

Knowing Nayeon for more than six years now, Mina has gone accustomed to her easily jealous antics.Except, this time really just was too much. 


"Leave. Now!" Nayeon speaks, in between tears and huffs, and Mina swears that she's never heard Nayeon ever act like that. The happy-go-lucky Nayeon? Never. 


But Mina knows, she's completely sure that she's never cheated on Nayeon ever


And it's just Nayeon's jealousy that's pushing her anger. Of course, through pushes and rough movements, Mina is easily pushed out of the apartment.


Now, Mina stands outside of the door, waiting for Nayeon to at least let her in for a small chat, to at least understand why Nayeon is so angry, and to at least understand why Nayeon pushed her out of this house. Hours pass, and there's no answer. None, at all.


She feels droplets of water drip down her face, and she just realizes how bad this is. It's raining. 


Mina grabs her jacket, (which was the last thing she took before she left the house), and covers the hood over her head. 


The dripping of the rain lathers her head, covering her from head to toe, and her hair sticky from the humidity. She didn't like this, not at all. But the feeling of rain is oddly relaxing, and she realizes she forgot to take her daily trip to the hospital.


Hands around her arms, shivering from the cold, she gets inside her car and takes one last look at Nayeon's apartment, 'What did I do wrong..?' She asks herself, but only Nayeon could know the answer. She drives off, ready to take her leave and go to the hospital. 




News, horrible news. Her cancer worsened, probably from her prolonged time drenched in rain, and the fact that she is currently still wet from the rain. Her jacket wasn't exactly water-proof.


The doctor pitifully smiles at her, "I regret to inform you that you have to go to the hospital TWICE the amount you usually do. Stage three lung cancer is dangerous, and it's even more dangerous to go about without proper care of your body. Just remember that." The doctor's voice stern, Mina knows that her time on earth isn't that long anymore.


She wishes to tell the doctor to let her out of the hospital, even just for a bit, but the doctor isn't budging. She has to spend her time in the hospital at least 60% of her freetime, and none of the freetime she spends last is spent with Nayeon. The only thing Mina can do is smile and nod, ignoring the 'miniscule' problem she has.




Nayeon smiles, looking at the picture of Mina and her together, in their best dresses, laughing happily with the brightest glint in their eye. She loved that moment, but Nayeon wonders if she can go back to those moments, because she has a feeling she can never forgive Mina.


She decides, after having an internal debate with herself for three hours, she calls her- no, rather, Mina's friend, Tzuyu.


"Where is she?" Nayeon asks, her tone worried, for the first  time in a while. She can hear a distressed sigh from Tzuyu  and she finally hears the signature husky voice. "It's none of your business." Tzuyu speaks coldly. and all Nayeon can hear is a beeping noise and a monotone voice saying the call has ended.


Nayeon, as much as she didn't want to admit, she hated the feeling of being so helpless, but she can't really do anything about it. She's stuck.




Weeks pass, and Mina feels herself weakening by the second. She finds it hard to even lift up a finger, and it's so hard. But not seeing Nayeon for weeks is harder, because it makes her feel so insecure, because the thought of Nayeon being alone in her room, with another girl, just sickens Mina to the core, to the point she would actually accept cancer if it meant Nayeon still loving her. 


She looks to her right, and she sees the large figure of a friend, Tzuyu.  "Hey- Nayeon called. She asked where you are. Said it's none of her business. Is it cool with you of me saying that?"


Mina finds it hard to speak, so she just chuckles lightly. 


Tzuyu sighs, and she pulls her face to her arms. "I don't know what you mean."




Nayeon is worried sick, and she's angry at Tzuyu, at Jihyo, at Sana, and she's so angry, but she

Still loves Mina


Nayeon now thinks, that she's still in love, with the most insufferable person she's ever met, the person she thought was cheating on her, and the person who made her feel complete.


In love. 


Naturally, she'd almost always associate the feeling of love with happiness, but she thinks, quite, that Mina is out there, happy with someone else, and Tzuyu, the person she now loathes, is preventing her from seeing her.



Mina wakes up, in the middle of the night, perched and drenched in sweat, and she swears she sees Nayeon  happy, laughing, with someone else, in love with someone else, spending her wonderful time with someone else, and , god, it hurts.


 She thinks, maybe, just a little bit, that she would rather die than see Nayeon happy with another woman, and that thought was so horrible, that she can feel herself gagging.


She looks at the clock, and it reads 2:34 am.


Sometimes she wishes she'll never wake up.




Nayeon stands, outside of Mina and Tzuyu's apartment, absolutely hating the moment, hating how she so easily succumbed to going to their house because she can't not stay in her house, alone, wondering if Mina is out there, happier without her, and she just wants something to help her peace of mind, because she just can't bear with that thought.


She rings the doorbell, and she hears a couple of fumbled steps coming from inside, the door clicks, and a rather excited Tzuyu answers.


Her expression immediately fades after meeting eyes with Nayeon. She speaks, monotone. "Oh, it's just you."


Nayeon glares, irritably. "Yeah, it's just me. Where's Mina?"


Tzuyu clicks her tongue, annoyed at Nayeon thinking about Mina after what she accused Mina of. "I said before, didn't I? It's none of your business." Cold and stern, straight.


Nayeon tries to enter the dorm, completely ignoring the presence of Tzuyu, who is deliberately stopping her from entering. She pushes through the door, and Tzuyu almost fails to stop her from entering, despite her large figure. 


"Stop, that's trespassing!" Tzuyu shouts, rather loud, but none seems to enter Nayeon's mind, which just screams Mina over and over again. 


With a slap, Tzuyu is silenced.


"Let me in! Let me see her! What has she been doing behind my back!?"


"I thought you were the one who kicked her out..!" Tzuyu looks up, nose scrunched up,fists shaking, it was tempting not to punch Nayeon.


Nayeon rushes inside, once again, getting past Tzuyu, but now she managed to enter the dorm.


Mina isn't there.




Coughing violently, it almost feels like her lungs are about to burst out of her chest. She breathes, tries to breathe, but she can't, because it hurts. It hurts so bad.


She looks at the clock again. 




Barely any time has passed, but it feels like an eternity.



She looks around their dorm, scanning for anything that could at least give a sign that Mina recently entered the dorm. There isn't any sign.




Mina wakes up, she can't breathe. 


She's dying.




It's not until Tzuyu spills the beans that Nayeon rushes to the hospital, heels in hand, running through the streets, with a bouquet of 24 roses,with a lazily written note saying sorry. 




Mina passes. 


Time of death, 6:34.




Nayeon enters the hospital, feet bloodied and bruised. She doesn't care. She has to see Mina. Now.


Give her her flowers, kiss, and get married. That's how she wanted her happy ending to be.




She didn't see her anymore. 


Her roses scattered across the ground, just outside of Nayeon's room.


Room 1520.


Doctors rushing in and out of the tiny girl's room, all of them saying to back away, that there's something urgent happening in the room.


They don't understand.


They don't understand that she has to see Mina one more time.


Promptly. hours pass. Almost diligently, it did it's work, and time has made her head numb.


She stares at the wall, and she sees a figure hugging her, from behind.


She smiles, thinking it's Mina.


But when she looks back, 


It's Jeongyeon.


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