all the people working so easily on their homework, but then again, he made a choice not to do anything, so he couldn’t really complain (except maybe for the fact that he never asked to be lazy, lazy chose him). Something his parents never really understood was how much time Chanyeol would take to talk about his TV Shows’ theories and defending his favorite characters, but how little he would take to do anything school related. Few people understood him, Chanyeol thought, except for the ones on Tumblr. Those people just knew. 


" Chanyeol ! " 


The giant lifted his head, his eyes instantly meeting a soft smile. Yixing was waving at him, his dimple showing up on his cheek, and Chanyeol smiled back. He silently offered him to take place at his table, way too happy to have a distraction. 


" Thank you " The guy was now sitting down in front of him. " I almost did not recognize you without your make up ! " Lucky for him, Chanyeol’s ears popped out of his hair and that alone was a good indication of who he was. Of course, Yixing wasn’t going to say anything about it, some people were really sensitive when it came to their physical apparence. " I’m happy to see you again ! "


" Yeah, it’s nice " Yixing opened his bag and pulled out a notebook, Chanyeol pouted at the sight. " What brings you here ? "


" I thought that maybe I should do my homework here.. I tend to be easily distracted at home " He looked a bit embarrassed, scratching the back of his head.


" I know the feel.. "


" What about you ? "


" I’m working on my French project. Well, kinda.. I’m trying.. Yeah okay, I’m not doing anything. " Chanyeol could hear a soft chuckle coming from Yixing and it made him smile.


" Maybe you should really work on it ? " 


" I knoooow, it’s just.. soooo boring you know ? I don’t get it. " 


" Don’t like French ? " 


" More like I don’t like homework ? "


" Maybe you should ask for someone to help you with that then ? "


" Ha, well, I don’t want to bother anyone, I’ll do it anyway, probably the night before but I will do it " 


" It’s not really healthy hm ? " Chanyeol shrugs. There were a lot of his habits that weren’t healthy. 


" What are you working on ? "


" Math ! It’s so hard though ! Why are we even studying this ! " 


" Meh, you got me there buddy. " Yixing sighed, his eyes running on his notes, trying to make any sense of the numbers, but it didn’t seem to work. " Who’s your teacher ? "


" Mr.Cho.. But they started to learn that chapter before I even arrived, I missed half of the lessons, that’s not fair ! "


" Isn’t the teacher supposed to give you the notes ? "


" He told me to ask to Junmyeon " Yixing seemed a bit lost, the name sounding foreign in his mouth.


" Of course he did " Chanyeol chuckled. He knew Mr.Cho personally, he was one of his parents’ best friend. He was used to call him Uncle Kyuhyun before he started going to high school. Now it just seemed a bit weird to call him Uncle after seeing him in the school’s corridors, so he stuck to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun has always been a bit on the lazy side if you asked Chanyeol, but he was really good at what he was doing. " Why didn’t you ask Junmyeon then ? " Yixing was hesitating, Chanyeol could see it because he was glancing sideway, his fingers playing with the edge of the notebook. 


" I just.. I don’t know who it is.. " Chanyeol’s laughter could be heard from afar, sounding way too loud in the middle of the library, causing people to glare at him like he was some kind of crazy guy they would love to get rid of (and maybe they did want to). 


" Ha, Yixing hyung ! " He was still laughing, his hand clapping on his knee.


" That is not funny ! "


" Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry " He knew it wasn’t funny. Maybe being bored was indeed making him crazy. More than he already was, that is. " Junmyeon is the school president " He smiled to give him some kind of comfort. 


" School president ? " He tilted his head, a bit confused.


" Yes, if you want I can introduce you to him at lunch "


" Oh, you know him ? " He suddenly reminded Chanyeol of an overly excited puppy, with his eyes shining like he just discovered the answer to the universe. Which wasn’t 42.


" He’s actually well known around here, obviously, he runs the student council for two years now. Anyway, he’s also Minseok’s cousin, so I do know him "


" Can you really introduce us ?? " 


" Of course, " Chanyeol smiled " that is, if you wanna eat with us at lunch "


" That would be a pleasure ! " 





Jongdae was already eating like he hasn’t been fed for days when Jongin sat down at his table. The blond guy loved Monday lunch ‘cause it meant chicken, and chicken was Jongin’s first love, the one that would probably last forever, so it was no surprise when Jongdae glanced at his tray and saw that his plate was so full that his lunch barely fit on it. 

The blond guy waved at him before standing up again and leaving him alone. Jongdae shrugged, he was used to Jongin’s weird antics and it never really bothered him anyway. He knew the guy was always busy, his phone in his hand and his head anywhere else. The truth is Jongdae was actually surprised when Jongin wasn’t busy, because it felt weird to know that the guy didn’t have anything in mind. It happened sometimes, but he could never get used to it. 

He could see the guy walking away, his phone stuck to his ear, and he saw the collision coming before it even happened. Jongin wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings and the little guy in front of him was looking at the opposite direction when his tray found itself flat down on Jongin’s stomach. Jongdae wanted to laugh, until he saw Jongin’s expression when he looked up at the guy. He stood up, joining him, just in case someone needed to do something. 


" Are you ing kidding me ?! " Jongin was pissed. His uniform was covered in sauce, his phone fell down and the screen was now probably cracked, he could feel his shirt sticking to his chest, and for the love of God, what was wrong with that guy and spilling things on him ?! 


" I’m sorry " Came the other guy’s voice, " I wasn’t looking where I was going.. " 


" Aren’t you capable of keeping things in your hands you ing idiot ?! " 


" Jongin, calm down " Jongdae frowned. His friend was overreacting, that was just weird.


" I said I was sorry " The smaller looked up at him, his round eyes looking at Jongin's face in a cold stare. " No need to be like this. "


" Yeah, you said you were sorry too when you ing spilled your entire glass on me last time ! If you can’t hold things properly you should probably get help from someone, I’m tired of being at the end of your disability ! "


" Can you calm the down Jongin ? " Jongdae said again. Like the other guy said, there was no need to act like uncivilized morons just for that. 


" Do I need to remind you that you were the one popping out of nowhere and that’s why I did spill my glass on you ? " 


Jongin knew he was right, he was constantly zapping himself out of a room to appear anywhere else when he felt like he couldn't stand the people around him anymore. He did pop out in front of the little guy in the middle of the corridor leading to Jongdae’s kitchen. The incident didn’t go well with his bad mood. He was actually kind of (totally) responsible for what happened on Saturday night. But knowing was one thing. Admitting it was completely different. Why he felt like acting as a jerk with this guy was something beyond his understanding, or so he liked to pretend that it was, even though deep down, he just knew it had to do with the fact that their little confrontation was the only thing that kept his mind off of anything remotely painful during the party. He was kind of thankful for that, he now knew that it was something that could help him, something that he would need. He needed to act like a jerk, just in case his mind was being painful again. Jongin was being selfish and stupid, and the guy in front of him didn't seem like he was going to let the blonde treat him like a piece of garbage. All in all, it was a pretty good deal, in Jongin's opinion. In other’s eyes, he probably was just being a big old jerk. 


" Or maybe you just aren't capable of using your brain properly to do basic things like holding a cup. " 


Jongdae frowned again, his friend was being a little . Jongin was honestly a really nice guy, always there to help and make you smile, so seeing him act like this wasn’t a common thing. He couldn’t understand what was going on. That guy wasn’t his friend, and that was baffling. He heard a gasp coming from behind them though, and that’s when he started to pay attention to the silence filling up the cafeteria. All eyes were on them, looking at the scene like something terrible could happen at any moment. People were holding their breaths, whispering among them, and looking at Jongin with concern. That was a pretty rare thing, to see all the students so quiet. The cafeteria was always full of laughters and voices bouncing up against the walls. Being there too long would sometimes give Jongdae a headache (even though he probably was one of the loudest in there). He couldn’t actually understand why they were all acting weird so suddenly. Jongin, and all the people looking at them. 

He took a proper look at the little guy. Huge eyes, black hair, full lips and a glare. Jongdae had seen him before, obviously. He probably met in him in the hallways or something, but he couldn’t put a name on that face. 


" At least I have a brain. " He finally answered, looking straight into Jongin’s eyes and never leaving them. 


" A pea sized one yeah. " Jongin didn’t seem like he was going to back out anytime soon. Jongdae sighed. 


" What’s going on here ? " Jongdae and the little guy looked up to see Junmyeon staring at Jongin’s shirt, figuring out by himself what could have possibly happened. It wasn’t that big of a mystery, really. 


" Hi Jun ! " Jongdae smiled. Finally seeing a friendly face. " Our little friend here wasn’t looking where he was going and the other one there was too busy with his phone. The inevitable happened, and bam, here we are. " Junmyeon nodded. 


" Jongin, you should go get changed " The blonde guy stepped back a little. He had to admit that Junmyeon being here actually made him realize what he was doing. " You’ll eat after. Do you need clothes ? " He answered by a silent no and with one last look at the dark haired, the younger grabbed his phone from the floor and left the cafeteria, not bothering to check on his screen. " Is everything okay, Kyungsoo ? " 


Kyungsoo nodded, his black hair bouncing on top of his head and Jongdae kind of wanted to face palm his stupid brain at the moment. Of course, he was the guy. From all the whispers and the gasps, all the stares, and the fear. He couldn’t even understand how he did not get it. Kyungsoo. The guy who could smash a table with just the palm of his hand. Who could cause an earthquake by stomping his foot. Kyungsoo, the talk of the entire school. There were no surprises in the fact that everyone was looking at them like something could happen. It was no wonder why they were all looking at Jongin with concern when in reality the younger was the one acting like a jerk. If Kyungsoo was pissed, he could put the guy down just by flicking his forehead. 

Jongdae didn’t know the guy on a personal level, heck, this was the first time he could put a face on his name. He wasn’t one to judge without knowing so he never really paid attention to all of the rumors, but if you were in this school, you knew there wasn’t a single day without someone talking about the Do Kyungsoo. He was actually surprised to see what the infamous kid looked like. When you hear about super strength, your brain is bound to imagine a really big and tall guy. Someone well built that could break you in half. Kyungsoo could actually break anyone in more than two if he wanted to (well, that’s what the people whispered in the hallways, Jongdae actually never saw anything happened) but he looked nothing like it. Kyungsoo was a small guy, with small hands and appart from his eyes, there wasn’t a single thing that was remotely scary in him. Even less scary when the little guy decided to gather his tray and everything from the floor, never looking at anyone, not even Junmyeon when the school president tried to help him. Kyungsoo just gently pushed his hands away before standing up again and leaving the cafeteria, never looking back. 

Jongdae wondered for a short moment how Kyungsoo was going to eat, but the question faded out pretty quick as the cafeteria was once again filled with voices from all over the place. His boyfriend’s cousin offered him a smile before leaving him there to grab his own food. Jongdae went back to his table, grabbed his chopsticks and resumed his eating, waiting for his friends to join him. 





Yixing was following Chanyeol like a puppy. He was really excited at the thought of eating with his new friend. He’d been there for a week now, and even though people were nice with him, it felt good to know that someone actually wanted to eat with him, and not just had to deal with the fact that he would sit at their table. When the giant in front of him finally stopped, Yixing almost crashed against his back but managed to stop before any catastrophe happened. Chanyeol greeted his friend, Jongdae, Yixing remembered, before sitting down, inviting the Chinese guy to do the same. 


" It’s good to see you again Yixing " Jongdae smiled and Yixing returned the favor.


" Where’s Jongin ? " Chanyeol was surprised not to see his best friend. There was a tray full of chicken waiting for him at the table, and Jongin not being there, eating like he hasn’t for days, was pretty weird. On a Monday, the cafeteria was Jongin’s favorite place in the whole wide world. He heard Jongdae sigh, and he looked up to him, tilting his head. Yixing almost cooed at the giant’s cuteness.


" Mister too-cool-for-school is being a weird man. " Chanyeol frowned, getting even more confused.


" A weird a.. What ? Can you be a bit more clearer please ? "


" He was heading to God knows where, busy on his phone so he wasn’t really paying attention to his surroundings, Do Kyungsoo wasn’t looking where he was going either. Kyungsoo’s tray, Jongin’s stomach, do you see where I’m going with that ? "


" He spilled his tray on Jongin ? "


" That he did, my friend. But what’s weird is Jongin’s reaction to that. The guy was being a real jerk. Like, a mean jerk. Telling Kyungsoo that he couldn’t use his brain properly and that his brain was a really small one, much like yours, you know ? It wasn’t at all like him to act like this, I don’t know what’s going on with Jongin, but I think you should talk to him. "


" Jongin insulted Kyungsoo ?.. The Kyungsoo ? " 


" Yes he did. But no worry, the knight in shining armor that I am saved your best friend’s . " Yixing was starting to think that Jongdae had a weirdly strong obsession for the word . 


" And without lying, what happened ? " Chanyeol asked, not believing a word his friend was saying. 


" They were just talking to each other in that weird kind of thing, and when Kyungsoo finally decided to kind of insult Jongin back, Jun’ arrived and he told Jongin to go get changed. After that Kyungsoo just gathered everything that fell down and he left the cafeteria without saying anything. Jongin should be back at any moment now. "


" Jongin getting mad for this kind of things is really weird.. "


" I know right ? From what I understood, Kyungsoo was the one spilling his drink on Jongin at the party, but it seemed like it was Jongin’s fault. Anyway, that was weird as . Have you guys talk about what happened ? " 


" No, we haven’t. " Chanyeol didn’t want to talk about Jongin’s issues in front of Yixing. The guy was nice but he was still a stranger to them and even though he hoped they could become good friends, it wasn’t any of his business. Jongdae seemed to understand, and he dropped the subject, opting to talk about his party, asking if Yixing liked it. 


It didn’t take long for Yixing and Jongdae to become comfortable with each other. Jongdae was an open guy. He could talk to anything and anyone. Yixing was basically the same. They were really different on any other point, but at least they had that in common. 

Chanyeol was eating, thinking about Jongin and what was actually going on in his head, when his best friend finally arrived. The blond guy greeted Yixing with a small smile, sat down and started to eat like nothing ever happened. Chanyeol knew better than to talk about it there, in the middle of the cafeteria, and opted to keep it to himself until they’d get home. 

Yixing and Jongdae’s conversation got cut when Minseok arrived and kissed Jongdae, getting an eye roll from Jongin and a sigh from Chanyeol. Yixing smiled sweetly, finding them cute.


" How long have you been together ? " The Chinese was curious, they looked so comfortable around each other. 


" We’ve started dating like a year ago " Minseok answered, a smile on his face.


" But we’ve known each other for almost 7 years. " Jongdae added, grabbing Minseok’s water bottle. 


" Oh.. Are you.. Hum.. " Scratching the back of his head was an habit that Chanyeol was quick to learn about Yixing. The guy was always doing it when he was embarrassed, and it seemed like he got embarrassed a lot. 


" Ame Soeur ? " Minseok finished for him.


" Yeah.. " A little smile appeared on Yixing’s face, and Jongdae took a gulp of water, taking his sweet time to answer.


" We are " Jongdae pulled up his sleeve a little so that his wrist would appear, showing his glowing mark after intertwining his fingers with his boyfriend’s " We met in Elementary school and we knew we were Ame Soeur from almost day one. Minseok walked up to me after school while I was waiting for my parents to pick me up and he offered me a snack. "


" I actually knew we were Ame Soeur before him. There was that one time when we were sitting in the grand hall of the school, listening to the principal making his speech for the year ahead, and Jongdae was just in front of me. His back was facing me and I saw a leaf stuck on his collar so I wanted to take it off, and I accidentally touched his nape. My mark started to glow instantly and so I knew. "


" He didn’t say anything for three months, and then he came to me with a snack; like whaaaat ? "


" Didn’t it work ? " Yixing asked.


" It did. Jongdae would be friend with anyone bringing him food. Jongin and him are the same for this. "


" That is not true ! " Jongin pulled out his offended look and Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. 


" Dude, literally anyone could become your best friend just by offering you chicken ! " Chanyeol nodded at Jongdae’s statement, watching Jongin pouting like a kid while eating his chicken nuggets. " Anyway, I was hungry as hell so I did accept the offer with a big smile on my face and after that we kind of became best friends. "


" Why did it take so long for you to start dating ? " Yixing asked, tilting his head a little.


" I mean, we were kids. We didn’t really know what love meant and we didn’t want to date just because that’s what we were supposed to do you know ? When Jongdae found out we were Ame Soeur, we didn’t even talk about dating, it all just came naturally. We were not suddenly madly in love. We were friends, and it was perfect the way it was and we didn’t feel the need to change anything. We were happy with the way things were. " Jongdae smiled, looking fondly at Minseok. 


" Then last year, that guy " Jongin poked Minseok in the ribs " decided to grow some balls and ask him on a date because he finally realized how much people wanted a piece of Jongdae. "


" That was pretty hilarious to see Minseok hyung fidgeting all over the place like Jongdae was going to say no ! " Chanyeol was laughing, the memory of a nervous Minseok popping out in his head like it was yesterday. 


"  First of all, no, that was not funny ! And then, ‘ how much people wanted a piece of him ‘ ? There was just one girl who wanted to date him no matter what ok ? And she was pissing me off. So I did what I had to do. " Minseok’s cheeks turned red a little and Jongdae’s cat-like smile appeared. 


" I met a girl at the music club and we became friends. She couldn’t resist my amazing charms I guess, and she asked me out on a date. I, obviously, said no, but it never stopped her for asking again and again. "


" Were you already in love with someone else ? " The Chinese guy asked, his smile never leaving his face. "


" I meaaaaaaan, I knew I was in love with Minseok for years, I was just waiting for him to make a move. I didn’t want things to get weird you know ? We had never talked about dating before, even though we are Ame Soeur. We were friends, and we knew we would be together for the rest of our lives, but we never agreed on being together romantically "


" But isn’t that all the point of having an Ame Soeur ? " Chanyeol suddenly asked. 


" I don’t think you have to be romantically involved with your Ame Soeur " Minseok answered, smiling up at his giant of a friend " People fall in love with their Ame Soeur and they end up being a couple and that’s great, but I don’t think you should let something like this tell you what to do with your life, you know ? "


" But having an Ame Soeur means that your heart belongs to someone. Someone that you will love. "


" Yes Chanyeol, but I’m pretty sure that there are all sorts of different ways to love. I think that in a way, people are keeping themselves from falling in love with anyone one else than their Ame Soeur because we’re all taught, since we are young that we are supposed to end up with them. But an Ame Soeur is someone that shares the same passion, and love, and soul as you. You can’t tell me you feel like Jongin and you aren’t at least just a little bit like that ? "


" What does my relationship with Jongin has to do with this ? " Chanyeol frowned.


" Jongin is your best friend, and you two do share at least a little bit of these things. What I’m saying is that an Ame Soeur could be just a friend. A very close friend. " Minseok smiled, making his point. " Now, I know this isn’t how you see it Chanyeol. For you it’s a romantic bound that is formed between two people at the very moment one of them was born. " 


" Hyung, saying that your Ame Soeur could just be a friend is like saying that your relationship with Jongdae isn’t that special "


" Our relationship is special. " Jongdae was the one answering this time, his thumb caressing Minseok’s hand " But it is not special because we are Ame Soeur, it’s special, because it’s us. It’s unique, and amazing, and different than any other relationship, because of the love we share, and the fact that we are two completely unique people. Our relation is unique, because we are unique. Just like any relation is. Just like anyone is. We all are special and we don’t need a mark to tell us that we are. We’re in love and mark or no mark, we would have been in love. "


" Minseok did talk to you because of your marks though " Jongin pointed out, looking at Jongdae, and Chanyeol nodded. 


" Yes he did, but it would have been something else if it wasn’t for the marks. " 


" What do you think about the Ame Soeur thing, Jongin ? " Yixing looked at Jongin, asking his question with a little smile. He didn’t know the guy at all. Seeing him for the very first time, and the blond did not really talk about the matter, it was mostly Chanyeol, Minseok and Jongdae. He was curious of what could be going on inside the younger’s head. 


" Me ? " Jongin seemed to think for a little while and then he shrugged. " I never really thought about it. " That was a lie, but that, even Chanyeol didn’t know. " It’s cool that we all have someone like this in our life you know ? Someone that will share a piece of our soul and will understand us better than anyone. But I’m not looking for that person. It’ll come eventually, and until then, I already have pretty great friends to share everything with. " Chanyeol smiled, and Jongdae snorted. " I won’t put my life to a stop just because I wanna share a special bound " Chanyeol knew he was talking about him, and Jongdae glanced his way as well, " Until I find the person that will make the mark glow, I’ll have fun "


" But, when you will find that person.. Will you and them be a couple ? "


" I guess we will. Like Minseok said, we all are taught that our Ame Soeur is someone we will romantically love. But even I can’t tell what’s the future is made of, so, we’ll see. " Jongin smiled, his full lips pulling appart to let appear his white teeth and Yixing just realized how handsome the guy was. 


" Have you found yours yet ? " Minseok was the one asking, his eyes trailing on Yixing’s forearm, where he supposed his mark was hidden. 


" Oh, no, I haven’t.. I mean, it’s kind of difficult you know ? Because the only way to know if someone’s your Ame Soeur is to touch them, and you can’t decently go over every people you meet and suddenly ask them to touch their skin, that would be weird.. " Jongin’s eyes looked at his best friend, a smile playing on his lips, and Chanyeol ears turned red. 


" Y..Yeah.. Totally weird.. " Was Chanyeol’s answer, his neck also becoming red, and his voice fading out. 


" So maybe Chanyeol or Jongin is your Ame Soeur ! " Jongdae said, wiggling his eyebrows. He looked stupid, but Chanyeol wasn’t going to say anything. He knew perfectly that his friends were trying to help him. The thought of touching Yixing’ skin was haunting him since that night. He needed to know if they were meant to be. 


" You think so ? " The guy tilted his head, thinking about it. If there was a chance that one of the guy would be his, maybe Yixing should just try. He had nothing to lose anyway, on the contrary. " Maybe we should hold hand to see ? " 


" Yeah, you guys should totally do that ! " Minseok exclaimed, his smile lighting up his face. 


Jongdae grabbed Jongin’s arm, pulling it over the table for Yixing to grab his hand. He knew Chanyeol wouldn’t want to be the first, because no matter how much he wanted to know, it would be too painful to know he wasn’t the one, and then see Jongin’s mark glow. He always preferred to stay uncertain, rather than knowing he hadn’t find his Ame Soeur. 

Yixing looked up to Jongin, a little smile on his face, silently asking him if it was okay. After all, Jongin never said he agreed on this. When the blond gave him a nod, a soft smile on his lips telling him he could do it, Yixing reached his hand over the table. It felt like time had stopped for Chanyeol. The suspense was excruciating. Yixing did not really expect anything to happen. He would be happy any way. He wasn’t actually looking for his Ame Soeur, if it came, he would be glad, but even if it didn’t, he would still be pretty content with his life. 

After what seemed like a lifetime, their hands finally met. Yixing’s pale skin against Jongin’s tanned one. The contrast was beautiful, but as Jongin’s fingertips touched Yixing’s palm, they both knew, without even checking their mark; that wasn’t it. They looked into each other’s eyes, a smile playing on both their faces, while Minseok was pulling on Jongin’s sleeve, cursing under his breath for not doing it earlier. When their friends could finally see that Jongin’s mark wasn’t even glowing a little bit, all eyes were Chanyeol. 

The giant’s heart was beating against his chest like it wanted to get out of there. It wanted to escape the pressure that was put on it. Chanyeol was having a mental crisis over the fact that he was finally going to touch Yixing’s skin, and be sure once and for all. He would finally know. 

He was looking at Yixing’s hand retracting itself from Jongin’s one and reaching for him. It was his turn to put his palm against the Chinese’s one. He could feel Jongin’s hand taping him on the thigh to give him courage, and he lifted up his own. The blond took the time to pull on his best friend’ sleeve to avoid Minseok’s wrath, while Chanyeol’s eyes met Yixing’s. 

They both smiled, though Chanyeol’s was a bit awkward. You could see the tension in his shoulders, and in his arm. Chanyeol felt like he was going to implode, as he did every time he touched someone new. Finding his Ame Soeur was Chanyeol’s goal in life. His dream, and his purpose. He had never thought about being with anyone else that the person who would make his mark glow. The person who would light up his entire world. 

He closed his eyes for a short second before Yixing’s fingertips met his skin. Scared, excited, and nervous. He knew his palm was getting sweaty, and he knew that it was kind of gross, but he couldn’t help it. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes slowly. 

He silently sighed, at the sight of his mark. Completely black, nothing happening on his arm, and his hopes getting crushed once again. Yixing offered him an apologetic, understanding how much it meant to his new friend, and Chanyeol pulled down his sleeve, his hands now both on his lap. 

In his chest, his heart had stopped beating like a madman. It was slow, painful, and dreadful. Chanyeol bit the inside of his cheek, feeling like his chest was being punched again, and again. He was getting tired of this game of cat and mouse that he was playing for years. He was getting tired of always picking up his heart from the ashes every time his hopes would burn it out, before letting it down when the mark decided that it wasn’t going to glow. Chanyeol was getting tired of being heartbroken by someone he hadn’t even met yet. 







A/N : 

  • I hope you guys liked it ? I know there's still no Baekhyun but we'll get to it, with a bit of patience ! :)
  • Jongin's being a jerk, but please, do not hate on him, he's a cutie pie who deserves love. (He'll get it, eventually?)
  • Jongdae's being Jongdae.
  • I do like Minseok being all smart and clever hehe :3
  • Chanyeol's heart is getting crushed more and more everyday, this isn't a nice thought. 
  • Universe started playing without nobody asking anything while I was writing the last part, and I fell in love with it all over again. That song makes my heart ache. It makes no sense. I just want my babies to be all happy and in love x)
  • I'm sorry for all the mistakes. English is ing difficult when it comes to the verbs, omg, guys. 
  • You guys, take care of yourselves and laugh a lot ok ? Laughing is everything ! ;)
  • Loooove you <3 


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I hope you guys are ready for some Kaisoo because I've decided I would start the next chapter with them !


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Chapter 7: I am really liking this. I hope you come back to it sometime soon. 8>
Chapter 4: You wrote Kyungsoo well and introduced ChanBaek in a very unique way. I love it
Chapter 4: You wrote Kyungsoo well and introduced ChanBaek in a very unique way. I love it
Chapter 3: This is breaking and hugging my heart at the same time!!!
Chapter 5: I love that Chanyeol didn't think about his mark while he was with Baekhyun (´⌣`ʃƪ) so romantic!
Chapter 4: Hahaha .•°(>ヮ<)°•. Baekhyun saying he needs to borrow Chanyeol's body! I can just imagine Chanyeol's oh--what-did-I-just-get-myself-into face Lol!

I also love the Byunxing gif (>ヮ<) that was such an epic Lay moment
Chapter 3: Aww (っ- ‸ – ς) poor Chanyeol!
Chapter 1: I actually feel really bad for Jongin (´・_・`;) People who pretend not to be sad are usually the saddest. At least Chanyeol openly mopes about not having found his soulmate yet (⌒_⌒;)
Chapter 7: It looks like you aren't updating this anymore (⌒ヮ⌒;) but I've really been wanting to read a soulmate au recently so I'm going to read it anyways