i still remember


spoken words



hon? do you still remember the day that we are so happy, the day that you can't help your urge to kiss my lips because you love me and i love you too

because me i can still remember, hon i can still remember the pain and the bitterness that i feel

i still remember on how i look at you happy, happy in someone else

i cant still remember on how your eyes sparks everytime you look at her

and how you make her feel that you love her

hon i still remember!

i still remember on how you make get out of your life because of her and how i make you choose if is it me? or she? 

but the most  painful in my whole entire world is how you choose her over me

i disgusted you all of my life but it doesent change the fact that i still love you

i'm so irritate not to you but to my self, but that irritate will not choose the fact that

i'm up to i still remember only..



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